Thursday, February 27, 2020

Guru Gita: Glories of Sri Guru

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#GuruGita #GuruTattva #GloriesOfGuru #WhyHaveAGuru
The “Guru Gita” appears in the SkandaPurana as a dialogue between Sri Siva and Parvati-devi. Excerpts are included here to increase everyone’s appreciation of, gratitude toward, surrender and devotion to their individual wisdom teachers who in this world are the only sources of peace, happiness, fulfilment and liberation.
Jai Guru!

One day on Mt. Kailasa, Sri Siva Sankara said: “O Parvati-devi! All sastric study, japa, vratas, tapas, tirthayatras, yajnas and dana are a fruitless waste of time without knowing the truth of Sri Guru, guru-tattva. (19, 20, 21)

“Sri Guru is non-different from Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Without a doubt, the wise should rise out of ignorance by seeking knowledge of Bhagavan and one’s self from Sri Guru. (22-23)

Drinking the water from Guru’s feet will destroy all one’s sins, ignite the light knowledge, and carry one smoothly across the bhava-sagara, ocean of worldly existence. (25-26)

Sri Krishna resides in the mouth of the Guru because by his teachings one attains Krishna. And the disciple will attain this transcendental knowledge by guru-bhakti. One should meditate on Sri Guru at all times, just as a devoted wife thinks only of her husband. (30, 32)

The letter ‘gu’ means darkness and the three gunas [tamas, rajas, sattva] and ‘ru’ means light. Because Sri Guru has transcended the gunas by the light of spiritual knowledge he’s called Guru. (35) One should surrender one’s body, wealth and family to the sat Guru. (38)

Worship Sri Guru because he embodies the essence of Vedanta and Srutis. And by his mere remembrance all knowledge will automatically arise in one’s heart. (39, 40)
In all adversities only Guru can help you. (42)

If Bhagavan is angry with you, Guru can save. But if Guru is angry none can save. (46) Neither men, women or devas averse to Guru’s seva will ever be liberated from samsara. (53)

Without Guru’s infinite grace, peace of mind can’t be attained even after studying millions of scriptures. (56) Whoever vilifies Sri Guru goes to hell for as long as the sun and moon shine on earth. (58) Wise disciples should never speak proudly or tell a lie before Guru. (60)

One who speaks rudely or insultingly to Guru is born in a desert or as a jungle demon. (61) If you hear someone speaking ill of Sri Guru, then immediately leave that place. (72) The Guru is one who instructs the disciple about Sri Krishna, and reveals Krishna in his heart like one lamp lighting another. (75)

By the grace of Guru, transcendental knowledge appears in the disciple. (76) That happiness, which is found ONLY in serving Guru’s lotus feet far surpasses all the happiness in the Vedas, mantras and tantras. (89, 90)

By the glory of Guru diksa, all actions bear fruit and one attains everything. But without Guru one is a number one fool. (102) One should abandon a Guru who is devoid of knowledge or speaks untruth [apasiddhanta]. (104)

Those who fail to serve Sri Guru suffer in terrible hells. (150) Knowledge, wealth, strength, good fortune are all useless without the grace of Guru. (151) One who has Guru Bhakti blesses his father, mother, family, and the entire earth. (152)

Guru is Bhagavan; Guru is dharma, and the greatest penance is unshakable faith in Guru. Thrice I repeat this: “There is nothing greater than Guru.” “There is nothing greater than Guru.” “There is nothing greater than Guru.” (154)

O Parvati, one becomes free from the cycle of birth and death by pleasing Guru. (157) All places of pilgrimage are present at the holy feet of Guru. (159) The true Guru removes all afflictions from the disciple’s heart. (162)

One gets proper Guru by the grace of Krishna. And upon attaining one, the disciple never again becomes bound in samsara for he/she liberated forever. (173) Just by darsana of a real Guru, one attains joy, peace and steadiness in life. (183)

By chanting the Guru’s name, without a doubt countless lives of sins are destroyed. (187) At the time of death nothing and no one can save one but Sri Guru. (188) One purifies one’s entire dynasty and pleases all the devatas by satisfying Sri Guru. (189)

Those without Guru diksa will never know Bhagavan and remain like animals. (191) All attachments, doubts and karmas are destroyed by the grace of Guru. (193) He who does not respect and honor the Guru will take innumerable births as a dog and then become a candala. (202)

One should always drink the Guru’s foot bath water, eat his remnants, meditate on his form and repeat his name. (210) There is nothing in the universe greater than Guru. Therefore, one should worship the Guru. (211)

Even if the disciple has no knowledge, just by Guru bhakti one will attain liberation. If one maintains unbroken devotion for Sri Guru, then no other sadhana is needed. (212)
Jai Gurudeva! Guru Gita ki jai! Saba Guru Ganaki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Eclipse & Mantra Siddhi

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#MantraSiddhi #Eclipse #SolarEclipse #LunarEclipse #GopalMantra #Siddhi
To attain siddhi or perfection in chanting of the diksha mantras i.e. gopal mantra, Sri Sanatana Goswami says the one must observe the purashcaran process which he and Sri Rupa did before meeting Sri Chaitanya. (Bhakti-ratnakara I.647)

In over 220 verses, Hari Bhakti Vilasa describes the details of purashcaran

Puja- traikaliki- nityam- japas -tarpanam -eva -ca
Homo- brahmana-bhuktish- ca- purashcaranam ucyate
Guror- labdhasya -mantrasya -prasadena -yatha-vidhi
Panchanga -upasana-siddhyai –purash- caitad -vidhiyate

“The purashcaran process is as follows:
‘In the morning, afternoon and evening of each day of purashcaran, one must do:
murmur the gopal diksha mantra;
offer tarpana, oblations to ancestors;
perform homa, fire sacrifice;
feed brahmins.

‘To do purashcaran vrata, one must do these five activities daily for as many days (20, 30, 45) it takes to chant one’s diksa mantra 18,000 times or whatever number one vows to murmur (sankalpa). To attain siddhi in the gopal diksha mantra received from Sri Guru, one must observe the purashcaran process.’” (Hari Bhakti Vilasa 17.11–12)

Hari-bhakti-vilasa (17.4–5, 7) says:
vina -yena -na –siddhah - syan -mantro -varsha-shatair -api
krtena -yena -labhate -sadhako –vanchitam -phalam
purashcarana-sampanno -mantro -hi -phala-dhayakah
“Without doing purashcaran, one cannot attain mantra siddhi even by chanting the diksha mantra for hundreds of years. But one who does purashcaran can very easily attain mantra siddhi.”

At the end of the description of the purashcaran process, Sri Sanatana Goswami describes a samkshipta-purashcaran, a brief or “short cut” form of it.

“During a solar or lunar eclipse, one should fast, remain in a pure state of mind, and chant the gopal diksha mantra from the beginning of the eclipse until the end (sparsha time to moksha time), while standing in the water of a river that flows into the sea up to his waist.” (Hari Bhakti Vilasa 17.235-236)

Regarding this point, Pandit Sri Krishna Das Babaji said that according to Hari Bhakti Vilasa (17.17-21), one may chant in other places also: “Purashcaran may be done by the side of a river, underneath a bilva or banyan tree, within water, in a holy place, before murti of Sri Krishna [best place], on the seashore, or any place where you can easily concentrate your mind.”

Before observing a purashcaran vrata one should receive blessings from Sri Guru. After bathing, dress in clean cloth (dhoti & chadar or sari), sit on a pure asana, and chant the gopal mantra without stopping or getting up for the entire eclipse period.

The Moon eclipse on June 5-6th is not mentioned or observed in the Radha-kunda Babaji Panchangam. But the Sun eclipse is described, and one can do purashcaran then.

Sun eclipse June 21
Chanting time 10.20 a.m. to 1.50 p.m. (sparsha:moksha timings)

After doing purashcaran, one must bathe, change clothes, worship Sri Guru and take maha-prasad after full Thakurji puja.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Mantra siddhi ki jai!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Do Harinam Now!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#Harinam #Family #ChantHareKrishna #RadhaKrishna #Corona

The people of Bharatavarsha have seen many calamities in the form of severe droughts, heat waves, famines, plagues, social unrest and war. History shows that these calamities were often rectified and the people were saved by massive performance of HarinamSankirtan, collective chanting of Bhagavannama along with drums, cymbals and hand-clapping

To counteract various calamitiesatdifferent times and places in Bharatavarsha, great saints such as Nam Alvar, Namdev, Tukaram, Guru Gobind Singh and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu have led thousands of devotees in publically chanting the transcendental holy names of Narayana, Ram or Krishna.And history shows that this massiveHarinam was effective in stopping plagues, bringing rains and good fortune for the people.

And thus to attract the mercy and protection of Bhagavan, we humbly beg all families to come together TWICE DAILY after breakfast and dinner to enthusiastically perform at least half-hour of HarinamSankirtan. By chanting Harinamtogether as a family, each member will get relief from tension, and feel hopeful in the presence of Bhagavan who will manifest within anyone who sincerely sings His holy name.

At this time everyone is sheltered within their homes. But we also need a shelter for our minds and hearts. One GaudiyaVaisnava saint, Thakur Mahashaya said, “Sri SriRadha and Krishna my only shelter, in life or in death.”Another saint said, “The only shelter in the entire world is Harinam.”

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu popularized chanting of the maha-mantra for this dismal dark time of Kali:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Mahaprabhu emphatically proclaimed, ParamVijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam, “Chanting Sri Krishna Nama Sankirtan will make one supremely victorious!”
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! HarinamSankirtanki jai

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...