Mahanidhi Swami maharaj
Envy is the antithesis of love. Love means to encourage, to serve, to honor, to put forward and envy means to destroy, to repress, to put down.
Mahanidhi Swami maharaj
Envy is the antithesis of love. Love means to encourage, to serve, to honor, to put forward and envy means to destroy, to repress, to put down.
Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
ArrayaudiyaVaisnava ArrayssentialTeachings Arrayhakti ArraypiritualKnowledge ArrayaudiyaSiddhanta ArrayambandhaAbhidheyaPrayojana ArraymportantVerses ArrayrishnaConsciousness Arrayhilosophy
Life is too short, memory is very weak and time is less. Thus we offer the following 25 verses to summarize all the essential principles, practices and actual goal of Gaudiya Vaisnava Dharma. We have arranged them in a logical sequence to facilitate clear understanding. Devotees will obtain tremendous spiritual benefit by reflecting deeply upon each one; learning them and following their guidance.
** MOST IMPORTANT VERSE: Krishna Consciousness Essence.
Ishtadevata, Gati (destination), Sadhana, Pramana (Basis), Prayojana (Necessity) and the Originator. At least this one verse all should memorize, meditate and realize.
ārādhyo bhagavān vrajeśa tanayas tad dhāma vṛndāvanaṁ
ramyā kācid upāsanā vrajavadhū vargeṇa yā kalpitā
śāstraṁ bhāgavatam pramāṇam amalaṁ prema pumārtho mahān
śrī caitanya mahāprabhor matam idaṁ tatrādaro naḥ para
“Our worshipable form of Bhagavan [upasya] is Sri Krishna, Nandanandana, the son of Vraja’s King Nanda whom we worship in Vrindavana [the divya dhama goal of life]. Our [the upasakas] way to attain perfection [upasana] is to follow the delightful method of worship done by the newlywed gopis of Vraja (vraja vadhu).
“Our main scripture is the Srimad Bhagavatam, the spotless authority on Krishna-bhakti. The highest goal of human life is Krishna prema, pure love of God. These are the transcendental tenets of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and thus deserve our highest respect, love and care.”
(By Srinatha Cakravarti, disciple of Sri Advaita Prabhu; and guru of Kavi Karnapura)
KRISHNA: The Absolute Truth.
janmādy asya yato’nvayād itarataś cārtheṣv abhijṣaḥ svarāṭ
tene brahma hṛdā ya ādi-kavaye muhyanti yat sūrayaḥ
tejo-vāri-mṛdāṁ yathā vinimayo yatra tri-sargo’mṛṣā
dhāmnā svena sadā nirasta-kuhakaṁ satyaṁ paraṁ dhīmahi
“We meditate on the Supreme Truth, from whom all this is born, Who is both present in everything and aloof from it, Who is omniscient and independent. It is He who revealed the Veda to Brahma, the first sage, within his heart. He deludes even the great gods, makes this threefold unreal world seem real, just as the sun’s rays are mistaken for water (in a mirage), water for earth or earth for water, but who is Himself forever free from illusion due to His divine energy (dhāmnā).” (SB 1.1.1)
KRISHNA: Best Definition of.
īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ saccidānanda vigraha
anādir ādir govinda sarva kārana kāranam
Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Supreme God, and Sri Krishna’s transcendental body is sac cid ananda, full of awareness, reality and bliss. Sri Krishna is beginningless, the greatest of all, and the cause of all causes.” (Brahma Samhita 5.1)
KRISHNA: Beauty Meditation (as gopis see Krishna; revealed by Suka Muni)
barhāpīḍaṁ naṭa-vara-vapuḥ karṇayoḥ karṇikāraṁ
bibhrad-vāsaḥ kanaka-kapiśaṁ vaijayantīṁ ca mālām
randhrān veṇor adhara-sudhayā pūrayan gopa-vṛndair
vṛndāraṇyaṁ sva-pada-ramaṇaṁ prāviśad gīta-kīrtiḥ
“Krishna’s head is adorned with a peacock feather crown. He has a body is shaped like the best of dancers and Krishna wears Karṇikāra-flowers on His ears. While wearing a golden hued garment and a vaijayanti flower mala, Krishna fills the holes of His flute with the nectar of His lips, and the cowherd boys sing His glories as He enters the forest of Vrindavana, beautifying the earth with His lovely footprints.” (Venu Gita 10.21.5)
KRISHNA: Mahaprabhu is Krishna not Radha and Krishna.
rādhā kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir hlādinī śaktir asmād
ekātmānāv api bhuvi purā deha-bhedaṁ gatau tau
caitanyākhyaṁ prakaṭam adhunā tad-dvayaṁ caikyam āptaṁ
rādhā-bhāva-dyuti-subalitaṁ naumi kṛṣṇa-svarūpam
"The transformations of love between Śrī Rādhā and Śrī Kṛṣṇa are manifestations of the hlādinī-śakti. These two, although one soul, have manifested in this world in separate forms since ancient times. He, who is known as Caitanya, has now manifest as the union of Radha-Krishna. Obeisances to Sri Chaitanya, who is Śrī Kṛṣṇa Himself, beautifully endowed with the feelings and lustre (bhava, kanti) of Śrī Rādhā!"
SRI CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU: Main inner purpose entire Gaura lila.
anarpita carīṁ cirāt karuṇayā avatīrṇa kalau, samarpayitum unnatojjvala rasa sva bhakti śriyaṁ
hariḥ puraṭa sundara dyuti kadamba sandīpitaḥ, sadā hṛdaya kandare sphuratu vaḥ śacī-nandanaḥ
“May the son of mother Śacī, who is Sri Hari Himself, appearing in a splendid beautiful golden form, and who has descended in the age of Kali to mercifully bestow the wealth of His own bhakti, which was never bestowed before, and which is endowed with the elevated amorous flavour [madhurya-rasa i.e. gopi-bhava], always be manifest within the cave of your heart.”
VRINDAVAN: Goloka realm is everywhere; not a planet.
śanakair bhagaval-lokān nṛ-lokaṁ punar āgataḥ.
vimṛjya netre viduraṁ prītyāhoddhava utsmayan
"[after breaking his deep lila meditation] “Gradually, Uddhava [mentally] returned from Bhagavān's world to the external human world. Rubbing his eyes, Uddhava lovingly told Vidura in amazement..." (SB 3.2.6); Krishna Sandarbha 106).
VRINDAVAN: Living in to get Radha’s mercy.
vṛndāni sarva mahatām apahāya dūrāt, vṛndāṭavīm anusara pranayena cetaḥ
sat tāranī kṛta subhāva sudhā rasaugham, rādhā bhidhānam iha divya nidhānam asti
O Mind! Stay aloof [apahaya durat] from all great things or persons like Vrajavasis [sarva mahatam], and live in Vrindavana with love. In Vraja, there is a divine jewel of wonderful moods and feelings named RADHA, Who redeems all the sincere souls sheltered in Vraja!” (Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 17)
SHUDDHA BHAKTI: Best & complete definition of pure devotion.
anyābhilāṣita śūnyaṁ jnāna-karmādy anāvṛtam
ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśilanaṁ bhaktir uttamā
Sri Rupa Gosvami said, “The topmost devotion [uttama bhakti] is devoid of all material desires, and not mixed with or covered by any practices of impersonal liberation (jnana) or fruitive activities [karma kanda, homas, yajnas etc]). Uttama bhakti is practiced deliberately and actively, solely for the pleasure of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.” (Bhakti Rasāmṛta Sindhu 1.1.11)
SADHANA: Diksha Reveals Siddha Deha.
dīkṣā-kāle bhakta kore ātma-samarpaṇa; sei-kāle kṛṣṇa tāre kore ātma-sama
sei deha kore tāra cid-ānanda-moya; aprākṛta-dehe tāṅra caraṇa bhajoya
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “At the time of diksha, the devotee surrenders the very self. And at that time, Sri Krishna makes the devotee equal to Himself by making the devotee’s body transcendental. In such a spiritual body one can serve Krishna.” (Cc. 3.4.192-193)
SADHANA: Gita’s top secret [told 2x 9.34]; four main bhakti practices.
man manā bhava mad bhakto mad yāji māṁ namaskuru
mām evaiṣyasi satyaṁ te pratijāne priyo’si me
“Think of Me and be My devotee. Worship Me and offer your respects unto Me. Thus you will truly and certainly come to Me. I promise you this because you are dear to Me.”
SADHANA: The main 24/7 rule of sadhana.
smartavyaṁ satataṁ viṣṇor vismartavyo na jātūcit
sarva vidhi niṣedha syur etayor eva kinkarāḥ
“Always remember Krishna and never forget Him! All other rules and prohibitions are subservient to this.” Padma P. 6.71.100)
SADHANA: Summary all manah-shiksha; Ideal daily pranam mantra.
gurau goṣṭhe goṣṭhālayiṣu sujane bhū-sura-gaṇe, sva-mantre śrī-nāmni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-śaraṇe
sadā dambhaṁ hitvā kuru ratim apūrvām atitarāṁ, aye svāntar bhrātaś caṭubhir abhiyāce dhṛta-padaḥ
Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami said, “O brother mind! I clasp your feet and pray to you with flattering words: ‘Always give up hypocrisy and develop unprecedented love for Sri Guru, Vraja Dhama, the Vrajavasis, the saints, the brāhmaṇas, the diksha mantra, the Holy Names of Sri Krishna, and the shelter of the eternally youthful Couple of Vraja, Śrī-Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa!’” (Manaḥ Śikṣā 1)
SADHANA: 4 Points to Success in Bhakti & Nama Bhajan
tṛṇād api sunīcena taror iva sahiṣṇunā;
amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ
“One should chant the Holy Name of Lord Hari in a humble state of mind, being more humble than a blade of grass, as tolerant as a tree, giving all respect unto others and not expecting any honor for oneself." (Śrī Caitanya-śikṣāṣṭakam 3)
SADHANA: Krishna provides all—just do bhakti.
ananyaś cintayanto māṁ, ye janāḥ paryupāsate
teṣāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ, yoga kṣemaṁ vahāmyaham
“Whoever constantly worships Me, exclusively meditating on Me, I will provide him with all his needs and will preserve what he has.” (Bhagavad-gītā 9.22)
SADHANA: Mind—only Krishna can control ours.
cancalaṁ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavad dṛḍham
tasyāhaṁ nigrahaṁ manye vāyor iva suduṣkaram
“O Kṛṣṇa! The mind is so restless, agitating, powerful and obstinate. It seems harder to check than even the wind.” (Bhagavad-gītā 6.34)
SHASTRA: Must live by.
yaḥ śāstra-vidhiṁ utsṛjya vartate kāma kārataḥ
na sa siddhim avāpnoti na sukhaṁ na paraṁ gatiṁ
"He who rejects scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims, will not attain perfection, nor will he become happy or attain the Supreme Abode." (Bhagavad Gītā 16.23)
SHASTRA: Focus on essence of i.e. pure bhakti.
ananta-śāstraṁ bahulāśca vidyāḥ svalpaśca kālo bahu-vighnatā ca;
yat sāra-bhūtaṁ tad-upāsanīyaṁ haṁso yathā kṣīram ivāmbu-madhyāt
"The scriptures are infinite and the branches of knowledge are many. Our time is limited and our lives are full of obstacles. Therefore we should worship the essence, just as the swan extracts only the milk from the water." (Canakya-nīti-darpanam 15.10)
SHASTRA: Power of Hearing Rasa Lila.
vikrīḍitaṁ vrajavadhūbhir idaṁ ca viṣṇoḥ, śraddhānvito’nuśṛṇuyed atha varṇayed yaḥ
bhaktiṁ paraṁ bhagavatiṁ pratilabhya kāmaṁ, hṛd-rogam āśvapahinotyacireṇa dhīraḥ
Suka Muni said [phala shruti for rasa-lila cp. 29-33] “Anyone who faithfully and continually hears and describes the pastimes of Krishna with the newlyweds of Vraja (gopīs) will attain the highest devotion to Bhagavān, swiftly become free from the heart’s disease of lust and become peaceful.”
SADHANA: Sri Chaitanya Orders Gopi Bhava
ataeva gopī-bhāva kari aṅgīkāra, rātri-dina cinte rādhā-kṛṣṇera vihāra
“Therefore one should accept the loving mood of the gopis [gopi-bhava], and day and night meditate on the pleasure pastimes of Radha and Krishna. (Cc. 2.8.228)
SADHANA (Must do two forms—Internal & External). [two verses]
bāhya antara ihāra dui to sādhana; bāhya sādhaka dehe kore śravaṇa kīrtana
mane nija siddha deha koriyā bhāvana; rātri dine kore vraje kṛṣṇera sevana
Mahaprabhu said, “O Sri Sanatana Goswami! "There are two kinds of devotion in practise: external and internal. In the external practitioner's body, one performs hearing and chanting of Krishna’s glories, and internally, in the mentally conceived spiritual body, one renders mental service to Krishna in Vraja day and night." (Cc. 2.22.155-156)
SADHANA: Worship Shyama to get Sriji seva)
dhyāyantaṁ śikhi-piccha-mauli-maniśaṁ tan nāma-sankīrtayan
nityaṁ tac caraṇāmbujaṁ paricaran tan-mantra-varyaṁ japan
śrī rādhā padāsyam eva paramābhīṣṭaṁ hṛdā dhārayan
karhi syāṁ tad anugraheṇa param ādbhutānurāg otsavaḥ
“I always meditate on Krishna, wearing a crown of peacock feathers; I always sing Krishna’s name in saṅkīrtana; I always serve Krishna’s lotus feet (archa-murti) and repeat His best of mantras, all the while holding in my heart the desire for the supremely cherished service of Śrī Rādhā's lotus feet. When by Krishna’s grace will that grand festival of Radha’s amazing anuraga arise in my heart?” (Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 259)
SADHANA: The Desired Perfection of Manjari Bhava.
tavaivāsmi tavaivāsmi na jīvāmi tvayā vinā, iti vijnaya devi tvaṁ naya māṁ caraṇāntikam
Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami prays, “O Devi Radha! I am Yours, I am Yours! I cannot live without You! Knowing this, please take me to Your lotus feet!” (Vilapa Kusumanjali 96)
SADHANA: Highest perfection demands most practice and patience.
krame krame pāya loka bhava-sindhu-kūla
Mahaprabhu said to Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, “Slowly and gradually a person will cross the ocean of material existence [attain liberation].” (Cc. 2.16.237) (adapted madangopal.blogspot) Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!
#RadhaKrishnaPastimes #RadhaKrishnaLila #JhulanaLila #SwingPastimes #VrajaGopis
mahanidhi madana gopala dasa
At midday, Srimati Radharani and all the sakhis walk to the Swing Pavilion (jhulana mandapa). Beautiful blossoming kalpa vrksha trees surround the mandapa. The intertwining, bending branches of the densely foliated trees that are all embraced by fragrant creepers of madhavi and malati form a natural canopy overhead.
The pleasure swings suspended from these trees on silken ropes are covered with seats, soft cushions and pillows.
On the pretext of admiring the beauty of the forest, Sri Krishna slips away from the boys and cows, and comes here along with His confidantes Subala and Madhumangala to meet Radhika and the sakhis. While playing vinas, drums and other instruments, the lovely damsels of Vraja start singing and dancing for the joy of Yugala. With their sweetest possible voices, the cuckoos and parrots add to the concert, and the tail fanned peacocks dance ecstatically while shrieking “Ka Ka!, Ke Ka!”. Bees buzz, deer frolic and the entire forest vibrates with the bliss of the festival. “Radhe jhulana padharo, jhuki ayi badara.”
Surrounded by all Their intimate sakhis, Radha-Shyama sit in the whorl of the spectacular 1000-petalled lotus-swing. On other swings nearby, the different chief sakhis (yutheshvaris) sit with their girlfriends. In the east on her swing is Candravali and her party; south Bhadra and her sakhis; north Shyamala and friends; and west Dhanya and company. Hovering in their vimanas, the devas and devis observe the swing celebration from the sky.
Just to make it a super spectacle bliss festival, Vrinda-devi brings colored powders made of pulverized fragrant flowers, flowers bombs and powerful 3 foot long syringes to douse everyone in festive colors of joyful love along with the Jhulana utsava. “Preme Se! Preme Se!” Holi and Jhulana—two festivals in one!!
The yutheshvaris surrounding Radha-Krishna team up together and bombard the Playful Pair with clouds of colors and streams of rainbow hued liquids shot from their gem-studded golden syringes (huge squirt guns). To protect Radha-Govinda from the attack, clever Lalita and Her sakhis form a human shield all around Yugala. In seconds, the sakhis are completely drenched and dusted from the torrential hail of colored liquids, powders and flower bombs. Day has become night from the color monsoon.
After some time, the dense color clouds settle and the sakhis step down from their swings to push the hindolana of Radha-Shyama. Due to the forceful swinging, Radha-Madhava’s mala start to oscillate. Nectar thirsty bumblebees try to land on Their flower garlands. But they end up just swinging back in forth without getting the nectar.
Then a variety of swinging partners takes place. Krishna, with Radhika sitting on His right, swings with Lalita and then every individual sakhi sitting on His left. Then Sri Radha descends from the swing, seats a pair of sakhis on either side of Shyama and then happily swings Them. Then Shyama gets down and pushes Priyaji sitting with Her dearest Vraja damsels.
At the conclusion of the Jhulana bliss festival, Radha’s kinkari maidservants relieve the Divine Pair by fanning Them, daubing Them with sandalwood paste and offering Them tasty sweet fruits and refreshing cool drinks. (Gutika, adapted)
Jhulana Chalo Hidolana, Vrishabhanu Nandini!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Mahanidhi Swami
Krishna is Radha’s Hari because Krishna takes away Radha’s shyness, unwillingness and any other obstacle to Their meeting. One day Sri Radha became very angry with Krishna and She made three resolutions, thinking, “From now on, I will not look at, speak to or trust that black fellow any more.”
A short time later, the clever prankster arrived and begged Radha, “O Shyama Jiu! Look at Me just once!” While admiring Shyama’s sweet form, the sakhis started talking to each other, “Aha! How sweetly Shyama stands in tribhanga pose. The life of that lady-love who does not see such sweetness is wasted.” Hearing this, Radha becomes eager to look at Krishna and She does. Radha’s first resolution is broken. Krishna is speaking so nicely with lots of flattery and witty remarks that Radharani cannot remain silent anymore. So Radha says, “Just go to that gopi you love. Don’t stay here speaking so cleverly.” Thus, Radha’s second vow is gone. Krishna slowly slides His foot forward to touch the tips of Radha’s toes. Being disturbed by this, Radha takes Krishna by the hand and pushed Him out of the kunja. Then Radha thinks, “Oh just see! Now I have also touched Him. If I can not keep any vow, then how can I keep Krishna away.” Then Radha steps out of the kunja, wraps Her beautiful arm around Shyama’s neck and brings Him back into the kunja. Thus Lord Hari continually steals the tender heart of Sri Radha with all His sweet charms.
Three resolutions wali Radha ki jai!
Chatura shiromani Hari ki jai!
Jai jai Sri Radhe!!
Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#WhyChantHareKrishna #BenefitsOfChanting #ResultsOfHareKrishna #MahaMantra
Why do we chant the hHare Krishna maha-mantra? What are the results and benefits it gives?
Anyone anywhere in world who sincerely chants Hare Krishna will clearly know and directly feel, understand and experience his/her own beautiful personal benefits and results from chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!
As tasting reveals the quality of good kshira (sweet rice), your personal experience will reveal the benefits of chanting. Try it and find out!!!
In Gita (9.2), Sri Krishna says, “The religious practice [of chanting Hare Krishna] brings directly perceivable results, pratyakshavagamam dharmyam. And by regularly chanting Hare Krishna you will feel very happy FOREVER, su-sukham kartum avyayam.”
Commenting on this Gita verse, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti said, “Pratyaksha means that this religious practice [of chanting Hare Krishna] brings devotion, direct experience of Sri Krishna and detachment, bhakti, anubhava and virakti (vairagya).”
In his comments, Madhusudana Sarasvati said, “This topmost dharma [i.e. chanting Hare Krishna] is the most purifying of all actions because it immediately uproots all of one’s sinful reactions from thousands of lifetimes, and destroys the cause of all sins i.e. ignorance.”
The golden avatara of Krishna prema, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who came to bless the world with Sri Harinama Sankirtana, personally described the amazing benefits and results of chanting Hare Krishna:
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “In this age of Kali, the chanting of Krishna’s Holy Names is the best [spiritual] practice, nama-sankirtana—kalau parama upaya. Those who are really intelligent will worship Sri Krishna by congregationally chanting Krishna’s Holy Names, and thereby receive the lotus feet of Krishna, sankirtana yajne kalau Krishna aradhana, sei ta’ sumedha paya Krishna carana.
“The performance of Harinama sankirtana destroys all bad habits and undesirables (anarthas); produces all good fortune; and increases one’s love of God, nama sankirtana haite sarvanartha-nasha, sarva-shubhodaya Krishna premera ullasa.
“Harinama sankirtana destroys one’s sins and the endless cycle of birth and death; purifies the consciousness; and it manifests all varieties of sadhana bhakti, sankirtana haite papa samsara nashana, citta-shuddhi sarva-bhakti-sadhana-udgama.
“By chanting Hare Krishna one gets Krishna prema and the nectarean taste of love divine. And finally one attains the direct service of Krishna and submerges in an ocean of nectar, Krishna premodgama premamrta asvadana, Krishna prapti sevamrta samudre majjana!” (Cc. 3.20.8-14)
These are the wonderful results and benefits of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!
Harinama sankirtana ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!
Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#JapaTechniques #HowToImproveJapa #HareKrishna #ChantingJapa #Meditation #Smarana #Remembering Radha-Krishna #MahaMantra
In Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna describes the “third eye” or Ajna Chakra Meditation Method.
In verses (5.27 & 8.10) Sri Krishna says, “A sadhaka should fix his vision and attention on the point between the eyebrows, the ajna cakra, chakshus antare bhruvoh: bhruvoh madhye.” Yoga sutras say that focusing one’s outer and inner vision on this point, bhruvoh madhye, will stop the stream of random, wandering thoughts that often distract us from attentive harinama/mantra japa efforts and remembrance of Radha-Krishna.
Then concentrated, focused, attentive and heart-felt japa and smarana can proceed smoothly. Commenting on this, Srila Prabhupada said, “By this yoga meditation practice one can control the senses, become free from fear and anger, feel the presence of the Antaryami Sri Krishna, and prepare for liberation.” (Bg. 5.27 p.)
It may be argued that just chanting Hare Krishna and sincerely practicing Krishna consciousness does all these things and more; it gives spiritual perfection. That is absolutely true! Our personal experience and Srila Prabhupada’s numerous statements to this effect are the proof.
Nevertheless, we are highlighting this physical concentration technique in the mood of accepting and doing things that will be helpful for our metaphysical development i.e. increasing our Krishna bhakti. Every day we chant Hare Krishna and try to think about, remember and meditate upon Radha-Krishna in Vrindavana. But where is the absorption, what to speak about attention and concentration?
Frustrated but steadily going, we cry out, “O Krishna” my mind is restless, very mad, powerful and relentless, chanchalam he manah Krishna, pramathi balavad drdham.” (Bg. 6.34) Our wayward minds just won’t let us concentrate on the beautiful sweet names, forms and pastimes of Radha-Krishna.” What to do—just chant more, remember more?
Yes!!! And also try the Chakra Japa Method.
1. Sit comfortably straight;
2. Take 5 very deep and slow breaths; inhale while thinking “Shyamaa Shyamaa, Shyamaa” and exhale thinking “Shyama, Shyama, Shyama”. Radha-Krishna, Hare Krishna, are our very Prananatha and Praneshvari, the beloveds of our life force.
3. Focus your eyesight, vision and attention on the ajna chakra, the physical/psychic point between the eyebrows. Locate it and press it firmly with the tip of your middle finger. That’s your focal point.
4. Now with closed eyes (if alert and well rested) or half-closed eyes do your daily harinama japa sankhya, mantra dhyana and lila smarana.
Whenever you sit for Radha-Krishna bhajan try this chakra japa technique and see/feel/taste the results. Simply wonderful!
It works for me and I hope it works for you too.
Raganuga Bhakti bhajan ki jai! Nama japa lila smarana ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...