Saturday, June 30, 2018

Swamini:Manjari First Meeting

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#Manjaris #GopiBhava #RadhaDasyam #SingForRadha #Radha-Krishna

Once an anxiety-ridden young cowherd maiden, who desired nothing but the direct vision and service of RadhaGovinda, fell down at the feet of her own guru-sakhi and Sri Radha’sdearmostsakhis.

That tender-hearted manjaricried out, “O my dear sakhis! I can no longer hold my peace. Please tell me where I can find the divine transcendental lovers Radha-Krishna enjoying their pastimes!”

Seeing the depths of this new maiden’s emotion (sadhana siddha manjari), the sakhis’ hearts melted with affection. Then they took that navamanjari to see Krishnachandra and His pleasure giving sweetheart Radha.
While showing the Divine Couple to the manjari, the sakhissang:

“O sakhi just gaze upon Gandharvika’s gorgeous form with Herhairbraids entwined with a delicate garland of sweet jasmines. Radha’s amorous affairs with Shyamafill the universe with waves of unlimited delight. O new maiden! Just see how Kishora is flooded by waves of nectar from touching Srimati. And Radha in turn is dizzy from the loving sensations twirling Her delicate heart. Just see how Radha’s every limb is thrilled in bliss.”

As the young gopiadmired Priyaji, she thought, ‘What am I seeing? Is Radha the very life force of Cupid personified? Is Radha the source of all lovliness in the universe? Or perhaps Radha is the life and soul of SriMadhusudana?’Gazing at the Divine Youthful Couple, the new manjariimmersed in an ocean of prema.

Upon regaining her composure, Nava-dasi, her eyes welling with tears of joy began praying to Kishori-mani.  "O Radhe! Please make me Yourpadadasi.Please teach me the deep feelings and artistic gestures that accompany Your self-composed songs. Then I will expertly sing them to please You and Your Priyatama.” (SangitaMadhava, Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati)Singing for Radhaki jai! First darshana of Lila Yugalaki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Friday, June 29, 2018

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part four

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema#ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Vrnda-devi’s asta-kaliya-lila narration to Lord Shiva continued. Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is, downloaded from Net.

Madhyahna Lila 10:48 a.m. to 3:36 p.m.
Vrinda-devi said, “O Narada, please hear attentively. Having entered the forest and having played there with his friends for a while, Sri Krishna then gladly sports there, in the forest by means of various pastimes. Then, having deceived all, and surrounded by two or three friends, Sri Krishna, being eager to see his beloved, would gladly go to the rendezvous.

Radha too, who had come home, on seeing Krishna , goes, after deceiving her elders, under the pretext of Sun-worship etc. or for collecting flowers, to the forest with a desire to meet her lover. Thus Radha-Govinda, having, after many efforts, met in the forest, gladly sport there for the (whole) day with various pastimes.

Sometimes Radha-Govinda get upon a swing and are rocked to and fro by their friends. Sometimes, Hari, deceived by the bevies of his beloveds, is seen, searching his flute dropped from his hand, and hidden by his beloved. Sri Krishna, made to laugh by them by means of merriment, remains there.

At times Radha Govinda Yugala the forest endowed with vernal breezes, and sprinkle each other with water (mixed with) sandal, or with water (mixed with) saffron etc., released from syringes, or smear each other with mud. In the same way, the friends also sprinkle them (with water etc.) and Radha-Govinda also sprinkle them.

Then Radha-Govinda, O Narada, being tired due to many pastimes proper for the time in the groves endowed with vernal breezes on all sides, resort, with their attendants, to the root of a tree, and sitting on a divine seat, drink liquor.
O best sage. Then Radha-Govinda, intoxicated due to the liquor, with their eyes closed due to sleep, holding each other’s hands, being under the influence of Cupid’s arrows, and desiring to sport, enter, with their words and mind stumbling on the path. There Radha-Madhava sport like a female elephant and (the male elephant,) the lord of the herd.

All the friends also, intoxicated by wine, and with their eyes troubled by sleep (i.e. drowsy) sleep all around in the charming bowers. Again and again incited by his beloved, Krishna , the lord, would go near all, with a separate body (for each) and simultaneously.

Having satisfied all of them as a lord of elephants satisfies the female elephants, Sri Krishna would, along with his beloved Radharani and with them, go to the lake to sport.
Then Radha-Govinda, with their attendants, sport bet-ween themselves by sprinkling water (on each other). They are adorned with garments, garlands, sandal(-pastes), and also with divine ornaments. O sage, I have there, in a chamber full of divine gems, on the bank of the lake, already arranged fruits and roots.

Hari, having eaten first, and being clasped by his beloved, and being served by two or three (maids) would go to a bed made of flowers. There, being served (by them) with tämbulas, fans and shampooing of his feet, Sri Krishna laughing with them, and remembering his beloved rejoices.

Radhika too, when Hari is asleep, extremely delighted along with her attendants,.having put her heart into him, eats what is left over (by him). Having but eaten a little there, Radha would go to the bed-chamber to see her lover’s face as the female cakora bird sees the moon. The maids there have told (her) about his having chewed the tämbula. Kishori also chews tämbulas and distributes them among her dear friends.

Krishna too, desiring to hear their free mutual talk, though sleepless, covers himself with a piece of cloth,.appearing as if he is asleep. Those too, looking at one another in jest, and getting the hint from somewhere, biting their ton-gues with their teeth, look at one another’s face.

Merged as it were into the ocean of bashfulness, the sakhis do not say anything for a moment. Just after a moment, having removed the piece of cloth from his body, and saying ‘You were really asleep’ they laugh and make Krishna laugh too.
Thus sporting with the sakhis by means (of jokes etc. causing) laughter, and having, for a moment, experienced the pleasure of sleep, Shyama sits upon the seat gladly spread by the manjaris, and Radha-Govinda having mutually staked necklaces, kisses, embraces and garments, play with dice preceded by jocular talk.
Though defeated by his beloved Krishna, saying, ‘I have won’, pro-ceeds to seize Radha’s necklace etc. and is beaten by her. Thus beaten by Radha on his lotus-like face with her hand Krishna, being dejected in his mind, thinks of going. “If, O honourable lady, I am defeated, then accept what is staked (viz.) kisses etc. offered by me.”

On his saying so Kishori would act like that to see the crookedness of his eyebrows and to hear his words of reproach. (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.44-75) More part five. Radha-kunda nitya-lila ki jai! Radha Govinda Yugala seva ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Seeing Your Self as Manjari

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#ManjariBhava #GopiBhava #ManjariMeditations #VrajaGopis #Radha-Krishna

After becoming established in one’s siddha svarupa by the mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Krishna, a sadhaka will contemplate his/her personal form, qualities and seva while mentally remembering and serving within Radha-Madhava’s asta-kaliya-lila.

The following passages, taken from Prabodhananda Sarasvatipada’s Vrindavana Mahimamrita, which describe a manjari’s form, feelings, movements and services are very helpful in deepening and culturing the personna of a maidservant of Srimati Radharani.

By reading these, one will see how dynamic, beautiful and exciting it will be when one attains prema, and enters Radha-Krishna pastimes to lovingly serve Them eternally in one’s siddha svarupa as Radhika’s kinkari.

[ed. The young girls (12-13 yrs) who personally and very intimately serve Srimati Radharani are called Radha’s dasis, kinkaris, manjaris or simply maidservants. The following description is generic and refers to “You” or anyone among the unlimited hand maidens of Srimati Radhika.]

Read these passages very deeply while thinking: “This is the REAL ME, the ETERNAL ME and the EVER BLISSFUL ME!” Try to think of your eternal, individual, transcendental, sac-cid-ananda siddha svarupa as being like this…

“One manjari has a glistening, pleasing golden complexion and she abounds in honey sweetness. She is a fresh maiden adorned with jeweled necklaces and multicolored blouses.

Her arms are beautifully shaped like lotus stems and glorified with bracelets and jeweled armlets. Like a dangling vine, the manjari’s hair braid hangs down to her captivating buttocks, and its swinging movements enhance her beauty.

Radhika’s kinkari (manjari) has an enchantingly thin waist. A divine silk garment with artistic folds hangs down to her ankles. A fine cloth embroidered with flowers and leaves covers her hair and sides of her face.

A sweet shy smile plays upon her reddish lips. Her glances are light and playful, and her movements are extremely attractive. The amorous affairs of Radha-Madhava Yugala always excite her pure tender heart.

Among a manjari’s unlimited good qualities, humility and sweet behavior are foremost.Having been taught by Radharani herself, the manjariis expert in all arts.

Sri Radha’s manjaris are especially attractive due to wearing the Playful Pair’s prasadi malas, clothes and ornaments. They also relish Radha and Krishna’s prasadi pan and betel nut. The expert manjari immediately knows what Radha wants just by a hint or a glance. Radha and Krishna are always very affectionate to Their manjaris.

She carries whatever is needed i.e. scents, water, cosmetics etc. for Radhe-Shyama’s nightly meetings. Radhika’s kinkari constantly tastes the madhura rasa arising from Sri Radha’s beautiful form, qualities and pastimes. By remembering Radhika’s intimate affairs with Shyama a manjari remains forever thrilled.

A manjari’s intense loving affection for Radharani keeps her continually submerged in a ocean of happiness. In all times, whether awake, dreaming or deeply asleep, Radha’s manjari desires nothing but Radha’s seva. A Radha kinkari knows nothing but Sri Radha sweet lotus feet.
As rivers rush to the sea, a manjari will run toward anything even remotely connected with Radha. A manjari will practically die if even a moment passes without Radha. As a shadow follows an object, Radhika’s kinkari are always beside Sri Radha throughout the day and night. A manjari’s deep attachment to Radha immerses her in the boundless ocean of ecstatic love for Radha.

Sometimes when Srimati enjoys with Priyatama in a keli-kunja, Radha pulls the manjari onto the flower bed and under the sheets with Her. Ah ha! Just see the intimacy of these most fortunate Radha manjaris!

Not only the universe but even Shiva and Ananta Sesha are astonished by the spectacular beauty of Radha’s foot maidens, the manjaris. Tasting the sevananda, the manjari often horripilates in ecstasy. The manjari’s bodily luster and loveliness are enchanting to everyone as she moves from place to place in her anxiety to nicely serve Radha.

The bodily effulgence of Radha’s kinkaris beautifies and enriches all ten directions. When she is privy to Priya-Priyatama’s secret love talks, the manjari feels the utmost happiness and satisfaction. The soothing, nectar-sweet words flowing from the lotus mouth of Srimati Radhika continually dance in waves of joy in the hearts of Hermanjaris. (Vrindavana Mahimamrta 8.17-42)
Sri Radha’s manjariki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe! Manjari Bhava Upasana ki jai! Sri Guru ki jai!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part three

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema#ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

This is part of our Padma Purana raganuga sadhana article series. The ancient Vedic pramana titled Padma Purana tells how Narada once came to Vrindavana, and asked Vrinda-devi to tell him about Lord Hari’s daily eight-fold pastimes in Vrindavana, the asta-kaliya-lila.

Since this is a long discussion, we will present it in parts. By reading this, one learns that the Padma Purana is the source book for famous asta-kaliya-lila granthas written by various Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas in the 15th and 16th century. The famous Krishnaika Kaumudi, Govinda Lilamrta, and Krishna Bhavanamrta base their material on this Puranic authority.
Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is downloaded from Net.

Srimati Vrinda-devi said, “O Naradaji, now I will describe Radha-Krishna’s asta-kaliya-lila beginning with nishanta-lila.

Nishanta Lila 3:36-6 am.
O Narada, I shall also tell you the secret since you are a devotee of Krishna. In Vrindavana which is charming and adorned with fifty bowers, in a chamber with divine gems, in an arbour of the desire-yielding tree, Radha Govinda Yugala embracing each other remain (in a) sleeping (position), though later Radha-Govinda are awakened by birds obeying my orders.
Radha-Govinda have obtained great joy due to a close embrace and are afraid of its being disturbed. Radha-Govinda do not at all desire to get up from the bed. Then Radha-Govinda have to get up from their bed when awakened with various notes made on all sides and repeatedly by groups of sarikas and parrots etc.
Seeing Radha-Madhava seated gladly on the bed, the friends enter (the bower) and offer Lila Yugala services appropriate for that time. Then Radha-Madhava, having got up from the bed by the notes of sarikas, overcome with eagerness go to their respective houses.

Pratah Lila 6-8:36 a.m.
In the morning, Krishna, awakened by his mother, quickly gets up, and having with Baladeva brushed his teeth and being allowed by his mother, goes, being surrounded by his friends, to the cowstall.

O brahmana, Radha too, awakened by her friends, gets up from her bed, and having brushed her teeth would then smear her body with unctuous substances. Then Radharani goes to the quandrangular for bath. There Kishori is bathed by her friends.
(Then) Radha goes to the chamber for decoration, and there her friends decorate her with ornaments and various divine fragrant flowers and unguents. Then when, with effort, her friends request her mother-in-law and then Radhika is invited along with her friends by Yasoda to cook good food.

Narada said, “O Vrnda, how is it, O goddess, that Radha is invited by Yasoda to cook food, when there are foremost cooks like Rohini mata?”

Vrnda replied, “I have formerly heard from the mouth of Katyayani that in olden days she was granted a boon by Durvasa. And O great sage the boon was: ‘O respectable lady (Sri Radha), the food which is cooked by you, would be, as a result of my favour, sweet and vying with nectar, and would in the same way promote long life of the eater (of it).’

“Thus Narada, Yasoda, loving her son, every-day calls Radha to her home to cook Krishna’s breakfast. Yashoda is thinking, ‘my son, due to longing for sweet (food), would, (after eating it) live a long life.’

Allowed by her mother-in-law Jatila, Radha, being delighted, would go to the house of Nanda. Going there with the multitude of her friends she cooks there also. Krishna also, having milked the cows and having some others got milked by (other) men, comes home surrounded by his friends at the words (i.e. order) of his father.

Having smear-ed his body with unctuous substances and having had shampoo-ing and after being gladly bathed by servants, Shyama puts on washed garments, a garland, and has his body smeared with sandal.

With his neck and forehead shining due to the hair on his head separated and tied at two places, with the hair redden-ed by the dot on the forehead resembling the moon, and shining, with his hands delightfully glittering with jewelled bracelets, armlets, and bracelets worn on the upper arm, with his chest shining due to a pearl necklace, having put on ear-rings resembl-ing crocodiles.
Sri Krishna, holding the hand of his friend, and being followed by Baladeva, would enter the dining hall, after being again and again called by his mother. Then, surrounded by his friends and brother, making them laugh by means of (anecdotes etc. causing) laughter, and himself laughing with them, Gopala eats various kinds of food.

Having thus eaten (food), having sipped (water), having rested on a cot for a while, and distributing and chewing the tämbüla given by the servants.

Purvahna Lila 8:36-10:48 a.m.
Krishna, having put on the dress of a cowherd, with the flock of cows going ahead of him, followed on the path by all the residents of Vraja with love, having saluted his father and mother, and having sent back properly the host (following him) with a glance, would go to the forest. (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.18-44) more in part four. Radha-Krishna asta-kaliya-lila ki jai! Sri Vrnda-devi ki jai! Narada Muni ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Identity of a RadhaDasi

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#Manjaris #Radharani #GopiIdentity #PerfectMentality #RaganugaBhakti #ManjariBhava #Sadhana

Abhimana means the mentality, attitude, thought, self-conception, inner feeling, or the innate sense of knowing who or what I am and what I want. Abhimana can be either material or spiritual.

Possessing the right attitude (abhimana), mentality and heart is the foundation of success in bhakti sadhana. It’s not about numbers, fasts, vratas and big quantities, it’s about QUALITY. Bhakti means being pure-minded, tender-hearted, and doing everything to please Radha and Krishna. Having the right abhimana (mentality, self-esteem) is so important and powerful that just by this one attains spiritual perfection!

Sri JivaGoswami confirms: “Even without any spiritual practice, by this attitude (abhimana) alone [that I am Krishna’s eternal servant] one attains spiritual perfection, astutavadbhajanaprayasahkevalatadrshatvabhimanenapisiddhirbhavati. (Bhakti S. 304.2) The Upanisads say, “The soul is neither male, female, nor neuter. It attains a body according to its absorption in a particular thought,naivastrinapumanesa, nacaivayamnapumsakah, yadyacchariramadatte, tenatenasahrakshyate.” (SvetasvataraUpanisad 5.9.10)

A basic spiritual abhimana is having the self-conceit and feeling that I am Krishna’s eternal servant. A more developed sense of abhimana will give one the idea that I am an eternal maidservant of SrimatiRadharani.

For example, a genuine devotee with shishya-abhimana, the attitude of a disciple, will think, “In this world, Gurudeva is my only true friend, wisdom guide, companion and ever-well wisher. And for time eternal I will lovingly serve my Gurudeva. Gurudeva is very dear to Sri SriRadhaGovinda and Their sakhis and manjaris. I pray to be eternally engaged in the seva of my Guru’s lotus feet.”

For a raganugabhakta the best example of spiritual abhimana is Sri RaghunathadasaGosvamiwho was fully immersed in the abhimana or self-conceit of identifying as Radhika’smanjari.

Wetting the vraja-dhuli with his tears of separation, DasaGoswami continually lamented in separation from his Swamini while praying, “O Radhika, I have nothing and no one but You. You are my everything and I am Yourdasi. Although I am totally insignificant, please know it clearly that I am Yours, I am Yours!”
Here’s a wonderful example of transcendental abhimana in the kingdom of Vrindavana. One day after Krishna left Vraja, a clever sakhi, noticing the blossoming beauty of her younger sister, spoke to her in a private place just to test her: “O sakhi, our Krishna has now left Vrindavana. I see that your youthful beauty and other qualities are now developing. And Vraja is full of handsome dashing young lads. So if you want to marry one, just whisper your preference and I’ll make all arrangements.”

“What are you saying?” said the youthful kishori. “Surely there are millions of talented and qualified young men in this world. But I don’t care! If a young man does not have a mormukuta, a murali, and mineral powders adorning his form then he is as insignificant as a piece of straw, and I could care less.” This is the abhimana of a kishorigopi.

The bhava and thoughts we cultivate and the sevas we meditate upon during sadhana will be attained at the stage of perfection. A raganugabhaktashould continually meditate on being Radha’skinkari, loyal loving servant.

The following prayer of Sri Prabodhananda Sarasvati shows the intimacy and sweetness of having sakhiabhimana and being close to Priyaji: “When will I eternally live with Kishorijeu and serve Her in various clever ways while wearing Radha’s cloth and bodice that She lovingly gave me with Her own hands, prasadamsvaminyahsvakara-tala-dattampranayatah?” (RRSNidhi 53)

In this regard, Sri NarottamaDasaThakura gives very clear advice on how to cultivate spiritual abhimana in raganuga bhakti. 
One aspiring for manjaribhava on the path of raga should think, feel and hanker like this: “I will follow the manjaris of Radhika, and by their mercy I will blissfully serve Radha-Krishna in the kunjas of Vrindavana. Just by seeing the gestures of my guru sakhi or Tulasi-manjari, I will understand what seva is required for the pleasure of Lila Yugala.

“I will immerse my mind and heart in the beauty, charm and sweetness of RadhaGovindaYugala. I will live amongst Their intimate sakhis and serve Radha and Krishna with all my heart throughout the day and night. No matter what happens to me, I will always meditate upon and serve Radha-Krishna.

“By Their mercy, I will eventually realize and see the siddha deha upon which I was meditating on during my sadhana. It is only a matter of time. For what is now unripe during my sadhana will fully ripen when I attain the stage of prema. This is the way of bhajana for those treading the path of raga. (Prema-bhakti-candrika 53-58)
By the grace of Sri Guru a mature sadhaka will be introduced to his/her eternal identity (nitya-abhimana). Then that fortunate sadhaka will start identifying with that siddhasvarupa, one’s eternal, seva-saturated spiritual form.
By regularly contemplating that siddha deha and mentally serving Radha and Krishna in that form, the sadhaka will one day have the crystal clear realization that, “I am nothing but a servant of the servants of the servants of SrimatiRadharani, radhadasidasianudasi!

What could be more fascinating and wonderful than thinking that someday I will become a most trusted, confidential serving girl of SrimatiRadharani? May everyone someday receive this great treasure of possessing the pure abhimana of a being Radha’s eternal servant.
Gopiabhimanaki jai! Sri Radha’s eternal sevaki jai!

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part two

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema#ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Lord Shivaji said, “O Narada, to perform raganuga bhakti sadhana one must meditate as follows:
“The sadhaka should meditate upon his eternal spiritual body as being a charming, beautiful young woman. This sakhi (manjari) knows many crafts and arts. Although the manjari is fit for Shyama’s enjoyment, she will refuse if solicited by Krishna.

“The manjari is a follower of Radhika, and she is completely devoted to serving Sri Radha. The manjari loves Radhika even more than Krishna. Throughout the day, the manjari serves to unite the Divine Couple, Radha Govinda. The manjari tastes the topmost bliss in serving Radha and Krishna.
"Thus meditating upon one’s eternal identity in this way, the raganuga sadhaka should meditate and serve Radha-Krishna from the earliest part of the day til late night. “ (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.1-11) Manjari svarupa dhyana ki jai! Tasting bliss in serving Radha ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe! 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Mixing Murti Puja &Asta-kaliya-lila

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#AstaKaliyaLila #DeityWorship #ThakurjiPuja  #Archana #Meditation #RadhaKrishnaLilas

With the right mood and desire, one can “link” one’s daily murti or Deity puja with the loving flow of RadhaGovinda’s eternal daily pastimes in GokulaVrindavana, the spiritual sky. By remembering the entries below a pujari will be able to link his/her Thakurajiseva with Krishna’s nityalila. Basically, the pujari will transit between presence and transcendence by linking his body and mind with lila.

1)Pastimes at Night’s End (nishanta-lila) 3-6 am
Thakuraji (your murti, Deity) awakens much before sunrise on the pretext of inviting his pujari servants to awaken Him, which They do with the sweetest of songs and the tinkling of bells [mangala-aroti]. In Goloka, Radha-Krishna are resting in the secret bower-house after a night of exotic fun in the forest groves along with Theirsakhis. When the pujari offers Thakuraji a pre-dawn snack of sweets and water [balya-bhoga], the sakhis are offering Radha-Madhava a tasty light snack as Theylounge lazily upon Their flower bed. The pujari closes curtain after Thakuraji’sarati ceremony so that RadhaGovindaYugalacan sneak back to Theirrespective homes, slide into Their beds and pretend to be sleeping right where Their parents had left them.

2)Morning pastimes (pratah-lila) 6-8.30am
In Yavat and Nandishvara,Radha and Krishna are awakened by Their respective superiors. Radha-Krishna perform Their morning duties i.e. brush Their teeth, massage, bathe and dress. Then the Playful Pair are greeted by Their eternal associates, who make much celebration of the morning darsana.Similarly, during this time the pujari will bathe, dress, and feed Thakuraji  who will then be greeted by the assembled devotees with arati, singing, chanting and dancing [srnghar-arati].

3)Forenoon pastimes(purvahna-lila) 8.36-10.48am
Krishna Govinda meets His gopa friends and takes the cows out to graze in the Vrindavanapasturelands. Although Thakuraji stays [apparently] in the temple, actually Thakuraji is out frolicking in the meadows of Vraja. Radha watches Her Praneshvara depart for the pastures, and feels very sad in Krishna’s absence. Returning home, Radha plans how to later meet Shyama in the forest. Similarly, the devotees take Thakuraji’s morning darshana and leave for their duties. Though saddened in Thakuraji’sabsence, the devotees are planning when they can return for another blissful darshana of ThakurajiRadhaRamanaGiridhari.

4)Midday pastimes(madhyahna-lila) 10.46 a.m—3.36 p.m.
At noon, out in the forest, Krishna and the boys enjoy a big meal, raja-bhoga, sent to Him by YashodaMaa. Krishna’s many friends and servants enjoy His remnants, maha-prasada. Thakuraji in the temple is served in the same way. Although Thakuraji eats in private, afterwards He meets the devotees and gives them His remnants.
While Krishna’s friends rest under a shady tree, He slips away to the kunja for a midday tryst and a little nap with Radhaji and the sakhis. Since no one should see this, the pujari closes the curtain so Thakuraji can rest and enjoy His lilas within His private chamber i.e. Deity room.

5)Afternoon pastimes (aparahna-lila) 3.36-6 p.m.
Before long Krishna wakes up and rejoins His cowherd boyfriends. Collecting the cows, the boys sing and dance while walking back to Vraja. Nanda Baba watches from the goshalla and Yashodastands anxiously at the door ready with a snack for her Lala. Similarly, the pujariwakes Thakuraji, offers Him fruit and sweets, and opens the Deity door so all the devotees can see their beloved once again.

6)Dusk pastimes (sayana-lila) 6-8.36 p.m.
In Goloka, Krishna is pampered by Yasoda and attended by His male servants, who prepare Him for His evening pastimes at home. Krishna thoroughly enjoys the evening meal with much joking and laughter, sharing boundless love with the assembled family members who participate.
Similarly, the pujaris excuse Thakurajionce again from the devotee darshanaby closing the curtain. Then they personally attend to Thakuraji by washing off the dust of the day, offering fresh comfortable clothes, and letting Him relax for His evening meal.

7)Evening pastimes (pradosh-lila) 8.36-10.48 p.m.
As Krishna is enjoying majestic shows of talent and skill in the royal theater in Nandishvara, the temple devotees are singing and dancing for Thakuraji’s pleasure. Before Thakuraji takes rest, the priests bring him His evening repast and warm milk just as His mother Yashodafaithfully does in Gokula. For Maa’s happiness, Krishna drifts off to sleep. Similarly, in the mandir, Thakuraji is soothed by the affectionate lullabies his faithful devotees. And just before His eyelids drop, the pujarisclose the curtain to take Thakuraji to his resting quarters.

8)Night pastimes (nisha-lila) 10.48 p.m.—3.36 a.m.
Thakuraji’s temple is closed, the pujari goes home…and unseen by all…Thakuraji i.e. RasarajaShyamasneaks out again to join the cowherd girls for a night of rasa dancing, forest rambling and a sweet slumber. As Yashoda, who believes Lalaji is sleeping behind in His room, is completely unaware of what Krishna is really doing all night, Thakuraji’s devotees cannot even imagine what fun and bliss their worshipableIsatdeva is enjoying through the long night “behind closed doors.”
Thus the devotees take rest praying to dream of being with and serving Thakuraji throughout the blissful night until the auspicious time of mangalaarati. In this way, one can combine Thakuraji puja with Radha-Krishna’s asta-kaliya-lila in the sweet land of eternal loving play, GokulaVrindavana.
Radha-Krishna lilaki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part one

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema#ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

It is a most ancient and scripturally authorized sadhana practice. Manjari svarupa meditation and asta-kaliya-lila smarana are not “concoctions” “newly invented practices” or the kalpana of some Radha-kunda babajis. 

Unfortunately, although it is the rare gift from the preaching treasurehouse of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, some think that manjari bhava upasana, or the meditation upon one’s siddha deha and seva in Radha Govinda Yugala’s daily Vraja pastimes i.e. asta-kaliya lila, is just imagination without basis.

The truth is that for qualified bhaktas, the daily meditation upon one’s desired spiritual body i.e. siddha-deha or siddha svarupa is a most powerful and beneficial daily practice of sadhana originating in the ancient Puranas, and stressed in the Gaudiya Vaisnava granthas of the Goswamis like Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, Chaitanya Caritamrita, Raga Varma Candrika and Stavavali by  Sripad Dasa Goswamipada.

The Padma Purana, one of India’s oldest and most authentic scriptures, contains Lord Shiva’s answer to Narada Muni’s inquiry about how to practice raganuga sadhana bhakti.

“Shivaji said, ‘O Naradaji, once I met Sri Krishna in Vrindavana and Bhagavan taught me about Radha and how to attain Her eternal seva. At that time, Sri Krishna said, “’O Rudra, one who takes shelter of us (Radha-Krishna) or only My beloved Radhika and serves Radharani with unswerving devotion, he/she WILL COME TO ME!”’

Then Krishnaji said, “O Shiva, you should clearly know that My beloved Radhika is a great ista-devata, surrounded by hundreds and thousands of Her dearest girlfriends, the sakhis. My cows, gopas, gopis and this Vrindavana exist eternally. My Vrindavana is the place of unlimited bliss, so it is called “Ananda-kanda”. If one merely enters Vrajabhumi, they will never take rebirth again. Like Me,  Shivaji, you should always live in My Vraja!”

Narada replied, “O glorious Mahadeva, I am glad to hear this. Now please tell me how to practice raganuga sadhana.” (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 82.73-88) More in part two.  Ananda kanda Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai! Ananda Vrindavana ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Thakuraji’s Mental Food

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das 
ArrayanasicSeva Arrayuja ArrayhogaOffering ArrayadhaKrishna ArrayrishnaPuja
The Puranas, Goswami granthas and most Radha-Krishna Archana Puja books describe the bhakti sadhana of manasic-seva. This is one authentic limb of bhakti. It means to mentally, with your thoughts and feelings, offer varieties of invisible and intangible tasty foods to your beloved Thakurajis i.e. Radha-Krishna murtis. 

Sri Krishna equally accepts any favorable thing that is lovingly and caringly offered to Him, be it done externally with the body or internally with the mind. The bhakta gets the full benefit and result from both devotional practices. Everywhere shastras proclaim the efficacy of this sublime and mystical practice. 

Here are some examples of the visible effect and power of serving Sri Krishna within the mind.

1. The Padma Purana and Sri Rupa Goswamipada’s Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (1.2.282) both narrate the famous story of the Pratiṣṭhānapura brahmin who burned his finger tip when testing the temperature of his mentally prepared sweet rice for Thakuraji. Afterwards, Sri Vishnu immediately took him to Vaikuntha. 

2. Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura: 
One day while mentally visualizing Radha-Krishna’s divya-lila, Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura was simultaneously mentally stirring milk (his nitya-seva for Swamini). Somehow due absorption in the lila, his “mental milk” boiled over and scalded his hand which he felt and saw upon returning to external consciousness. Sri Jiva Goswamipada thrilled with joy seeing how Narottama had attained bhajana siddhi. (PBC tika Sri Ananta Dasji Maharaja)

3. In Antya-two of Sri Chaitanya Caritamrita, Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja tells the amazing story of Nrisimhananda Dasa’s beautiful, opulent and comfortable “mental road” he offered to Mahaprabhu who was traveling outside of Navadvipa. Suddenly his meditation broke and his “mental road” abruptly stopped in the village of Kanai Natashala. And lo and behold in external time and space that is exactly where Mahaprabhu stopped His journey. 

4. Once Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami suffered severe indigestion. Doctors diagnosed him and found no cause, especially since he only ate a bit of buttermilk. Humbly, Dasa Goswami revealed the mystery—within in mind during his meditation, he relished a little too much of Srimati Radharani’s “mental kheer prasadam”!

5. Srila Prabhupada: 
“Krishna makes no distinction. Thus, if you serve Krishna by mind He will accept. That is sure!” (conv. Hrshikeshanandaji) “But in case you have nothing to offer materially, but still, you can offer in the mind.” (folio: 740417BG.BOM) “Yes, you are correct—spiritual activities, even mentally performed, are beneficial.” (SPletter 72.12-21)

Offer Mental Chappana Bhoga (56 delightful preps)

Devotees generally eat simply and also externally offer simple foods to Sri Krishna. So why not start doing this from today on to the lotus feet of Shyama in Vraja Dhama? Offer 6 items externally directly to Thakurji Sri Krishna. And then mentally offer 50 more to make it 56. Sri Sri Radha-Krishna pura santoshanam ki jai! Jagannatha Swami ki jai!

Srila Prabhupada introduced and beautifully sang the following bhoga bhajana which he wanted his followers to sing for the pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna when They enjoy our simple daily offerings. In Gaudiya Padavali i.e. songbooks, there are literally hundreds of such songs, many of them 500 years in vogue. The following bhajana was penned by Bhaktivinoda Thakura. 

It would be best if our friends and students would sing this song at least once daily during their “big” bhoga offering to Sri Krishna. While singing, meditate that in your siddha deha you’re right beside Radhika in Nandagrama, assisting Her by cutting, cooking and giving the various delicacies to Yashoda Ma to serve to Sri Krishna. You may become so absorbed in your bhoga-lila smarana manasi seva than you completely forget to eat! 

The proper raga and tune of this bhajan is available on I-net.  

Sri Krishna Pratah Bhojana Lila
(Nandagram: 7-8 a.m.)

=1 (refrain, sing between stanzas) 
bhaja bhakata-vatsala śrī-gaurahari 
śrī-gaurahari sohi goṣṭha-bihārī,

=2 belā ho'lo dāmodara āisa ekhano
bhoga-mandire bosi' koraho bhojana
=3 nandera nideśe baise giri-bara-dhārī
baladeva-saha sakhā baise sāri sāri
=4 śuktā-śākādi bhāji nālitā kuṣmāṇḍa
dāli dālnā dugdha-tumbī dadhi mocā
=5 mudga-borā māṣa-borā roṭikā ghṛtānna
śaṣkulī piṣṭaka khīr puli pāyasānna
=6 karpūra amṛta-keli rambhā khīra-sāra
amṛta rasālā, amla dwādaśa prakāra
=7 luci cini sarpurī lāḍḍu rasābalī
bhojana korena Krishna ho'ye kutūhalī
=8 rādhikāra pakka anna vividha byañjana
parama ānande Krishna korena bhojana
=9 chale-bale lāḍḍu khāy śrī-madhumaṅgala
bagala bājāy āra drya hari-bolo
=10 rādhikādi gaṇe heri' nayanera koṇe
tṛpta ho'ye khāy Krishna jaśodā-bhavane
=11 bhojanānte piye Krishna subāsita bāri
sabe mukha prakhāloy ho'ye sāri sāri
=12 hasta-mukha prakhāliyā jata sakhā-gaṇe
ānande biśrāma kore baladeva-sane
=13 jambula rasāla āne tāmbūla-masālā
tāhā kheye Krishna-candra sukhe nidrā gelā
=14 biśālākha śikhi-puccha-cāmara ḍhulāya
apūrba śayyāya Krishna sukhe nidrā jāya.
=15 jaśomatī-ājñā pe'ye dhaniṣṭhā-ānīto
śrī-krishna-prasāda rādhā bhuñje ho'ye prīto
=16 lalitādi sakhī-gaṇa avaśeṣa pāya
mane mane sukhe rādhā-Krishna-guṇa gāya
=17 hari-līlā ek-mātra jāhāra pramoda
bhogārati gāy ṭhākur bhakativinoda

(1) Just worship bhakta-vatsala Śrī Gaurahari, who is the selfsame Goshtha-Bihariji Sri Krishna that forever steals the minds and hearts of Yashoda and Nanda Baba.
(2) Mother Yaśodā calls Krishna: “My dear Dāmodara, it’s very late. Please come right now, sit down in the dining hall, and take bhoga.”
(3) Nanda Baba directs Giridhari, Baladeva and the other gopas to sit down in rows to eat.
(4) Yashoda, Rohini, Kilimba and other mothers serve a sumptuous feast of bitter vegetables to increase appetite, leafy, pumpkin and banana flower sabzis, fried items, jute leaf salad, baskets of fruit, small square lentil cakes in condensed milk, and thick creamy yogurt.
(5) Also included are fried mung and urad dal patties, rotis, ghee-soaked rice, condensed milk, sesame and milk sweets, rice flour cakes; kheer and cakes floating in milk.
(6) And delicious cheese, nectar rivaling kheer spiced with camphor, bananas, and twelve sour preparations from tamarinds, limes, lemons, oranges, and pomegranates.
(7) And white flour puris sprinkled with sugar, cream-filled puris, laddus, dal patties boiled in misri rice. Krishna eagerly eats all the items.
(8) In supreme bliss, Krishna relishes Radhika’s rice, curries, sweets, and pastries.
(9) Mischievous Madhumaṅgala eats laddus, moves his right hand in his left armpit to make a funny thud noise while singing, “Haribol! Haribol!” 
(10) Glancing at Radhika and Her sakhis from the corners of His eyes, Krishna Govinda eats with great gusto in Yashoda bhavan.
(11) Afterwards, Krishna drinks rose-scented water, and all the boys stand in lines to wash their mouths.
(12) After washing their mouths and hands, Baladeva and the gopas take rest in great bliss. 
(13) Krishnachandra eats the tambula offered by the gopas Jambula and Rasāla, and happily sleeps.
(14) While Krishna rests blissfully on an unprecedented bed, Viśālākṣa gopa refreshes Him with a peacock fan.
(15) On Yashomati’s order, Dhaniṣṭhā brings Sri Krishna’s prasadi to Radha who lovingly enjoys it.
(16) Feeling extremely joyful to receive Radha’s prasada, all the sakhis beginning with Lalita start singing about the beautiful qualities of Radha and Krishna. 
(17) Thus I, Bhaktivinoda, whose only joy is hari-lila, sing this bhoga aroti song.
Radha-Krishna manasi chappana bhoga seva ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...