Thursday, June 27, 2019

Japa Fingers Confusion

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das 
#JapaFingers #NamaJapa #JapaBeads #HareKrishnaJapa #KrishnaNama
Confusion has arisen regarding which fingers use while chanting Hare Krishna Nama or Diksa Mantras. The clear truth is found in Hari Bhakti Vilasa as follows: 

Siva Agama:
andmamadhyamakramya japam kuryyattu manasam madhyama 
madhyama kramya japam kuryyadupamsukam tarjjanirh
tu samakramya japam naiva tu karayet
While chanting manasic japa (silent in the mind), one should hold the beads with the thumb and ring finger. 
However, when chanting upasamsu (softly), one should hold the beads with the thumb and middle finger. Never use the index finger while chanting. HBV 17.114

tarjjanya na sprset sutram kampayenna vidhiinayet 
angustha parvva madhyastham parivarttam samacaret
Don’t touch index finger to mala while chanting japa. 
Don’t swing, rattle or shake beads while chanting. 
Use the thumb and middle finger to move from one bead to another
(if you are chanting softly, upamsu japa. HBV 17.123

Conclusion: Two ways to chant and both are correct. Thumb and ring finger for silent, mental manasi japa 
(Hari Bhakti Vilasa 17.114) and Thumb and middle finger for soft chanting, upamsu japa 
Hari Bhakti Vilasa 17.114, 123
Nama Acarya Sri Haridas Thakur ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Manjari Svarupa Meditation

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#Manjari #ManjariForm #SiddhaDeha #RaganugaBhakti #Radha’sManjaris
The following siddha deha (spiritual form) meditation is presented for the blessed few that are spiritually hankering to become loyal maidservants of Srimati Radharani in the bowers of Vrndavana (radha-pada dasis).

Regardless of how one has attained his/her siddha deha, this is an ideal meditation on manjari svarupa i.e. siddha deha. Daily meditating like this will purify one’s material existence (bhuta-suddhi), produce a dynamic divine mentality (divya abhimana), and permanently fix one in their eternal spiritual body, which will be clearly seen in this life at the stage of bhava bhakti. Jai Jai Sri Radhe!


Raganuga sadhakas worshiping in the mood of Madhuri Radha’s maidservants should always think as follows:

“I am a beautiful youthful Vraja kisori (12-14) with a robust form adorned with varieties of gold and jewel ornaments. I am expert in all the 64 artistic talents. When Sri Govinda perceives the secret love I cherish for Him, He becomes overwhelmed with the bliss of Eros.

I know the art of sweet speech and pleasant conversation. My brilliant golden form, adorned in dazzling blue cloth and lovely ornaments, is full of the mellows of transcendental bliss. I delight in music and singing, and overflow with a unique form of madhura-rati called bhavollasa [special loving attachment to Sri Radhika].

Throughout the day and night my heart is filled with love for Radha-Govinda Yugala. With all my pleasant qualities and various feminine gestures, I arouse feelings of love [within Radha-Madhava].

I am formed from my Guru’s mercy, and I always follow my beloved Guru-devi. Gandharvika Radha is my group leader, and I serve within the party of Visakha-sakhi. As a follower of Srimati Radhika, I live in Yavata, and always think how to serve Radha like the other sakhis in madhura-rati.

I forever remain beside Radha-Krishna as Their graceful tender maidservant fanning Them, dressing Sri Radha, and rendering all kinds of amazing and tasteful sweet sevas for Their satisfaction.

All glories to my eternal Isvari, Swamini Sri Radha and Her infinitely gorgeous Govinda. May Radha-Govinda Yugala always astonish me with Their Vraja madhurya-lilas, and eternally engage me in Their blissful seva.” (adapted Paddhati [83-91], Sri Dhyanacandra Gosvami)
Manjari svarupa dhyana ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Vaisnava Means Nine Things

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#IdentifyingAVaisnava #WhatIsADevotee #DevoteeMeansWhat #KrishnaBhakta #DevoteeQualities #VaisnavaBehavior

Whether a Vaisnava is in the category of a muktapurusa, siddha, uttama, madhyama, or kanishta, all Vaisnavas do the following:
*Daily worship Sri Krishna
*Daily chant a fixed number of Sri Krishna’s names on mala
*Eat only Krishna prasadam

*Cultivate the four religious principles oftruth, mercy, purity and penance
*By following four daily regulative principles:
1. eat only pure vegetarian foods& NO onions, garlic, eggs, vinegar etc.;
2. avoid wine, liquor, drugs, cigarettes and all intoxicants; 
3. don’t play lotteries, cards, bridge, slot machines, gambling etc;
4. don’t intimately mix with men and women outside marriage;

*Daily serve Sri Hari, Sri Guru and Vaisnavas
*Never offend sadhus or devotees with thoughts, words, actions
*Always behave like a pure Vaisnava
*Display humility, respectand compassion towards all living entities.

If one does not exhibit these qualities and activities, he or she is not a Vaisnava. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Sri Sanatana Goswami and all of us about correct Vaisnava behavior.

asat-sanga-tyaga-  ei- vaisnava –acara,
stri- sanga- ekaasadhu, krishna- abhakta- ara
“A Vaisnavashould always give up and reject the association of materialists; womenexploitingmen; the unsaintly and the non-devotees.” (Cc.2.22.87)
Pure Vaisnava sadhu sangaki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Friday, June 7, 2019

20 Ways To Love Krishna

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#DeityWorship #Puja #Archanam #KrishnaPuja #WorshipKrishna #RadhaKrishnaWorship #Bhakti
There are twenty amazing and intimate ways to express your devotion, dependence and attachment to your Priya Thakuraji i.e. beloved transcendental murti form of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Of Sri Rupa Goswamipada’s sixty-four limbs of bhakti sadhana, ten forms of bhakti (#23-42) directly involve Sri Thakuraji and His worshipers—us!

Upon reading this description you will discover that our beautiful, sweet, charming and playful master, Sri Krishna, not only likes formal worship, but Syama also likes the wild frantic dancing of His bhaktas.

The term Sri -Thakuraji means one’s favorite and beloved murti or Deity (Devata) of Sri Krishna i.e. Bankebihari, Radha-Vallabha, Radha-Syama or Radha Ramana.   

By citing Srimad -Bhagavatam and other Puranas, Sri Rupa Goswamipada reveals twenty different ways to please and personally interact with Radha and Krishna in their most beautiful, merciful, and accessible transcendental forms.

After listing each item, Sri -Rupa mentions the benefits attained by these loving exchanges with Bhagavan Sri Krishna. The benefits and their sources from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu are in brackets. By engaging in these ways with Sri -Thakuraji, you will: conquer maya, and become free from disease, sin and rebirth (1.2.125-6, 129); attain liberation to Vaikuntha (1.2.139); and fulfil all your desires (1.2.165).


1 Accept Sri Thakuraji’s -Nirmalya (1.2.125)
Eating, smelling, touching and wearing Krishna’s divine food, perfumes, flower malas and celestial clothing.
2 Dance Frantically Before Sri Thakuraji (agre- tandavam: (1.2.128)
3 Dandavats -To Sri Thakuraji (1.2.129)
4 Stand Up To Greet Sri Thakuraji (1.2.130)
5 Follow Sri -Thakuraji In Procession (1.2.131)
6 Visit Sri -Thakuraji’s Sacred Places (1.2.132)
(i.e. mandira, Vrndavana, Navadvipa etc.)
7 Parikrama (1.2.135)
(Sri -Thakuraji’s -murti or temple four times)
8 Worship Sri Thakuraji “Deity Worship” (1.2.137)
(bathing, dressing, feeding)

9 Paricarya -Seva to Sri -Thakuraji (1.2.140)
(wave camara, ring bell, blow conch)
10 Gita, Solo Singing Bhajans for Sri -Thakuraji (1.2.144)
11 Sankirtana, Singing Loudly (1.2.145)
(Krishna’s names, qualities, pastimes)
12 Japa, Silently Utter Diksa -Mantras (1.2.149)
(before Sri -Thakuraji)

13 Vijnapti, Submissive Prayers (1.2.151)
(express your worthlessness, and submit your inner feelings towards Sri -Thakuraji while ever yearning for His personal service)
14 Stava -Patha (1.2.157-9)
(before Sri -Thakuraji, recite Bhagavad-gita; prayers of acaryas and mahajanas; and your spontaneous outpourings and heart’s compositions) 
15 Naivedyam -Svado, Relish Maha -Prasada (1.2.160)
(honoring Sri -Thakuraji’s tulasi, grains, fruits etc.)
16 Padya -Svado, Drink Sri -Thakuraji’s -Caranamrta (1.2.161)

17 Dhupa -Saurabhyam (1.2.162)
(smelling Sri -Thakuraji’s incense, flowers, malas, perfumes)
18 Sri -Murti -Sparsanam (1.2.165)
(touching Sri -Thakuraji if one is qualified)
19 Sri -Murti -Darsanam (1.2.166)
(looking at your Priya -Sri -Thakuraji, and being overwhelmed by feelings of love)
20 Aratrika -Darsanam (1.2.167)
(seeing Sri -Thakuraji’s -arati, festivals, and puja—bathing, dressing etc.)
Love your Thakuraji -ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...