Thursday, January 24, 2019

Vrajavasis: Krishna’s Promise

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#VrajaVasa #PowerOfVrndavana #LivingInVrndavana #DhamaVasa
In the beginning of the rasa lila, Bhagavan Sri Krishna says something very special to Srimati Radharani. Krishna’s words are very inspiring and encouraging to all the fortunate devotees now living in Vrndavana Dhama performing Krishna bhakti bhajan, or to any devotees planning to live here in the future.

The great rasika acarya Sri Visvanatha Cakravartipada mercifully reveals the golden promise of parama bhakta vatsala, Bhagavan Sri Govinda Gopala thus:

“Acyuta Sri Krishna says, ‘O Radha! You are always bathing in a matchless nectar of sweet affection (anupama sneha amrta snana)! I want You to know something. It is my unbroken vow and promise (me vratam abranam) that anyone who comes to My Vrndavana and lives here, serving Me, doing bhakti bhajan, and looking and searching for Me, I guarantee that I will keep that person deep in My heart. And I will always look after his/her needs and take complete care of them. This is My solemn promise.” (Krishna Bhavanamrta 19.2)

Jai Sri Krishna! Great words of encouragement to live in Vraja doing Krishna bhakti bhajan, and to come to Vraja for bhajan. Living in Vrndavana means being accepted directly into the heart of Sri Krishna. He is personally saying that here, and that He will take care of everyone in Vrndavana.

Krishna is telling this to Radharani, the eternal Empress of Vraja, Vrndavanesvari. Indeed, any Vrndavana nivasi Vaisnava will always cherish in their hearts this most wonderful golden promise of satya-sankalpa, Syamasundara Bhagavan.

In 1958, to practice Vraja bhajan, Srila Prabhupada left everything he had in the world to live in Sridhama Vrndavana. In that first year in Vraja, he wrote the following emotionally packed poem “Vrndavana Bhajan”. Here are few pure devotional effusions from that work which clearly reveal the extraordinary power of living in Vrndavana and doing Krishna bhajan.

Srila Prabhupada said:
“Again and again making plans, and again and again they are destroyed.
Sometimes he falls on the dry earth and sometimes in the mud.
In this way the universe is filled with wandering jiva souls
who finally by the grace of Guru and Krishna
get bhakti, the eternal wealth.” (folio: EA 23-7)

Srila Prabhupada said:
“But everyone is your relative, your brother on the spiritual platform
This relationship is not tinged with the smell of maya.
The Supreme Lord is the soul of everyone,
In relation to Him, everyone in the universe is the same.

“All are your relatives, brothers! All the billions of jivas.
When seen in relation to Krishna they are all in harmony.
Forgetting Krishna, the jiva [living entity] desires sense gratification,
And as a result he is firmly grasped by maya!” (folio: EA 23-4)

Srila Prabhupada said,
“Everyone has abandoned me, seeing me as penniless
Wife, relatives, friends, brothers, everyone.
This is misery, but it gives me a laugh. I sit alone and laugh.
In this maya-samsara, whom do I really love?

“Where have all my loving fathers and mothers gone to now?
And where are all my elders, who were my own folk?
Who will give me news of them, tell me who?
All that is left of this family life is a list of names.

“Gaining the wealth of Krishna bhakti,
then he can give up all other so-called wealth,
Then very easily he crosses over the ocean of samsara.
There on the other side is unparalled spiritual variegatedness.
There he enjoys eternal happiness and peace.” (folio: EA 23-2)
Vrndavana bhajan ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Monday, January 21, 2019

Five Effects Nama Aparadha

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#EffectOfOffenses #NamaAparadha #Chanting #KrishnaNama #MahaMantra
Everyone! Please be careful not to offend Sri Krishna’s most merciful and powerful, sweet, ever-present loving form as the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

In Kali-yuga, Sri Krishna Nama is our only hope—our only chance, and the only way we’ll ever attain the plane of love divine desired by all. Worship Krishna Nama! Protect Krishna Nama! Cherish Krishna Nama! Chant Krishna Nama! Give Krishna Nama! Live Krishna Nama and depart with Krishna Nama! And by all means never, never, ever offend Krishna Nama!

The Five Disasters
In Bhakti-sandarbha (anu. 154-159), Sri Jiva Goswamipada describes five prominent effects of offensively chanting Sri Krishna’s transcendental names i.e. Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The five effects are as follows: crookedness; faithlessness; absorption in mundane objects that erode one’s faith in Krishna; slackness in devotional service; and pride.
If a sadhaka is experiencing any of the following effects, it means one is committing offences to Sri Krishna Nama:

1. Crookedness (kautilya)
Offenders to Nama become crooked in their dealings with others, disrespectful towards Sri Hari, Sri Guru and other devotees, and start acting in various deceitful ways. In Skanda Purana, Muni Parasara says, “Crooked, deceitful people cannot attain Govinda bhakti, or chant and remember Bhagavan.”

2. Faithlessness
Offenders to nama gradually become faithless, lose their conviction about the glories of Krishna bhakti, and start harboring contrary non-devotional ideas.

3. Distraction
Nama aparadhis become absorbed in material objects and pursuits i.e. making money, attaining degrees, etc. that erode their faith in Krishna and Krishna bhakti.

4. Slackening Devotion
As a result of Nama aparadhas, one’s bhakti bhajan wanes and one again becomes absorbed in sense gratification—maya! One thinks excessively about one’s own bodily happiness and distress and that of others.

5. Pride
When one offends Sri Nama Prabhu, one starts feeling proud of his/her devotional service and activities. This in turn generates other offenses i.e. disrespecting Vaisnavas. As they say, “pride precedes a fall.”

To close, we offer a poem in praise of Krishna Nama:
The name puts you in a new frame, beyond the game of name and fame. Your mind the name will tame. You’ll never be the same as your old claim goes aflame. The Name will set your aim, and take you to Vraja dhama for more and more Nama!”
Suddha Nama ki jai! Namacarya Sri Haridasa Thakura ki jai!
Sri Jiva Goswamipada ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sri Harinama & Nrsimha Kavaca

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#NrisimhaKavaca #Harinama #KrishnaProtects #VaisnavaKavacas
After the fiendish, ghost-like witch named Putana Raksasi attacked her six-day old baby Gopala Krishna, Yasoda Mata and other elderly Vraja gopis chanted the following mantras mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam:

bhūta-preta-piśācāś ca / yaka-rako-vināyakāḥ
unmādā ye hy apasmārā / deha-prāṇendriya-druha
svapna-dṛṣṭā mahotpātā / vddhā bāla-grahāś ca ye
sarve naśyantu te viṣṇor / nāma-grahaa

“The various subtle, invisible, evil beings (aka ghosts, hobgoblins) like bhutas, pretas, pisacas, yaksas, rakshasa and vinakayas, who especially prey on children (balak/arbhak), by troubling their bodies and causing loss of memory, madness and bad dreams, ARE ALL DESTROYED BY CHANTING VISNU/KRISHNA NAMA! (SB 10.6.28-29)

Srila Prabhupada on Wearing Kavacas

1. Srila Prabhupada: “Dear Jayapatka! Regarding the Narayana Kavaca mantra, the HARE KRISHNA MANTRA IS EVERYTHING! (SPLetter 76-12-04)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This article about the absolute and unlimited power of Sri Krishna Harinama to remove and destroy all types of negative vibrations, situations, environments, people, ghosts and mental monsters will conclude with a conversation between the author and his wisdom teacher.

md: Should adult devotees wear Nrsimha Kavacas for protection, auspiciousness, or any other purpose?

Wisdom Teacher: No, there is no need! Krishna Nama will do all things. Although there is no difference in tattva between Sri Krishna and Sri Nrsimha, Hari Nama alone is enough. Devotees should just chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, having full faith in Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

md: But what about babies and young children who are often harassed by subtle entities? What can parents do to protect them, since small children are not yet able to chant Hare Krishna on japa mala?

Wisdom Teacher: Still Hare Krishna maha-mantra is enough! Just follow the example of Yasoda Mata, who took exclusive shelter of Hari Nama. For small babies and children, who can’t chant Hare Krishna, then parents CAN USE A KAVACA containing the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and Yasoda’s prayer (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.6.22-29) written on a piece of paper.

md: Then when the children can chant Harinama-japa, what should they do?

Wisdom Teacher: The parents should remove the kavaca, and respectfully offer it into a sacred river like Ganga or Yamunaji.
Exclusive shelter in Krishna ki jai! Hare Krishna maha-mantra ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Nine Actions Makes One Vaisnava

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#WhatIsVaisnava #VaisnavaActions #DefinitionOfDevotee #Devotee
Whether a Vaisnava is in the category of a mukta purusa, siddha, uttama, madhyama, or kanishta, all Vaisnavas do the following nine actions:

Receive Krishna mantra diksa from Sri Guru
Daily worship Sri Krishna
Chant Krishna nama sankhya daily
Eat only Krishna prasadam
Follow the 4 religious regulative principles
Daily serve Sri Hari, Sri Guru and Vaisnavas
Never offend any sadhus or devotees
Follow rules of Vaisnava sadacara (behavior)
Display utmost humility in all circumstances with all living entities.

And if one is not doing these activities, he or she cannot be considered a Vaisnava. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Sri Sanatana Goswami and all Gaudiya Vaisnavas regarding proper behavior.

asat sanga tyaga, ei vaisnava acara
stri sangi, eka asadhu, Krishna abhakta ara “
“A Vaiñëava should always give up and reject the association of materialists; men attached to exploiting women; the unsaintly and those not devoted to Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Cc.2.22.8)
Satam prasangam ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...