Saturday, October 20, 2018


Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
Once in Navadvipa Dhama on Gaura Purnima (aka.Holi Purnima), Vamsidas Baba told everyone that he had no objection to people throwing color on him. So all the people did so as a kind of worship of him. Vamsidas sat in his cottage all day while people threw powders on him. He did not eat or drink anything because he was fasting for Gaura Purnima. In this way, one after another, thousands of people came to take part. Vamsidas Babaji became totally covered with powder like a hill. But he just sat silently and tolerated everything. Ho! Ho! Holi hai!!


Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...