Saturday, October 18, 2014


The miraculous Holi of Srinivasa Acarya. Srinivasa Acarya, overcome in the rapture of divine bliss, always floated in the waves of Krsna’s oceanic Vraja-lila. One day in spring, Srinivasa was meditating on Radha and Krsna’s Holi-lila. In his meditation, he saw a very beautiful secluded place in Vrndavana permeated with a gentle, cool breeze. The cuckoos and parrots sitting in the kadamba trees filled the air with their pleasing singing. Innumerable peacocks were dancing there and bumblebees were flying amongst the fragrant flowers. Vrnda devi and other gopis arrange all the necessary paraphernalia for the upcoming Holi festival. Vrnda devi collected different colored powders and tuned the vina and other musical instruments. Then in the kunja grove, Syama, Radha and all the sakhis started excitedly playing Holi. Amongst much mirth and merry, Sri Radha and Her sakhis covered Krsna’s body with colored powder. Receiving an approving wink from the sakhis, Srinivasa in his meditative manjari svarupa supplied powder to Radha while standing by Her side. So much beauty and sweetness arose from the love play of Radha and Krsna in Holi that hundreds of Cupids fainted. The colored powders hurled into the sky, covered the Sun. Sri Krsna, the emperor of love sports, showered powder on everyone. Sri Krsna drenched the gopis with colored water mixed with musk and saffron. Then that clever Syama offered various excuses, so he could embrace and kiss them. Lalita and the other sakhis, thrilled with joy, were watching the Holi festival. At the conclusion of the festival, they sat Radha and Krsna on a throwne and served Them. Srinivas in his manjari form, fanned Radha and Krsna with the camara to remove Their exhaustion.
Upon concluding this service, Srinivasa Acarya came to external consciousness and discovered that his whole body was covered with holi powders. Its divine fragrance drove everyone mad. In this way Srinivasa Acarya meditated on Holi. (Bhakti Ratnakara 6th wave)
Mahanidhi  Madan Gopal Das

Friday, October 17, 2014


With beautiful Radha Rangini on His left, Nagara Syama enjoys pastimes in spring, the king of all seasons. Every limb is covered with showers of sandal water, red powder and fragrant kumkuma. While gazing at Krsna, Who is far more enchanting than Kamadeva, thousands of youthful gopis become overwhelmed with amorous desires. The sakhis sing graceful songs about Holi. Some gopis bring cloth. Their bodies are filled with bliss as they bring necklaces, finger rings and flutes. They are coming from every direction singing the glories of Holi. Coming together, the gopis play drums and karatalas. As they play graceful rhythm, the master of Govardhan Das, Natvara Sekhara Krsna dances in ecstasy.

Mahanidhi  Madan Gopal Das

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Mahanidhi  Madan Gopal Das

Every year in Vraja Dhama in spring time (Mar-Apr), cool sandal- scented southern breezes arrive to excite the hearts of Syama and His beloved cowherd damsels. Kamadeva, the invincible God of Eros, starts dancing in the minds of Krsna and gopis. The full moon rises majestically and illuminates the Rasa Mandala with royal crimson hues. In Gita Govinda, Sri Jayadeva Gosvami wonderfully describes this Vasanta Rasalila. Feeling anxious and lonely, Radhika searches for Her Priyatama Syama in each and every forest bower along the Yamuna. Suddenly, Radha discovers that Syama is nearby dancing and reveling in amorous sports amidst a group of playful gopis. Feeling indignant at being neglected, Radha runs away in a huff to hide inside a shady bower resounding with buzzing bees. Realizing His mistake, Syama abandons the gopis, goes to a lonely bower, and enters a deep state of depression and remorse in separation from His Priyaji Radhika. Sakhi messengers then run back and forth between the separated lovers, conveying news of each other’s feelings and changing attitudes.
Eventually Priyatama Syama pacified Priyaji’s wounded heart. Then the Divine Couple unite again in blissful embraces followed by spins and whirls, Bends and bows, glances and prances as they dance the night away in the joy of Rasalila.

Nikunjesvari Radharani ki jai!
Rasabihari Syama ki jai!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

While travelling from Vaikuntha to Ayodhya, Gopa kumara chanted, “O Sitapate! O Sri Raghunatha! O Laksmana Jyestha! O Prabhu! O Hanumat Priyesvara!” Upon entering Ayodhya dhama, Gopa kumara met some monkeys jumping here and there shouting, “Rama! Rama!” and tried to snatch his flute. Then Hanuman took Gopa kumara to meet Rama who was happily sitting on a royal throne. Sita- devi stood beside Rama happily offering Him betel nut. Gopa kumara bowed down before Lord Rama and repeatedly said, “Jai! Jai!” With gentle speech full of nectar, Lord Rama said, “O my dear son of a Vrajavasi cowherd, very good. Now just relax, for you are my very dear friend.” Gopa kumara stayed for a while in Ayodhya dhama observing Sri Rama, the Lion King of the Raghus, perform His royal dharmic lila. However despite experiencing the bliss of serving Rama in Ayodhya, Gopa kumara’s heart again hankered for the sweet life of Vrajabhumi, wherein he would embrace his friend and Lord, Madana Gopala. The all-compassionate Lord Rama understood Gopa kumara’s mood, so He sent him forward in his spiritual sojourn to Sri Dhama Vrndavana.
(Brhad Bhag.)
Jai Sita Rama! 
Jai Radhe Syama!
Jai Vraja Dhama!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Sweet Service of Radha’s Lotus Feet

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

One who does not carefully worship the lotus feet of Srimati Radhika, which are the abode of everything good; 
One who does not take shelter in the divine land of Vrindavana, which is decorated with the beautiful lotus flower named Radha; 
One who has not associate with Radhika’s devotees, who are very wise and deeply devoted to Radha; 
How will such a person ever experience the bliss of bathing in the ocean of Shyamasundara’s sublime mellows? 

Srimati Radhika is the exemplary teacher of the brilliant mellows of conjugal love, ujjvala-raser acharya. One should discuss the pure love, shuddha-prema, between Radha and Madhava.

He who tightly holds the lotus feet of Radha with great care obtains the lotus feet of Krishna, which are like priceless jewels.
Without taking shelter of Radha’s lotus feet of Radha, one will never personally meet Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The Vedas state that Krishna is the property of the maidservants of Sri Radha.
Abandon your wealth, followers, wife, sons, friends, karma and jnana, so that you can be absorbed in the sweet service Radha’s lotus feet, radha-pada madhura seva. (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Gitavalli)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Why Vrajavasis Did Not Go to Mathura?

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Devotees often ask, “If the Vrajavasis loved Krishna so much, then why didn’t they go to Mathura to meet their dearest after Akrura whisked Krishna away from their hearts one dismal day in February? After all, Mathura is only eight kilometers from Vrndavana.”
For the following five reasons, the Vrajavasis did not go to Mathura:

1) Sweet Intimate Pastimes:
Mathura and Dvaraka are filled with opulence and grandeur (aishwarya), formality and social etiquette which generate an atmosphere of awe and reverence that creates a bridge between loving hearts. Vaikuntha is God’s office and Vrndavana is God’s playground. Only here in Vrndavana, and nowhere else, can Krishna experience the sweet and natural, free-flowing, uninhibited love of the Vrajavasis. In Vrndavana, Krishna carries Nanda’s slippers on head; Yasoda bathes Krishna in cow urine and dung; Govinda carries the winning gopas upon His shoulders; Madhava massages Radha’s feet and bathes them with His tears to mollify Hermaan; and Krishna sometimes dons a female disguise to meet Radha in Her in-laws home. In nowhere else but VrajaDhamacan such inconceivably close and warm loving exchanges take place. Thus the Vrajavasis could not leaveVrndavana, and visit Krishna in Mathura.
2) Faith in Krishna’s Promise:
Because of their innocence and simple love, the Vrajavasis had full faith in Krishna’s promise that He would returnsoon. Thus they patiently awaited Krishna’s arrival.”
3) Memories
Although the Vrajavasis were all burning in separation from Krishna, they sustained their lives by remembering Krishna’s lilas in the fields, forests and towns of Vraja. Memories connect separated hearts.
4) News Reports
The regular visits of Narada Muni and Uddhavato Vraja, bringing the latest news of Krishna’s activities in Mathura, gave immense pleasure. Thus the Vrajavasis remained in Vrndavana, because for them, Vrndavana was Krishna and Krishna was Vrndavana.
5) Prevent Suffering for Krishna
The Vrajavasis felt so distressed without Krishna that they wanted to give up their bodies. But they didn’t, because they thought it would cause too much pain to Krishna when He finds out. So they dragged on somehow maintaining their lives.
Our goal is Vrndavana and VrajaPrema; to lovingly serve Radha and Krishna like the Vrajavasis do in Vrndavana. I have revealed here just one drop from the unlimited ocean of attachment for Krishna that the Vrajavasis swim in. By hearing this, we can get a little understanding of the degree and depth of their absolutely selfless, totally self-sacrificing pure divine love for Krishna.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Krishna’s seventeen Unique Qualities

Mahanidhi  Madan Gopal Das

Scriptures state that Bhagavan Sri Krishna has 64 transcendental qualities exhibited in their
highest degree. Sri Krishna’s  good qualities are also inexhaustible, unlimited in quality and
eternally existing. Exalted personalities like Brahma and Shiva can possess 55 of these qualities,
and living entities like ourselves can have 50 of these qualities in a minute quantity for a brief
In Priti Sandarbha, Sri Jiva Goswamipada lists seventeen unique qualities possessed only by
Bhagavan Sri Krishna. While chanting nama-japa, one can remember these divine qualities of
Our Sweet Lord Shyama, and thus mentally worship Krishna’s most wonderful and variegated
1.Power to attain ANYTHING Simply by desiring it.
2.Complete control over a host of achintya-shaktis.
3.Sole resting place of perfect goodness.
4.Protector of all the worlds.
5.Grants Vaikuntha residence to demons He kills.
6.Attractive to all liberated souls.
7.Served by Brahma, Shiva, all demigods and sages.
8.Krishna’s spiritual form contains inconceivable transcendental potencies.
9.Krishna’s beauty and other virtues are limitless, eternally new and fresh.
10.In His purusha-avatara forms, Sri Krishna controls the world of Maya.
11.Krishana is God- the generator, operator and destroyer of the material worlds.
12.Krishna is the source of all avataras.
13.Unlimited material universes reside in the pores of His transcendental form.
14.Within His form as the original Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan Sri Krishna has all the
inconceivable potencies and transcendental qualities of Vishnu, Narayana, Vasudeva and all other divine expansions.
15.Sri Krishna gives liberation and devotional service to the demons He kills.
16.Sri Krishna’s divine form and features display a wonderful, incomparable sweetness.
17.Association with Krishna brings a perfect bliss- far, far beyond anything the material mind
and senses can ever know.
Ananda Khanda Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Srila Prabhupada Glorifies Rasa Lila

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

You will be surprised to know that way back in 1969, Srila Prabhupada glorified the hearing of rasa lila and even encouraged it in the right circumstances. Gurudeva even went so far as to say that conditioned souls, which means everyone on this planet, “SHOULD HEAR THE RASA LILA.” Please do the needful after deeply reflecting on the following statements Srila Prabhupada made in his Kåñëa Book printed in 1969. In the early days, Srila Prabhupada’s disciples made sure they read Kåñëa Book everyday without fail. May those days come again. And may all my friends dive deep into the ocean of pure spiritual nectar called Kåñëa Book.
In chapter 33 of Kåñëa Book, Srila Prabhupada said, “Discussion of the räsa-lélä among people in general is discouraged, but if one who is advanced explains and people hear from him, certainly the hearers will be gradually elevated to the position of Kåñëa consciousness and liberated from materially contaminated life.
“In other words, one who actually hears the räsa-lélä will become completely freed from the lusty desire of sex life and elevated to the highest level of spiritual understanding.
“The conditioned soul should hear the räsa-lélä dance from an authorized spiritual master and be trained by him so that he can understand the whole situation. Thus one can be elevated to the highest standard of spiritual life.
“One who has developed his faith in Kåñëa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Spirit Soul, can both describe and hear the räsa-lélä. So one must always follow the disciplic succession and not hear from any stray professional reciter.
“Anuçåëuyät means that one must hear from an authorized person who is in the disciplic succession and is always engaged in Kåñëa consciousness. When a person hears the räsa-lélä in this way, the effect will be sure: he will be elevated to the highest position of spiritual life.” (Kåñëa Book, Srila Prabhupada)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Prayer for Radha Bhajana

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

“May my tongue become overwhelmed in ecstasy tasting the nectarine ambrosia of Radha-nama. May my feet wander over the footpaths of Vrindavana marked with the glorious footprints of Radhika. May my hands be engaged only in Priyaji’s menial service. May my heart always meditate on Kishori’s lotus feet. May I develop pure love for Radha’s Prananatha through Radhika’s divinely rapturous festival of love.” (Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi 142)

A Verse Meditation:
Look at a beautiful painting of Sri Radha; 
Read the verse above with full concentration;
Pray to Radhika for the memory power or shakti to remember it; 
Close your eyes; 
Chant japa while immersing your mind and heart in this divine illumination.  
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Concise Path of Manjari-bhava Sadhana

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

In Prema Bhakti Candrika, Narottama dasa Thakura presents five essential practices of raga-bhakti and manjari-bhava sadhana to attain erotic love (Vraja srnghara-prema) in the mood of the Vraja damsels (gopi-bhava). His program incorporates four of the nine limbs of bhakti-sadhana, namely 1) Sravanam, 2) Kirtanam; 3) Smaranam; and 4) Vandanam. He adds a special fifth practice he calls Darshana. This concise sadhana package describes five limbs of bhakti which include a total of nine individual daily practices. If one regularly pursues these nine practices he will quickly obtain the treasure of Radha-Krishna’s eternal prema seva in Sri Dhama Vrndavana in this life.
Now let’s examine Narottama dasa Thakura’s manjari-bhava sadhana program.

I. HEARING (sravanam)
1. Be attached to hearing the acharya’s descriptions of Radha-Krishna’s loving pastimes (rati prema maya parabandhe v 60).
2. Constantly hear devotees chanting Radha-Krishna’s names and qualities (dunhu nama shuni shuni, bhakta-mukhe punee punee v 76).

II. CHANTING (kirtanam)
3. Chant the rasa-filled names of Radha-Krishna (krishna nama radha nama, upasana rasa-dhama v 60).
4. Always sing about the rasa-filled lilas of Yugala Kishora (lila-rasa-sadaa gaana, jugala-kishora v 100) in a loving way (prema bhaave lila katha v 106); which means full of eagerness and yearning.

5. Seva smaranam—Fix your mind only the seva of Radha-Krishna (radha krishna sevana ekaanta koriyaa mana v 76; both externally in sadhaka-rupa, and mentally serving in your siddha-svarupa, ashta-kaliya-lila smaranam.

6. Kirtana smarana— Singing Radha-Krishna’s Holy Names is the topmost meditation (radha-krishna nama gaana parama dhyaana v 73).

7. Lila smarana—Remember the sweet daily vraja-lilas of Radha Govinda, the essence of all practices and goals (yugala vilasa smarana sadhya sadhana saara v 61).

IV. PRAYERS (vandanam)
8. Always pray that you can hear, read or speak Radha-Krishna prema-katha with a pure heart free from personal motives (praarthanaa kariba sadaa, shuddha-bhaave prema-katha v 75)

V. SEEING (darshanam)
9. Rupa-darshana— Always cry with intense desire to see the splendid golden body of Rai (Radharani) and the enchanting raincloud blue form of Ghanashyama (hema-gaura-tanu rai, ankhee darashana chai, rodana karaye abhilaashe, jaladhara dhaara dhaara, anga atee manohara v 77).

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Meeting Radha’s Family

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das  

One aspect of raganuga-sadhana is learn about the identities, relationships, feelings and moods of love of Radha and Krishna’s friends and family members. Why you may ask? Attaining the spiritual perfection of Krishna prema means to enter Goloka Vrindavana, and to lovingly serve Radha-Krishna alongside all of Their friends and family members. Therefore, here as part of our sadhana we must prepare ourselves to know where we are going, and with whom we will live and serve with upon getting there. 

To facilitate this “spiritual family familiarization sadhana”, our compassionate Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas Srila Rupa Goswamipada and Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada wrote two essential books for our study:
Radha-Krishna Ganoddesha Dipika and Vraja Vilasa Stava. Also Sri Kavi Karnapura wrote Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika to help us learn the dual identities of Krishna’s eternal associates in both Vraja-lila and Gaura-lila. 

To celebrate Radhastami, we are listing the key personalities in Srimati Radharani’s transcendental family of loving servitors. Wherever known, we’ll include their Gaura-lila names in brackets. 

But first however, we should warn everyone with a few words of caution. If you are at all attached to your relativities in the form of friends and family members, then definitely... 

DO NOT READ THIS description of the pure and loving, beautiful people in Radha’s realm of eternal transcendental bliss!  

Radha’s Elders
Paternal grandfather: Mahibhanu
Paternal grandmother: Sukhada
Father: Vrishabhanu (Pundarika Vidyanidhi)
Maternal grandfather: Indu
Maternal grandmother: Mukhara
Mother: Kirtida (Ratnavati)
Elder brother: Sridama (Abhirama Gopala)
Younger sister: Ananga-manjari (Jahnava-devi)
Paternal uncles: Bhanu, Ratna-bhanu, Subhanu.

So-called husband: Abhimanyu
Father-in-law: Vrka-gopa
Mother-in-law: Jatila (Ramachandra Puri)
Brother-in-law: Durmada
Sister-in-law: Kutila

Radha’s Ashta Sakhis:
Lalita (Svarupa Damodara Goswami)
Vishakha (Ramananda Raya)
Chitra (Govindananda Thakura)
Indulekha (Vasu Ramananda)
Champakalata (Shivananda Sena)
Tungavidya (Vakreshvara Pandita)
Ranga-devi (Govinda Ghosh)
Sudevi (Vasudeva Ghosh)
And: Vrinda-devi (Mukunda Dasa)
Dhanishta (Raghava Pandita)
Nandimukhi (Saranga Thakura)

Radha’s Ashta-Manjaris:
Sri Rupa-manjari: (Srila Rupa Goswamipada)
Rati-manjari: Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada)
Lavanga-manjari (Srila Sanatana Goswamipada)
Raga-manjari (Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami)
Guna-manjari: (Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami)
Manjulali-manjari: (Sri Lokanatha Goswami)
Vilasa-manjari (Sri Jiva Goswamipada)
Kasturi-manjari (Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja)

Radha’s Favorite Pets:
Calf: Tungi
Chakori bird: Charu-chandrika
Cows: Bahula, Sunada, Yamuna
Doe: Rangini
Elephant: Madhuri
Monkey: Kakkhati
Talking Parrots: Shubha, Sukshmadhi
Peahen: Tundika
Swan: Tundikeri 

Sri Radha’s premika nitya-parisads ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Jhulana Meditation part 6

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

As a practice of lila-smarana (meditating on Radha-Govinda’s pastimes), you can chant the maha-mantra while contemplating upon the following entry. Follow these steps and experience the result:

1) Before japa, first slowly read one bhajana translation. While reading, try to visualize the Divine Couple, the sakhis, the forest scene, and all the props. 
2) Slowly read again, increasing the visualization while trying to identify with the feelings and sevas of the sakhis attending to the Divine Couple.
3) Close your eyes, try to recapture the scene, sevas and feelings being exchanged between the sakhis, and the Divine Couple, Radha Govinda Yugala.
4) Open your eyes, read the entire piece again out loud.
5) Close your eyes, and begin chanting japa while trying to “mentally see and feel” and enter into and serve everything you read about.
Without a doubt, if you do this sincerely you will have an amazingly sublime and sweet experience during your jhulana japa.  

O Bihariji! You forever relish swing pastimes in Vrindavana. Just see how the pleasure groves of Vraja are covered with a blanket of green! Here stands Nanda Bihari and Bhanu Dulari. O how sweet the Divine Couple look in our eyes! You are standing so enchantingly on the banks of the Yamuna, wearing a beautiful colored dress. The kadamba trees are full of blossoming fragrant flowers. The shining black luster of Ghanashyama mixes with the resplendent golden complexion of Radha like a lightning flash in a raincloud. Seeing this fills our hearts with joy. Shyama’s eyes are like chakora birds drinking the sweet nectar of Radha’s moon-like face. And the sakhis are like a thread of love serving Their lotus feet.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
From the first day of spring, Vasanta Pancami (Visnupriya's appearance day) until Gaura Purnima, Lord Gauranga plays Holi for 40 days continuously. On each day of these 40 days, Sri Gaurasundara performs Holi lila in the homes of His various confidential devotees. First Holi is in Advaitacarya's house on Vasanta Pancami. Then on Trayodasi, He plays Holi in Nityananda's house. In this month on Sukla Sasthi (March 6), Gauranga plays Holi in Gauridasa Pandita's house. Then on astami, in Uddharana Datta's house. On Purnima, Mahaprabhu plays Holi in own home.
Holi Pastimes of Gauranga
 On the bank of the Ganga, Sri Gauranga divided His intimate devotees into two groups: One team with Gauranga, and one team with Gadadhara Pandita. In Gadadhara’s team, there were Svarupa Damodara, Mukunda, Vasu Ghosa and many others. Gauranga's side was led by Gauridasa Pandita. As previously in Krsna-lila, all the sakhis and manjaris sided with Radha and all the sakhas teamed up together with Krsna to attack the sakhis. And now in Nadiya, the same devotees sided with either Gaura or Gadadhara respectively. Picking up pichkaris (syringes), Gauranga's team squirted Sri Gadadhara and his team. Then in retaliation, Svarupa Damodara and others began to hurl coloured powders bombarding Gauranga and His party from all sides. As the fun pastimes of Holi progressed, Gauridasa started clapping his hands and shouting excitingly, "Gauranga has won, Gauranga has won!" Then Svarupa Damodara angrily replied, “No, Gauranga has lost. The winner is my Gadadhara!" At this instant, some devotees slapped their chests and others sang and danced raising their hands into the sky, “Haribol! Haribol! Gaura Haribol!” (Mohandasa, disciple of Srinivasa Acarya)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bhootnatha—A Ghost Story

   Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Every day when Govinda takes the cows out to pasture, all the Vrajavasis eagerly come out to marvel at Krishna’s incomparable beauty. Especially all the newlyweds stand in their doorways, on the rooftops or peer through the lattice windows to catch a glimpse of Shyama. And with love-thirsty eyes Manohara is also always searching for new hearts to steal. One particular newlywed gopi girl was very restless, hankering to have darshana of Krishna whom she had heard so much about. Her mother-in-law forbid her from going, however, and warned her that if she goes she would be bitten by a black snake whose poison  is impossible to remove. The mother-in-law and her daughter then went to see Krishna and she was left behind. Opening the front door a crack, that new gopi peeked out and saw Krishna in the distance playing His flute and filling the entire area with showers of pure nectar.
Sri Krishna knows the pure hankering of every devotees’  heart, so when the time is right He mercifully grants His sweet darshana. In order to see that newlywed gopi, Krishna played a trick by twisting the tail of a calf. Somehow or other …that calf ran straight  to her door. Following the calf, Shyama appeared directly before that new gopi, gave His beautiful darshana, stole her heart in an instant and slipped away.
Dumbstruck, the newlywed just stood there motionlessly for fifteen minutes or so. Upon returning and observing her condition, her envious sister-in-law said, “Just see, I warned you. That black snake Syamasundara has bitten you!” Shaking the girl out of her trance, she managed to bring her inside the house. To bring her back to consciousness, the sister-in-law engaged her in preparing butter. But she got the pots mixed up and started “churning” mustard seeds instead of yogurt. Seeing this, the sister-in-law shouted, “Hey! What are you doing you paagal? I’m going to tell my mother about you!”
 The mother in-law came and told her to take a water pot and fill it at the well, and also take her other son’s child with her. Arriving at the well, she tied the rope for lowering the water pot into the well around the neck of the child instead. Just as she was about to drop the kid down the well, someone shouted, “Wait, stop! What are you doing?” Running over there, he took the rope from her hands and saved the child. At that time, one gopi said, “It appears she’s possessed!” Another gopi who knew everything, said, “But it’s not just any ordinary ghost, it is the ghost of Nandanandana!”

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Astronomical and Sweet Numbers

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Some numbers given in the Srimad Bhagavatam seem too high to believe. For example, (10.12.2): “In the morning when Sri Krishna went to the pasturing grounds, He was accompanied by hundreds and thousands of cowherd boys (prthukaah sahasrashah), and hundreds and thousands of groups of calves (sahasra-upari-sankhyayaa anvitaan).”
What to make of these astronomical numbers? In his tika to Srimad Bhagavatam (10.12.3): Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada says, “One should not argue that such a large number of cows could not possibly fit into the thirty-two square mile area of Vrindavana, because the holy dhama is unlimited by the inconceivable energy, achintya-shakti of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Even a small portion of the Vraja Dhama can accommodate billions of universes each measuring fifty million miles in diameter. Krishna showed this fact to Brahmaji in (SB 10 canto, chapter 13).
The Srimad Bhagavatam (10.33.38) states Krishna danced with the gopis for a night of Lord Brahma, brahma-ratra upaavrtte, which means several millions and MILLIONS OF YEARS!
In his Sarartha Darshini tika, Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada compares this inconceivable expansion of time to the fact that many universes fit within the forty-mile range of earthly Vrindavana. In this regard, Srila Rupa Goswamipada says, “In Gokula, nothing is impossible for Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the devotees, the abode, and everything in the abode of Vrindavana, by the power of the Sri Krishna’s inconceivable energy.” (Laghu Bh. 1.5.51)
Scriptures state that when Sri Krishna leaves Nandgrama to go the Rasa Mandala, He arrives there in a few seconds? How can one walk 50 kilometers in a few seconds? Our acharyas state that Krishna’s eternal lila-sthalis, pastime places, are like a lotus flower which opens and closes. To facilitate the movement of Radha-Krishna and Their associates over the vast distances of Vraja Mandala, the lotus closes to shrink the distance between two points. Or it opens to create large distances between places to prevent unwanted persons from approaching and interrupting Their pastimes. Only by the blessings of yogamaya can one understand these transcendental topics.
 However, for worshipers of the sweetness within Sri Krishna appearing as His beautiful sweet form, flute playing, loving dealings and pastimes, astronomical numbers reduce the intimate, madhurya conception they hold so dear. Devotees of Radha-Krishna in Vraja only deal in reasonable, sweet numbers which perfectly relate to our human experience, and that of a lovable, cute teenage boy frolicking in the forest with His adorable friends. Here is a list of some sweet numbers and their meanings gleaned from Gaudiya granthas for us to consider:

1. Vrajendranandana Sri Krishna.
2. Radha-Krishna.
3. Ages of Krishna: kaumara, pauganda, kaishora.
Krishna’s: in Vraja, in Mathura and Dvaraka.
Types of prema: sadharani, samanjasa, samartha.
Indulekha-sakhi is 3 days younger than Radha.
4. Features of amorous Krishna hero: dhira…lalita; prasanta; oddhata, odatta.
5. Sthayi-ratis: permanent loving mellow with Krishna.
6. Features of Krishna’s love affairs: love journey, sitting together, support, picking a quarrel, peacemaking, and separation (abhisara, asana, ashraya, kalaha, sandhi, dvaidha)
8. Radhaji’s celebrated ashta-sakhis: Lalita, Vishakha, Citra, Champakalata, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Ranga, Sudevi.
Krishna’s sakha’s kunjas at Shyama-kunda: Arjuna, Gandharva, Kokila, Madhumangala, Sananda, Subala, Vidagdha.
Daily pastime periods: (ashta-kaliya-lila).
Krishna Janmastami: bhadra krishna-astami.
Radha Avirbhava: bhadra sukla-astami.
Heroine gopis: abhisarika, vasaka-sajja, utkanthita, khandita, svadhina-bhartrka, kalahantarita, vipralabdha, proshita-bhartrka.
Sattvika-bhavas: experienced in relation to Radha-Krishna.
10. Age of 10.7 months Krishna left Vrindavana.
11. Age of Vasanta-sakha.11.4 months Kokila-sakha.
12. Main forests of Vraja Mandala.
Age of Gandharva-sakha; 12.6 months, Subala.
Body ornaments of Radhaji.
13. Age Rupa-manjari 13.6 months.
14. Age of Vishakha and Sri Radhika (14.2 months15 days).
Older than Radha by 2 days Champakalata; Lalita 27 days; Younger by 3 days Indulekha; 5 days Tungavidya; 10 days Sudevi & Ranga; 26 days Citra;
Ujjvala, Vidagdha and Sananda-sakhas 14 years.
15. Age of Krishna (15.9 months 7 1/2days).
Groups of Krishna’s gopi lovers.
16. Age of Balarama and Sridhama.
Kunjas around Shyama and Radha-kunda.
Varieties Radha’s body and flower ornaments.
17. Sevas of sakhis and manjaris for Radha-Krishna joy.
19. Symbols on bottoms lotus feet of Radha-Krishna.
25. Qualities of Sri Radha; Rooms in Radha’s Varsana palace.
30. Rooms in Radha’s Yavata home.
33. Sanchari-bhavas experienced in Radha-Krishna prema.
50. Rooms in Nanda Baba’s palace, the home of Krishna.
60. Dandas: 24 minute pastime periods in Radha-Krishna’s blissful day.
64. Qualities of Sri Krishna.
Arts; perfectly and completely seen in Radha-Krishna.
Main sakhis and 64 main manjaris serving under Radha’s ashta-sakhis.
96. Total amorous features of hero Sri Krishna.
360. Varieties of gopi heroine lovers of Krishna.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Our View of Vrinda- Devi

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

The Brahma Vaivarta Purana and other Puranas contain stories about Vrinda-devi and other transcendental associates of Sri Krishna being cursed and descending to the material world. Gaudiya Vaisnavas do not reject these stories because they are in the shastras. However, we do not preach or write about this because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Gosvamis did not present these ideas. The six Gosvamis distilled all the shastras and presented the essential truth for all the Gaudiya Vaisnavas to understand and follow.
 According to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Rupa Gosvami and Raghunatha Das Gosvami, Vrinda-devi is a nitya sakhi of Shrimati Radharani engaged in the eternal loving service of Radha and Krishna in the spiritual world and in the material world when the Divine Couple descend. Vrinda devi exhibits two forms; one as a sakhi named Vrinda-devi and another form as a beautiful bush named Tulasi devi replete with beautiful leaves and fragrant flowers called manjaris. Any other conception about Vrinda-devi is not endorsed by Gaudiya Vaisnavas.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Nineteen Ways to Serve Vrindavana

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

1. Sweep, wash and clean the footpaths of kunda steps, parikrama paths, lilasthalis and old temples.
2. Donate money to repair and maintain old temples especially at specific lilasthalis.
3. Visit each holy place with great respect, eagerness and enthusiasm to hear its glories and also give donations to the temple pujaris and pandas (brahmana guides).
4. Show the utmost respect to Vrajavasis, temple pujaris and pandas (brahmana guides) at each holy place.
5. Give donations of food (sweets, fruits, juices, grains etc), cloth and money to children and needy Vrajavasis.
6. Wherever possible plant fragrant flowering trees, creepers and plants to beautify lilasthalis, temples and other open areas of the holy dhama.
7. Don’t pollute Vrajadhama with plastic bags, bottles, containers and other non-biodegradable articles.
8. Regularly and respectfully bathe in sacred waters and worship them. And also worship all the Deities with at least a ghee lamp and some incense.
9. Help the Vrajavasis who are performing Nama and Dhama seva.
10. Offer dandavats and roll in the dust of all lilasthalis.
11. Glorify the presiding Deities at each temple and lilasthalis with sweet kirtana and bhajanas.
12. Hear or read about Krsna’s lilas at every holy place you visit.
13. Also ask the pujari or panda to tell you some transcendental pastimes of Krsna.
14. Never visit Vraja without hearing Hari-katha from devotional Vrajavasis.
15. Inspire and help others to visit or live in Vraja dhama.
16. Speak, write, make videos and print books about the glories of Vraja dhama.
17. Every day in Vraja rise early and chant, sing, hear and read the glories of Radha-Govinda with a fixed vow.
18. Never ever think, hear or speak, criticism or gossip about any Vrajavasis.
19. When not in Vraja dhama, try to remember the Vraja deities, lilasthalis, pastimes, Hari-katha and devotees you experienced there.
Sridhama Vrindavana ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Living in Mercy

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.238), Srila Rupa Goswamipada glorifies the BIG FIVE most amazingly powerful forms of Krishna bhakti, namely Vraja vasa, sadhu sanga, Thakuraji seva, hearing Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting Sri Krishna’s Holy Names. He says, “If one only slightly practices these items of panch anga bhakti, or even does them without faith, they will immediately create ecstatic love for Krishna, panchake svalpo bhava janmane.

Throughout the ages, both ordinary devotees and siddha saints have had phenomenal transcendental experiences just by LIVING IN SRIDHAMA VRINDAVANA! Vraja is packed with divine power. Why is that? It is because Radha and Krishna, the gopis and gopas and all Their companions live here in Vrindavana eternally enjoying sweet pastimes of love.

The Puranas use present tense verbs when describing Sri Krishna’s Vraja lilas to convey the truth that Sri Krishna eternally delights here. Padma Purana emphatically states that Nandanandana Sri Krishna never takes even one step out of this holiest of Holy Lands, vrindavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati.

By Their permanent presence here, Priya-Priyatama, and all their blissful loving friends are forever blessing and saturating Vraja Dhama with Their prema, purity, mercy, auspiciousness and fulfillment. Vraja vasa sadhakas of the present and past have directly experienced the wonderful mercy and power of living in Vrindavana. Wisdom teachers of devotion have recorded their divine visions and written about them in their books.  

Vrindavana is so kind and compassionate that She overlooks one’s shortcomings, and just keeps nourishing and encouraging even the most wretched and fallen. Prabodhananda Sarasvatipada addresses Vrindavana as Vrindatavi mata because he sees Her like compassionate mother who always helps and supports her children no matter what happens to them.

To encourage our friends to live in Sridhama Vrindavana, here are some quotes from our Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas.
1. “O Radha-Govinda! I don’t have a drop of the prema that one needs to attain Your eternal loving service. Yet living in Vraja fills me with hope that someday I will.”
2. “O Krishna! Although my background is very low, somehow You mercifully gave me the fortune of living in Vraja!” (UtkalikaVallari 65-6, Sri Rupa Goswami)

3. O Sri Govardhana! By staying near You, all these creepers of desires for Radha’s eternal service have sprung up from my stone-like heart. O Radha Kunda! By living on Your banks and drinking Your water all these desires for Radha-Govinda’s prema seva have appeared. (Sankalpa Kalpa Druma, Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada)
Jaya Radhe! Jaya Krishna! Jaya Vrindavana!
Sri Govinda, Gopinatha, Madana Mohana!   Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

How I Became Enchanted by Vraja

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

The magnetic enchantment of Vraja Dhama first captivated my heart in 1977, when good fortune brought Her most rare and auspicious darshana. After lacs and lacs of births my undeserving eyes were blessed with the vision of the mind-stealing Thakuraji’s Radha-ramanji, Bihariji, Damodarji, Govindaji, Shyamasundaraji, and the enchanting vanas, kunjas and lila-shalis of Yugala Kishora.

My useless hands attained worth touching the amazing ecstasy-twisted trees of Vrindavana. My feet found fulfillment in parikrama of Vrindavana and Giriraja Govardhana. Hearing the joyous parrots and midnight cries of the peacocks attracted my ears. Smelling Vraja’s exotic fragrant flowers of juhi, mogra, kadamba, kunda, parijata and rose gave purpose to my nose. The amazing remnants of the Goswami’s Thakurajis, and the cool Shyama-blue water of Yamunaji fully satiated and satisfied my sense of taste.

During that visit in 1977, I visited Radha Kunda and had a mystical experience. While gazing at the peaceful prema-filled waters and feeling the intense spiritual ambience of the place, a prayer spontaneously arose from my heart: “O Sri Radha! I don’t when or how it will be possible, but please Radharani let me live on Your banks and attain the service of Your lotus feet.”

The magic, the sweet attraction and the indescribable enchantment of Vrindavana had somehow captured my heart. The next ten years I spent traveling back and forth between America and Vrindavana, where I would pass the month of Karttika feeling, “Yes, Vrindavana is my home, now and forever!”

Finally in 1987—my feelings, my attraction, my attachment and my enchantment with Vrindavana fused into one sankalpa. I vowed before the Lord in my heart: “O Krishna, I want to go to Vrindavana and never, ever return to America again!” With this sankalpa as my only possession and a one way ticket, I came to Vrindavana.

Somehow by the causeless mercy of Srimati Radhika, Sri Krishna, the Thakurajis of Vraja, Giridhari Shyama, Vrnda-devi, Yogamaya Yamunaji, Gopishvara Mahadeva, Sri Guru, the Vaisnavas, the Vrajavasis, and the sacred dust of Vrindavana I was able to settle in Sridhama Vrindavana. By their mercy I received Indian citizenship in 1998, and have lived continuously in Vrindavana for the last twenty-seven years.

From 1987 until 2012 I lived in various places in Vrindavana. As per my guru’s order to his sannyasis, I lived three years (1989-1992) in Srila Prabhupada’s bhajana kutira at the Radha Damodara Mandir in Seva Kunja. Inspired by Srila Prabhupada and the divine presence of Srila Rupa Goswamipada and Sri Jiva Goswamipada, I started writing spiritual books. To date we have published twenty-six books glorifying Radha-Krishna; the most famous being Appreciating Sri Vrindavana Dhama, Art of Chanting Hare Krishna and Gaudiya Vaisnava Samadhis. All books are available as E-books on Amazon.

In 2002, Srimati Radhika answered the prayer I offered to Her in 1977 while sitting on the banks of Radha Kunda. By Radha’s mercy, I moved from Vrindavana to Radha Kunda and remain here engaged in bhajana and writing. Our latest publication is titled Radha-Krishna Pastimes at Radha Kunda.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

How I Became Enchanted by Vraja

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

The magnetic enchantment of Vraja Dhama first captivated my heart in 1977, when good fortune brought Her most rare and auspicious darshana. After lacs and lacs of births my undeserving eyes were blessed with the vision of the mind-stealing Thakuraji’s Radha-ramanji, Bihariji, Damodarji, Govindaji, Shyamasundaraji, and the enchanting vanas, kunjas and lila-shalis of Yugala Kishora.

My useless hands attained worth touching the amazing ecstasy-twisted trees of Vrindavana. My feet found fulfillment in parikrama of Vrindavana and Giriraja Govardhana. Hearing the joyous parrots and midnight cries of the peacocks attracted my ears. Smelling Vraja’s exotic fragrant flowers of juhi, mogra, kadamba, kunda, parijata and rose gave purpose to my nose. The amazing remnants of the Goswami’s Thakurajis, and the cool Shyama-blue water of Yamunaji fully satiated and satisfied my sense of taste.

During that visit in 1977, I visited Radha Kunda and had a mystical experience. While gazing at the peaceful prema-filled waters and feeling the intense spiritual ambience of the place, a prayer spontaneously arose from my heart: “O Sri Radha! I don’t when or how it will be possible, but please Radharani let me live on Your banks and attain the service of Your lotus feet.”

The magic, the sweet attraction and the indescribable enchantment of Vrindavana had somehow captured my heart. The next ten years I spent traveling back and forth between America and Vrindavana, where I would pass the month of Karttika feeling, “Yes, Vrindavana is my home, now and forever!”

Finally in 1987—my feelings, my attraction, my attachment and my enchantment with Vrindavana fused into one sankalpa. I vowed before the Lord in my heart: “O Krishna, I want to go to Vrindavana and never, ever return to America again!” With this sankalpa as my only possession and a one way ticket, I came to Vrindavana.

Somehow by the causeless mercy of Srimati Radhika, Sri Krishna, the Thakurajis of Vraja, Giridhari Shyama, Vrnda-devi, Yogamaya Yamunaji, Gopishvara Mahadeva, Sri Guru, the Vaisnavas, the Vrajavasis, and the sacred dust of Vrindavana I was able to settle in Sridhama Vrindavana. By their mercy I received Indian citizenship in 1998, and have lived continuously in Vrindavana for the last twenty-seven years.

From 1987 until 2012 I lived in various places in Vrindavana. As per my guru’s order to his sannyasis, I lived three years (1989-1992) in Srila Prabhupada’s bhajana kutira at the Radha Damodara Mandir in Seva Kunja. Inspired by Srila Prabhupada and the divine presence of Srila Rupa Goswamipada and Sri Jiva Goswamipada, I started writing spiritual books. To date we have published twenty-six books glorifying Radha-Krishna; the most famous being Appreciating Sri Vrindavana Dhama, Art of Chanting Hare Krishna and Gaudiya Vaisnava Samadhis. All books are available as E-books on Amazon.

In 2002, Srimati Radhika answered the prayer I offered to Her in 1977 while sitting on the banks of Radha Kunda. By Radha’s mercy, I moved from Vrindavana to Radha Kunda and remain here engaged in bhajana and writing. Our latest publication is titled Radha-Krishna Pastimes at Radha Kunda.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...