Sunday, September 30, 2018


Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
I. What is it?
It is a 30 day vow observed during the Karttika (Damodara) month for the sole pleasure of Srimati Radharani, the Goddess of pure love devotion to Bhagavan Sri Krishna in Vrindavana. In brief, niyama-seva means offering daily regulated extra services (eg. Nama-japa, Harinama Sankirtana, pujas, dipams, prayers, sastric study, parikramas).

II. Who observes it?
Because the Karttika vrata is extensively glorified, described and recommended in the Puranas and other Vedas, all Vaisnavas observe it, especially the Gaudiya Vaisnavas who strictly follow the teachings of their Mahajana Rasikacarya Srila Rupa Gosvami pada.

III. How is Karttika Vrata related to Sri Radha?
In BRS, Rupa Gosvami describes the observance as “Respecting the Urja Vrata” and he says it is one of the sixty-four angas or important limbs of pure Krishna-bhakti. Urja refers to Sri Krishna’s internal potency for performing pastimes. Sri Radha is known as Urjeshvari, the controller or Queen of all powers and pastime potencies. Therefore, Gaudiya Vaisnavas observe Karttika Vrata to please the Queen of Bhakti, Sri Radhika, in order to attain Her eternal service along with Her Priyatama Shyama.

In Stavamala , Rupa Gosvami says Sri Radha is the ishta-devata of the Karttika month by referring to Her as Karttiki Devi. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana describes the lila wherein Sri Krishna was late for meeting His beloved  Radhika in a Vraja Nikunja. Priyaji punished Her beloved Priyatama by using many madhavi-latas to tie Madhava to a kadamba tree. Thus, the Gaudiya Vaisnavas especially worship Radha-Damodara during the month of Karttika.

In Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krishna says, “I am the month of Nov-Dec (margashirsh aham).” As always, Sakti precedes Saktiman as in Lakshmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama, Radha-Krishna. Therefore, the month preceding Nov-Dec (i.e. Krishna month) is Oct-Nov or Karttika which is Radharani’s month!  Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

IV. What are the benefits?
The good results of other vratas last for only one lifetime but the Karttika Vrata awards one inexhaustible benefits (akshaya phala). [HBV. 16.54] For even the smallest offering during Karttika, Sri Krishna gives one his spiritual form and eternal residence in Goloka Vrindavana.

V. Where and when to observe it?
Wherever you are that’s where, but beware your heart is there—in Vrindavana. Why is Vrindavana the best place in the universe to observe the Karttika Vrata? It is because ALL HOLY PLACES, rivers and lakes reside in Vrindavana during Karttika. The perfect atonement to purify the sins of a lifetime is to worship Radha and Krishna in Vrindavana during Karttika.

Rupa Gosvami quotes Padma Purana in BRS (1.2.222), “Lord Hari awards enjoyment and liberation to devotees observing Karttika Vrata outside Vraja Mandala.” Summarizing Sri Jiva Gosvami’s tika on this verse, our Srila Prabhupada said, “Even an unserious person who executes the Karttika Vrata in Vraja Mandala is very easily awarded Lord Krishna’s personal service.” (NOD 103)

In other words, the worship of Radha Damodara in Vraja during Karttika has such supercharged spiritual power that one immediately becomes eligible to receive pure bhakti from our most merciful Lord, Bhakta Vatsala Sri Krishna. You can start on Ekadasi or Purnima, and end a month later on Ekadasi or Purnima with breaking the fast the next day.

VI. How to observe Karttika Vrata?
Before starting the Karttika Vrata you should worship your spiritual master and the Vaisnavas, and then beg their blessings for success. All the sevas and practices mentioned here must be done every day for the entire month:

(Choose your diet plan , and then every day for 30 days, don’t eat….)
Diet # 1
Urad dal (e.g. kachoris)

Diet # 2
Don’t eat #1 plus avoid the following:
1. Carrots
2. Favorite food items
3. Fried food
4. Hing
5. Honey
6. Kidney Beans (Rajma)
7. Mustard oil (in or on the body)
8. Pickles

Diet # 3
Avoid items in #1 and #2, plus eat only one time during 24 hours (sunrise to sunrise).

B. TWELVE DAILY SEVAS (Observe each of the following twelve sevas every day for 30 days of Karttika )
1. Rise brahma muhurta time and offer mangala aratika.
2. Recite Damodarastakam by Satyavrata Muni.
3. Offer ghee lamp to Radha-Krishna.
4. Observe celibacy one month.
5. Chant 16, 32 or 64 rounds Hare Krishna Mahamantra japa.
6. Recite astakams and prayers glorifying Radha and Krishna, e.g. Radha Krishna Krpa Kataksham; Gopi-gita.
7. Hear, recite or speak Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam, Radha-Krishna Vrindavana lilas.
8. Perform 1-3 hours daily Sri Harinama Sankirtana in your home or best in public.
9. Thakuraji and or Mandira parikrama.
10. Tulasi—aratika, song and parikrama.
11. Deity Puja—Increase to maximum level.
12. Keep ghee or sesame oil lamp burning daily near Thakuraji or Tulasi Maharani.

C. Last Day of Vrata
Observe Utthana Ekadasi vrata; complete fasting including water, and remain awake all night hearing, chanting, singing and dancing for the pleasure of Radha-Damodara. On Dvadasi, first give charity and maha-prasadam to Vaisnava brahmanas and devotees.
Conclude your Karttika Vrata with obeisances to your Gurudeva, Nitai-Gauranga, Srimati Radharani and your Thakuraji, thanking them all for their causeless mercy and blessings, which empowered you to be successful.
Now maha-prasade Govinde!!!

VII. Good Wishes
From our small corner at Radha Kunda in Sri Dhama Vrindavana, we sincerely pray to our Swamini Sri Radha and our Prananatha Giridhari Syama to bless you all with full success in your Karttika Niyama Seva Vrata. And remember that whatever difficulties may arise to test your heart’s determination just think…

1 comment:

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...