Mahanidhi swami
The powerfully purifying, blissful blessing month of Purusottama is coming! (17 June to 16 July 2015) Every three years, Bhagavan Sri Krishna arranges an extra month (leap year) to boost the bhakti of all His beloved bhaktas. Praised throughout the Puranas, the Purusottama month (aka Adhika-mas), and its accompanying one month vrata or vow of austerities, is unique in that the worshipable Deities of this month are Swayam Bhagavan, Purusottama Sri Krishna and His lovely divine consort Srimati Radharani.
Some Puranas recommend observing this vrata in Purusottama Kshetra (aka Jagannatha Puri). But since Radha-Krishna Yugala are the ista-devatas of this vrata, it seems that Sri Radha Kunda Dhama in Vrindavana, where the Supreme Yugala-kishora enjoy Their most intimate and blissful lilas, would be the best place to observe the Purusottama-vrata.
We are submitting the following wonderful quotes to inspire all seekers of love divine to spend their Purusottama Vrata in Radha Kunda. In the upcoming months, we will post a list of guest houses and ashrams to stay in Radha Kunda, and details on how to properly observe this most sacred of vows.
Shyama-kunda, Radha Kunda, Giri-Govardhana ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
The Supreme Glories of the Supreme Sri Radha Kunda
* Cc. 2.18.7 (Cc. means Chaitanya-caritamrta)
saba gopé haite rädhä kåñëera preyasé, taiche rädhä-kuëòa priya ‘priyära sarasé’
“Of all the gopés, Rädhäräëé is the dearmost. Similarly, the lake known as Rädhä-kuëòa is very dear to the Lord because it is very dear to Çrématé Rädhäräëé.
*Cc. 2.18.11
kuëòera ‘mädhuré’—yena rädhära ‘madhurimä’,, kuëòera ‘mahimä’—yena rädhära ‘mahimä’
“The attraction of Rädhä-kuëòa is as sweet as that of Çrématé Rädhäräëé. Similarly, the glories of the kuëòa [lake] are as great as Çrématé Rädhäräëé’s.
*Cc. 2.18.13
çré-rädheva hares tadéya-sarasé preñöhädbhutaiù svair guëair
yasyäà çré-yuta-mädhavendur aniçaà prétyä tayä kréòati
premäsmin bata rädhikeva labhate yasyäà sakåt snäna-kåt
tasyä vai mahimä tathä madhurimä kenästu varëyaù kñitau
“‘Because of its wonderful transcendental qualities, Rädhä-kuëòa is as dear to Kåñëa as Çrématé Rädhäräëé. It was in that lake that the all-opulent Lord Çré Kåñëa performed His pastimes with Çrématé Rädhäräëé with great pleasure and transcendental bliss. Whoever bathes just once in Rädhä-kuëòa attains Çrématé Rädhäräëé’s loving attraction for Çré Kåñëa. Who within this world can describe the glories and sweetness of Çré Rädhä-kuëòa?’” This verse is found in the Govinda-lélämåta (7.102).
*NOI 9 (NOI means Nectar of Instruction, Upadeshamrta by Sri Rupa Goswami)
rädhä-kuëòam ihäpi gokula-pateù premämåtä plävanät
kuryäd asya viräjato giri-taöe seväà viveké na kaù
TRANS: “And, above all, the superexcellent Çré Rädhä-kuëòa stands supreme, for it is overflooded with the ambrosial nectarean prema of the Lord of Gokula, Çré Kåñëa. Where, then, is that intelligent person who is unwilling to serve this divine Rädhä-kuëòa, which is situated at the foot of Govardhana Hill?”
PURPORT: Srila Prabhupada said, “Advanced devotees prefer to reside at Rädhä-kuëòa. Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé has given much stress to Rädhä-kuëòa because of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu's desire to find it. Who, then, would give up Rädhä-kuëòa and try to reside elsewhere? No person with transcendental intelligence would do so.”
*NOI 10 ………paçu-päla-paìkaja-dåças täbhyo 'pi sä rädhikä
preñöhä tadvad iyaà tadéya-sarasé täà näçrayet kaù kåté
TRANS: (literal) …..Superior to all the gopés who always gaze upon the lotus face of Krishna, the maintainer of the cows (or gopis), Radhika is the most dear to Kåñëa. O Radha! What fortunate person would not take shelter of Your lake.”
TRANS: (Srila Prabhupada)… “Radha kuëòa is as profoundly dear to Lord Kåñëa as Srimati Radharani, the most beloved of the gopés. Those who execute devotional service on the banks of Rädhä-kuëòa are the most fortunate people in the universe.”
PURPORT: Srila Prabhupada said, “Everyone interested in Kåñëa consciousness should ultimately take shelter of Rädhä-kuëòa and execute devotional service there throughout one's life.
*NOI 11 yat preñöhair apy alam asulabhaà kià punar bhakti-bhäjäà
tat premedaà sakåd api saraù snätur äviñkaroti
TRANS: “Undoubtedly Rädhä-kuëòa is very difficult to attain even by great devotees, what to say about those engaged in bhakti bhajana. If one bathes even once in this lake prema arises.”
PURPORT: Srila Prabhupada said, “A devotee will at once develop pure love of Kåñëa in the wake of the gopés if he once takes a bath in Rädhä-kuëòa. Çré Rädhä-kuëòa is the most select place for those interested in advancing their devotional service in the wake of the lady friends (sakhés) and confidential serving maids (maïjarés) of Çrématé Rädhäräëé.
“Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Våndävana, by means of attaining their spiritual bodies (siddha-deha) should live at Rädhä-kuëòa, take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Çré Rädhä and under their direction engage constantly in Her service. It is also recommended that one should live on the banks of Rädhä-kuëòa and be absorbed in the loving service of the Lord.
“One should bathe there regularly and give up all material conceptions, taking shelter of Çré Rädhä and Her assistant gopés. If one is thus constantly engaged during his lifetime, after giving up the body he will return back to Godhead to serve Çré Rädhä in the same way as he contemplated during his life on the banks of Rädhä-kuëòa.
“The conclusion is that to live on the banks of the Rädhä-kuëòa and to bathe there daily constitute the highest perfection of devotional service. Thus there is no limit to the glory of Çré Rädhä-kuëòa. By serving Rädhä-kuëòa, one can get an opportunity to become an assistant of Çrématé Rädhäräëé under the eternal guidance of the gopés.”
*Radha Kunda Tilak (Srila Prabhupada Folio ref: Acyutänanda Swami said, “Srila Prabhupada, our devotees are also wearing the Rädhä-kuëòa tilaka.” Srila Prabhupada replied, “There is no harm.”
* In Amrta Vani # 53, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada said, “The spiritual master has an eternal kuïja on the shore of Çré Rädhä-kuëòa. There he has bound Kåñëa by the power of his service.”
*The Amrta Vani Appendix contains a lecture given by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada in Radha Kunda Kartika Oct 16, 1932:
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada said, “As the surrendered maidservants of Çré Rädhä, we have to constantly live on the banks of Rädhä Kuëòa.
“Çré Rüpa-maïjaré instructed that service to Rädhä-kuëòa, the highest object of Çré Gaurahari’s internal mood, is the ultimate goal of all service. Only the most fortunate live in the most sanctified place, Çré Rädhä-kuëòa, with pure hearts, and worship Kåñëa twenty-four hours a day. Çré Rädhä-kuëòa is the topmost section of Goloka, the most confidential place in the spiritual sky, and the only shelter for devotees on the platform of mädhurya-rasa.
“Only by Çré Rädhä’s mercy can one reside eternally on the banks of Rädhä-kuëòa, the topmost place in the entire creation. Therefore Çré Rüpa Prabhu mentions taking bath in Rädhä-kuëòa in his ultimate instruction: tat premedaà sakåd api saraù snätur äviñkaroti, “If one simply bathes once within those holy waters, one’s pure love of Kåñëa is fully aroused…..
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada concluded this Kartika lecture at Radha Kunda by stating, “The topmost principle in the spiritual kingdom is to bathe in Çré Rädhä-kuëòa.”
*In an article titled “Radha Dasyam”, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada said, “The eternal land of our abode should be Radha Kunda. By the border of Radha Kunda we should have our groves.”
*In an article on “Radhastami”, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada said, “To constantly reside on the banks of Radha Kunda and to bathe there with a mindful attitude is not achieved by any common, fortunate person.”
* The Gaur-Govinda Archana Smarana Paddhati recommends chanting the following mantra before lovingly and respectfully bathing in the divine holy waters of Sri Radha Kunda:
rädhikä-sama-saubhägya, sarva-tértha-pravandita
praséda rädhikä-kuìòa, snämi te salile çubhe
O Sri Radhika Kunda, You have obtained good fortune equaling that of Srimati Radhika Herself. And among all the holy places, you are the most praiseworthy. I am bathing in your sacred waters, so please be gracious toward me.
*In Gopal Campu (First campu prarthamam puranam 13-15):
Sri Jiva Goswamipada said, “The two lakes named Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda are the meeting of the lovers, Radha and Krishna. I think the sweet fragrances at those lakes are actually Radha-Krsna passionate embraces; the breezes there are Radha-Krsna’s passionate sighs and trembling, and the water seen in those lakes is Radha-Krsna’s passionate love melted into nectar!”
*In Bhakti Ratnakara, Sri Raghava Goswami said, “O Çréniväsa, know for certain that only by the grace of Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada can one live at Rädhä-kuëòa.”
*In Vilapa Kusumanjali, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada prays:
“O Radha-kunda, pond of sublime joy! My Swamini Sri Radhika is always absorbed in divine amorous pastimes with Her beloved paramour Sri Krishna on your banks. Thus you are more dear to the Divine Couple than anything else They cherish. Please, therefore, be merciful upon me, and allow me but a moment's vision of the greatest object of my adoration, Srimati Radharani.&
*In Manah siksa 9, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswamipada prays:
priya-saro- girindrau tat-prekñä-lalita-rati-datve smara manaù, “O Mind! Always remember Rädhä-kunda and Govardhana Hill, the mere sight of which bestows charming transcendental love for the Divine Couple Radha-Govinda.”
*In Vraja riti cintamani 3.33-34, Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada gives a unique description of the origin of Radha Kunda:
“Longing to meet, but forced to remain separate, Radha-Govinda assumed the forms of Rädhä-kuëòa and Çyäma-kuëòa. In this way, Radha-Govinda become splashed with the nectar of eternally meeting each other [at the sangam]. How did these divine kundas appear? I think that when Rädhä saw Kåñëa, Radha melted with ecstasy to assume a liquid form as the waters of Rädhä-kuëòa. In the same way, when Shyama saw Rädhä, Shyama also melted in ecstasy and became the waters of Çyäma-kuëòa.” And later in verse 39, Cakravartipada said, “Limitlessly beautiful Çré Rädhä-kuëòa is filled with Radha Govinda Yugala’s topmost love.”
Shyama-kunda Radha Kunda ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!