Friday, August 29, 2014

Thakuraji’s Mental Food

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das 
ArrayanasicSeva Arrayuja ArrayhogaOffering ArrayadhaKrishna ArrayrishnaPuja
The Puranas, Goswami granthas and most Radha-Krishna Archana Puja books describe the bhakti sadhana of manasic-seva. This is one authentic limb of bhakti. It means to mentally, with your thoughts and feelings, offer varieties of invisible and intangible tasty foods to your beloved Thakurajis i.e. Radha-Krishna murtis. 

Sri Krishna equally accepts any favorable thing that is lovingly and caringly offered to Him, be it done externally with the body or internally with the mind. The bhakta gets the full benefit and result from both devotional practices. Everywhere shastras proclaim the efficacy of this sublime and mystical practice. 

Here are some examples of the visible effect and power of serving Sri Krishna within the mind.

1. The Padma Purana and Sri Rupa Goswamipada’s Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (1.2.282) both narrate the famous story of the Pratiṣṭhānapura brahmin who burned his finger tip when testing the temperature of his mentally prepared sweet rice for Thakuraji. Afterwards, Sri Vishnu immediately took him to Vaikuntha. 

2. Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura: 
One day while mentally visualizing Radha-Krishna’s divya-lila, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura was simultaneously mentally stirring milk (his nitya-seva for Swamini). Somehow due absorption in the lila, his “mental milk” boiled over and scalded his hand which he felt and saw upon returning to external consciousness. Sri Jiva Goswamipada thrilled with joy seeing how Narottama had attained bhajana siddhi. (PBC tika Sri Ananta Dasji Maharaja)

3. In Antya-two of Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja tells the amazing story of Nrisimhananda Dasa’s beautiful, opulent and comfortable “mental road” he offered to Mahaprabhu who was traveling outside of Navadvipa. Suddenly his meditation broke and his “mental road” abruptly stopped in the village of Kanai Natashala. And lo and behold in external time and space that is exactly where Mahaprabhu stopped His journey. 

4. Once Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami suffered severe indigestion. Doctors diagnosed him and found no cause, especially since he only ate a bit of buttermilk. Humbly, Dasa Goswami revealed the mystery—within in mind during his meditation, he relished a little too much of Srimati Radharani’s “mental kheer prasadam”!

5. Srila Prabhupada: 
“Krishna makes no distinction. Thus, if you serve Krishna by mind He will accept. That is sure!” (conv. Hrshikeshanandaji) “But in case you have nothing to offer materially, but still, you can offer in the mind.” (folio: 740417BG.BOM) “Yes, you are correct—spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial.” (SPletter 72.12-21)

Offer Mental Chappana Bhoga (56 delightful preps)

Devotees generally eat simply and also externally offer simple foods to Sri Krishna. So why not start doing this from today on to the lotus feet of Shyama in Vraja Dhama? Offer 6 items externally directly to Thakurji Sri Krishna. And then mentally offer 50 more to make it 56. Sri Sri Radha-Krishna pura santoshanam ki jai! Jagannatha Swami ki jai!

Srila Prabhupada introduced and beautifully sang the following bhoga bhajana which he wanted his followers to sing for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna when They enjoy our simple daily offerings. In Gaudiya Padavali i.e. songbooks, there are literally hundreds of such songs, many of them 500 years in vogue. The following bhajana was penned by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. 

It would be best if our friends and students would sing this song at least once daily during their “big” bhoga offering to Sri Krishna. While singing, meditate that in your siddha deha you’re right beside Radhika in Nandagrama, assisting Her by cutting, cooking and giving the various delicacies to Yashoda Ma to serve to Sri Krishna. You may become so absorbed in your bhoga-lila smarana manasi seva than you completely forget to eat! 

The proper raga and tune of this bhajan is available on I-net.  

Sri Krishna Pratah Bhojana Lila
(Nandagram: 7-8 a.m.)

=1 (refrain, sing between stanzas) 
bhaja bhakata-vatsala śrī-gaurahari 
śrī-gaurahari sohi goṣṭha-bihārī,

=2 belā ho'lo dāmodara āisa ekhano
bhoga-mandire bosi' koraho bhojana
=3 nandera nideśe baise giri-bara-dhārī
baladeva-saha sakhā baise sāri sāri
=4 śuktā-śākādi bhāji nālitā kuṣmāṇḍa
dāli dālnā dugdha-tumbī dadhi mocā
=5 mudga-borā māṣa-borā roṭikā ghṛtānna
śaṣkulī piṣṭaka khīr puli pāyasānna
=6 karpūra amṛta-keli rambhā khīra-sāra
amṛta rasālā, amla dwādaśa prakāra
=7 luci cini sarpurī lāḍḍu rasābalī
bhojana korena Krishna ho'ye kutūhalī
=8 rādhikāra pakka anna vividha byañjana
parama ānande Krishna korena bhojana
=9 chale-bale lāḍḍu khāy śrī-madhumaṅgala
bagala bājāy āra drya hari-bolo
=10 rādhikādi gaṇe heri' nayanera koṇe
tṛpta ho'ye khāy Krishna jaśodā-bhavane
=11 bhojanānte piye Krishna subāsita bāri
sabe mukha prakhāloy ho'ye sāri sāri
=12 hasta-mukha prakhāliyā jata sakhā-gaṇe
ānande biśrāma kore baladeva-sane
=13 jambula rasāla āne tāmbūla-masālā
tāhā kheye Krishna-candra sukhe nidrā gelā
=14 biśālākha śikhi-puccha-cāmara ḍhulāya
apūrba śayyāya Krishna sukhe nidrā jāya.
=15 jaśomatī-ājñā pe'ye dhaniṣṭhā-ānīto
śrī-krishna-prasāda rādhā bhuñje ho'ye prīto
=16 lalitādi sakhī-gaṇa avaśeṣa pāya
mane mane sukhe rādhā-Krishna-guṇa gāya
=17 hari-līlā ek-mātra jāhāra pramoda
bhogārati gāy ṭhākur bhakativinoda

(1) Just worship bhakta-vatsala Śrī Gaurahari, who is the selfsame Goshtha-Bihariji Sri Krishna that forever steals the minds and hearts of Yashoda and Nanda Baba.
(2) Mother Yaśodā calls Krishna: “My dear Dāmodara, it’s very late. Please come right now, sit down in the dining hall, and take bhoga.”
(3) Nanda Baba directs Giridhari, Baladeva and the other gopas to sit down in rows to eat.
(4) Yashoda, Rohini, Kilimba and other mothers serve a sumptuous feast of bitter vegetables to increase appetite, leafy, pumpkin and banana flower sabzis, fried items, jute leaf salad, baskets of fruit, small square lentil cakes in condensed milk, and thick creamy yogurt.
(5) Also included are fried mung and urad dal patties, rotis, ghee-soaked rice, condensed milk, sesame and milk sweets, rice flour cakes; kheer and cakes floating in milk.
(6) And delicious cheese, nectar rivaling kheer spiced with camphor, bananas, and twelve sour preparations from tamarinds, limes, lemons, oranges, and pomegranates.
(7) And white flour puris sprinkled with sugar, cream-filled puris, laddus, dal patties boiled in misri rice. Krishna eagerly eats all the items.
(8) In supreme bliss, Krishna relishes Radhika’s rice, curries, sweets, and pastries.
(9) Mischievous Madhumaṅgala eats laddus, moves his right hand in his left armpit to make a funny thud noise while singing, “Haribol! Haribol!” 
(10) Glancing at Radhika and Her sakhis from the corners of His eyes, Krishna Govinda eats with great gusto in Yashoda bhavan.
(11) Afterwards, Krishna drinks rose-scented water, and all the boys stand in lines to wash their mouths.
(12) After washing their mouths and hands, Baladeva and the gopas take rest in great bliss. 
(13) Krishnachandra eats the tambula offered by the gopas Jambula and Rasāla, and happily sleeps.
(14) While Krishna rests blissfully on an unprecedented bed, Viśālākṣa gopa refreshes Him with a peacock fan.
(15) On Yashomati’s order, Dhaniṣṭhā brings Sri Krishna’s prasadi to Radha who lovingly enjoys it.
(16) Feeling extremely joyful to receive Radha’s prasada, all the sakhis beginning with Lalita start singing about the beautiful qualities of Radha and Krishna. 
(17) Thus I, Bhaktivinoda, whose only joy is hari-lila, sing this bhoga aroti song.
Radha-Krishna manasi chappana bhoga seva ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Queen Rukmini Teaches How to be Determined

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#DeterminationInBhakti #Bhakti Sadhana #KrishnaConsciousness #HowToBeDetermined #PatienceInKrishnaConsiousness #SadhanaTips #RukminiTeachings #NeverGiveUp #Patience #MercyAndDetermination
Before marrying Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the exceptionally elegant and stunningly beautiful Princess Sri Rukminiji sent a love letter to Sri Krishna expressing her desire for His hand in marriage.

Sri Rukmini beseeched, “O Krishnaji! You are certainly most difficult to attain! And I know that You cannot be gotten simply by the good acts of one birth. But if for many prior lives I have done any good deeds, with or without a desire to attain You, then please give me the results now so that I may attain You. I want nothing but this. This is my only prayer.

“O my dearest Ambujaksa Sri Krishna! If I don’t get Your mercy, then I’ll immediately die. Possibly then after hundreds of lifetimes of doing Krishna bhakti bhajana, I may obtain Your mercy.” (SB 10.52.43)

Sri Jiva Goswamipada: The Sanskrit verse phrase, sata janmabhih, “hundreds of lifetimes” actually means an indefinite number of lifetimes. In other words, Rukmini-devi is ready to continue performing Krishna bhakti bhajana for an unlimited number of births until she attains Bhagavan Sri Krishna!

Visvanatha Cakravartipada: Here Sri Rukmini-devi is saying, “O Sri Krishna! In this life I will practice celibacy and austerities to attain You in a future life. And if I don’t attain You then, I will keep doing penances for ten million more lifetimes. But I will never give up my desire to attain You.

“And if You say that I am too fallen and contaminated to achieve You, then let the dust particles of Your lotus feet purify and qualify me.
If even then I don’t get Your mercy, then I will fast to death! I am ready to give up my life for hundreds of births until I attain Your mercy.” Srimati Rukminiji  ki jai!

This is the ultimate in determination!
And that’s what it takes to attain Radha-Krishna prema and success in Krishna bhakti bhajana. Are you ready? Try to be like Princess Rukmini. Just think, “No matter what, come life or death, I will never quit and never stop trying to serve Radha and Krishna. “Maybe this life, the next, or in a thousand future lives I will be successful. Somehow, somewhere I WILL ATTAIN BY BELOVED Sri Krishna and His divine, beautiful sweetheart Srimati Radharani! I must!”
This is determined thinking, pukka sankalpa, do or die truth eternal.
Be it, think it, live it!

How to get determination?
You can acquire firm determination in Krishna bhakti bhajana and deepen it by the following items.
1. Be HONESTLY Dedicated to Sri Guru
2. Genuinely WANT TO Serve and PLEASE Radha and Krishna
3. Study Sastra to Strengthen Intellect: Patanjali Yoga Sutras (3.47) says determination is a feature of buddhi, intelligence. Thus you can increase your determination by DAILY studying Sri Gita, Bhagavata, and our Gaudiya Vaisnava sastras. This most important bhakti bhajana abhyasa [daily practice] will definitely sharpen and empower your buddhi, intellect, which then can handle and easily control your cancala mana, restless mind, and impetuous, overheated senses.
 4. Meet, Serve, Hear from Real Devotee Sadhus
Everywhere sastra say, satam prasangat mama virya samvidah (SB 3.25.25), “By associating with genuine bhaktas [as described above] who speak Krishna katha (samvida), one will get power and determination.” (Bhagavan Sri Kapila)
5. Do Austerities, Vratas, Vows and Penances like Ekadasi, Janmastami Jagarana, Siva Caturdasi, Karttika Vrata, etc. 
6. Follow FOUR VOWS [four dharmic principles of human life].
Srila Prabhupada said, “Determination comes by tapasya (penance, austerities). You will be determined if you follow the four rules of religious life [i.e. 1- no eating meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic, etc. ; 2- no drinking coffee, tea, or taking intoxicants; 3- no man/woman intimacies beyond marriage; 4- no lotteries, card betting, gambling, etc.]

“But if you don’t follow them, then you will be a victim of Maya. The four rules and regulations are there to keep you fixed up in your determination. But if you don’t follow [the 4 rules], then you’ll fall down in MAYA!” (BBT Folio: 740110MW.LA)

One big cause of weak determination is excessive indulgence in sense gratification i.e. overeating or sleeping, too much lady/gent intimacies, and gramya katha i.e. prajalpa, useless talk and gossip. Regarding this Srila Prabhupada once said, “Loss of determination is due to excessive amorous enjoyment.” (Path of Perfection chp. 5)

Some encouraging words: “The practice of bhakti-yoga in Krishna consciousness may appear to be a very difficult job. But you follow the four religious principles with great determination, then Bhagavan Sri Krishna will surely help you, for Sri Krishna definitely helps those who help themselves.” (Srila Prabhupada, BBT Folio 760623GC.NV)

7. Maintain Patience: Keep Cool and Push On
“Determination is a bodily affair. Determination means keep practicing Krishna consciousness with patience and perseverance. If you don’t immediately get results, don’t think, ‘Oh, what is this Krishna consciousness? I give it up.’ No, we must have determination and faith in Krishna words.” (Srila Prabhupada, Path of Perfection chp. 5)

Sri Rupa Goswamipada gives wonderful reassurance to one and all: “Determination combined with patience will definitely give you exceptional siddhi, or perfection in bhakti bhajana, niçcayät dhairyät, bhaktiù prasidhyati.” (Upadesamrta 3)
Srila Prabhupada said, “Determination means to continue performing bhakti bhajana with patience and perseverance. Don’t think, ‘I am not getting the desired result. So what is this Krishna consciousness, I give up!’ No don’t think like that. Don't be impatient.” (Path of Perfection 5)

“Determination, means don’t be agitated or frustrated in some attempt. There may be failure in some attempt, but you should not be sorry for that; just move on with patience and determination.” (Bg. 6.1-3 pur.)

Concluding Sweet Note:
Srimati Radharani’s Perfect Determination

Expressing Her intense determination and loving attachment to Her dearly beloved Sri Krishna…“Srimati Radharani once said: ‘O Prananatha Sri Krishna! What more can I say? In life or death, birth after birth, You alone are the Master of My life! My body, My home, My wealth. All is Yours forever!’
“O Syama! My life airs are tied to Your lotus feet with the rope of My love. I have offered My mind to You alone, and am  determined to be Your maidservant.”
‘O My Bandhu! From my childhood, You alone have been the only friend of my life airs, parana bandhuya tumi.ëa baìdhuyä tumi.’” (Vilapa Kusumanjali 75 tika, Sri Ananta Dasji Maharaja)

So all my friends of kind loving hearts! Please, no matter what comes your way. Just push on through, with even more determination to love, to serve, to see and forever be with Radha-Govinda Yugala—sweetly serving Them in the pleasure groves of Vrndavana!
Krishna determination ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pure Love Only By Mercy

Mahanidhi madan Gopal Das

 To Srila Rupa Goswamipada, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu spoke a very beautiful verse describing the relation between mercy and love divine. Let’s look at it and dive into the ocean of truth:

  brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva,
guru krishna prasade PAYA bhakti lata bija
“All living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Out of many millions of wandering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krishna. By the mercy of both Krishna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.” (Caitanya-caritamrta 2.19.151; trans. Srila Prabhupada)

   Comment: Please clearly read this most important verse, a main pillar in the house of Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada translates the Bengali verb paya as receive. The word paya means to receive or to get something, which means that that something IS NOT INSIDE OF ONE.

   The word PAYA clearly means, as Srila Prabhupada states, that something is received or gotten from an outside source. In this case it means one receives or gets the seed of bhakti or pure love of God, Krishna prema, from an outside source, namely Bhagavan Sri Krishna or Sri Guru, or a combination both as Srila Prabhupada states. In other words, neither Krishna bhakti nor its development to bhava or its culmination as Krishna prema is within the heart of any conditioned soul in this material world.
    The conclusion is that if a jiva is very fortunate, however, he may RECEIVE OR GET BHAKTI FROM SRI KRISHNA OR SRI GURU. Then by purely hearing, chanting and remembering Sri Krishna’s beautiful sweet names, forms, qualities and pastimes that seed of bhakti will sprout, and grow into the tree of bhava producing the sweet tasty fruits of Krishna prema.

   In other words, mercy gives bhakti, and that bhakti grows and develops by more mercy. Then by a rare and extraordinary ingress of mercy that bhakti becomes bhava and then quickly blossoms into prema, pure love of Krishna.

From this essential verse of Krishna consciousness we can understand the absolute importance and necessity of Sri Guru in our lives and the supreme role of mercy. Thus without the mercy of Sri Krishna and Sri Guru no one in the entire universe can ever attain pure love of Krishna, the sweetly fulfilling taste of Krishna prema.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...