Mahanidhi Madan
Gopal Das
#Diksha #Parampara
Looking for Guru?
Anyone, anywhere, at any time and every time can and should chant the Hare
Krishna Maha Mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare
Krishna KrishnaKrishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare
Rama RamaRama Hare Hare.
If you sincerely
chant these Divine Names, Krishna NamaPrabhu will be pleased. Nama will purify
and qualify you, and then directly reveal your eternal Guru, guide and
affectionate serving friend.
What is diksha?
JivaGoswamipada says, “Diksha means receiving transcendental mantras and
knowledge from the qualified teacher or Guru. The word diksha comes from “da”,
meaning give divine knowledge, and “kshi” meaning destroy sin.
"So diksha is
the process of receiving divine knowledge from the enlightened master which
then destroys the disciples’ sins. To receive diksha, one must surrender at the
feet of Sri Guru (means physically submitting, offering obeisances before Guru,
and offering one’s complete self (mana, tana, dana or mind, life and
wealth/talents) to Sri Guru. Then one receives Vaisnavadiksha mantras along
with the proper procedures.
JivaGoswamipada continues,
“Divine knowledge
(divyajnana) also includes receiving clear understanding of Bhagavan Sri
Krishna who is indicated in the diksha mantras, and one’s specific individual
relationship with Sri Krishna, divyamjnanamsrimati mantra
bhagavatsvarupajnanam, tenabhagavatsambandhavisheshajnanam.” (bhakti sand. 283)
In other words, at
the time of initiation, Sri Guru gives mantras to the disciple which eventually
reveal the form, qualities and Vrajamadhuryalilas of the disciple’s cherished
ista-devata i.e. Radha-GovindaYugala.
In addition, the
benevolent Guru teaches the disciple the ways of worship to unfold his/her
eternal spiritual identity, seva, and sweet personal loving relationship with
Radha and Krishna.
The Independent
Power of Diksha Mantras
BrihadBhagavatamrita, Sri SanatanaGoswami clearly establishes the phenomenal
power of the diksha mantras received from Sri Guru. He narrates how a
Vrajavasicowherd named Gopa-kumara received diksha into the gopal mantra during
a brief meeting with a wandering mendicant.
The Guru then
immediately disappeared, leaving behind only one instruction: “Chant your
diksha mantra constantly!” Just by the power of that diksha mantra Gopa-kumara
traveled all over the universe, met many shiksha gurus and eventually attained
spiritual perfection in Krishna prema in the spiritual world, GolokaVrindavan.
VamanaKalpashastra says, “The diksha mantra is non different from the Guru and
the Guru is again non different from Bhagavan Sri Krishna, mantra
saguruhsakshat, you guruhsaharihsvayam.” Therefore those who wish to worship
Sri Krishna should receive mantra diksha from a qualified guru.
ChaitanyaMahaprabhu said, “The body of a Vaisnava is never material for it
consists of pure transcendental bliss. At the time of diksha, one surrenders to
Sri Guru, and Krishna then makes the devotee equal to himself by transforming
the devotee’s body into one of spiritual bliss. In this spiritualized body the
devotee serves Sri Krishna’s lotus feet. (Cc. 3.4.191-193)
Diksha kale
bhaktakare, atmasamarpana
Sei kale Krishna
tare, kareatmasama
Thus the
inconceivable power of diksha mantras, and the absolute necessity of receiving
proper diksha is proven to be essential for attaining spiritual perfection in
Krishna prema.
Importance of Both
Proper Diksha and Shiksha
Some say proper
diksha is not important. And all you need to attain spiritual perfection is
shiksha or spiritual good instructions, transcendental books, teachings and the
chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. This is quite wrong. One needs both
proper diksha and proper shastric-based shiksha.
Perfection is
impossible without the proper guru dikshaparampara connection, correct
shastricshiksha and the pure chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
If you accept
shiksha and the traditional shastras as your guides, then you must also accept
what the shastras and purvacharyas teach about the absolute necessity for
receiving proper diksha.
Citing Vishnu
Dharma, Sri JivaGoswamipada further emphasizes the need for diksha in Hari
Bhakti Vilasa (298): “Bhagavan Sri Krishna is pleased with one who performs
these eight types of bhakti to Sri Krishna, his/her diksha mantra, and the guru
who gives the mantra. These eight types of bhakti or devotional expressions
1) Showing
affection toward devotees;
2) Feeling
positive about Krishna worship;
3) Worshiping
Krishna daily with a favorable mind;
4) Giving up false
pretense to please Sri Krishna;
5) Being attracted
to hari-katha;
6) Serving Krishna
with body and mind;
7) Always
remembering Sri Krishna;
8) Chanting
Krishna nama with full dedication.
Anyone, even a
degraded meat eater, will become a glorious and truthful sage by observing
these eight forms of devotion.”
In his
SrimadBhagavatam (6.2.9-10) tika, SrilaVisvanathaCakravarti explains the
necessity of taking mantra diksha from a Vaisnava Guru:
“Without a Guru,
one cannot attain Bhagavan very easily.Therefore it should be explained that
there is no other way of attaining Sri Krishna than by becoming a devotee who
has surrendered to the feet of a guru. [to one who just chants Hare Krishna
without guru VisvanathaCakravarti says] Due to the power of their worship, such
a diksha less person will attain a Guru in the next birth.
“What about the
example of Ajamila who just chanted Hare Krishna without diksha? So then why
take the trouble of accepting a Guru? In response, I
(SrilaVisvanathaCakravarti) say that such a person will NOT ATTAIN Krishna
because he/she is committing the third namaaparadha of ignoring and
disregarding Guru and the Guru principle. However, perhaps later in this life
or in a future life when this offense has been destroyed and one surrenders to
Sri Guru, then one will attain Bhagavan Sri Krishna.”
Diksha: Living
Guru or Audio Recording?
Some argue that
since mantras are transcendental vibrations, they exist beyond the limitations
of time and space. Thus anyone anywhere at any time can receive diksha mantras
just by hearing an audio track or a mobile phone transmission. However, the
sastras, purvacharyas and tradition all say that diksha means PHYSICALLY
HEARING the diksha mantras in one’s ear directly from the lotus mouth of the
living Sri Guru. This is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
In Hari Bhakti
Vilasa part two, Sri SanatanaGoswami states that receiving the diksha mantra
directly into one’s ear from the mouth of the guru is essential for
(11.21.15) says, “A diksha mantra is purified when chanted with proper
knowledge, mantrasya ca parijnanam.” SrilaVisvanathaCakravartitika: “The diksha
mantra is pure when it emanates from the mouth of the sad guru, sad guru
mukhatyathavatparijnanam mantra shuddhih.”
Thus taking a
mantra from a book, mobile or audio track is not according to the teachings of
Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Sri ChaitanyaMahaprabhu, shastra or GaudiyaVaisnava
Is Following Guru
Sometimes devotees
argue that, “My Guru’s word is final and I just follow whatever he says, BAS!”
That’s good in principle as long as the Guru is transparent and clearly
presenting the correct GaudiyaVaisnavatattvasiddhanta.
You must remember
that your Guru also has a Guru who has a Guru and so on all the way up to the
samasti guru, jagat-guru Bhagavan Sri Krishna or His Kali-yuga expansions,
ChaitanyaMahaprabhu, Sri NityanandaPrabhu Sri AdvaitaPrabhu, etc.
And Sri Krishna
Himself and all His expansions always speak and follow the shastra. Thus
shastra, and not the shiksha of one’s immediate diksha guru, is the ultimate
spiritual authority, proof and power to base one’s spiritual life upon.
FYI: Acharyas&
Their Real Diksha Gurus
Although the
following GaudiyaVaisnavaacharyas are sometimes listed as disciplic members of
various modern paramparas, their actual diksha gurus and lineages are all
different. The following accurate list is based on the authentic shastric
references listed in brackets.
1. Sri
SanatanaGoswami’sdiksha guru is Vidyavacaspati (bhakti ratnakara 1.598-602)
2. Sri
RupaGosvami’sdiksha guru is Sri SanatanaGoswami (LaghuBh. 1.5)
3. Sri
JivaGoswamipada’sdiksha guru is Sri RupaGosvami (ref. bhakti ratnakara).
4. Sri
RaghunathaDasaGoswamidiksha guru is was YadunandanaGoswami (disciple of Sri
AdvaitaPrabhu) (vilapakusu. 3; advaitaprakash)
5. Sri
NarottamaDasaThakura’sdiksha guru is Sri LokanathaGoswami (not Sri Krishna
DasaKaviraja) (prarthana 17,19; prema bhakti candrika 6)
SrilaVisvanathaCakravarti’sdiksha guru is RadhaRamanaCakravarti, not Sri
NarottamaDasaThakura, who lived a 100 years before. (sankalpakalpadruma)
BaladevaVidyabhusana’sdiksha guru is RadhaDamodaraGosvami not
VisvanathaCakravarti. (vedantasyamantaka, epilogue)
8. Jagannatha das
Babaji’sdiksha guru is JagadanandaGosvami of Sringaravat, Vrindavana, and he
lived 150 years after BaladevaVidyabhusana. (gaudiyavaisnavaabhidana). He
received babaji cloth from either Manasi Ganga Siddha Krishna Das or
Madhusudana Das.
9. Sri
BhaktivinodaThakura’sdiksha guru is Vipina Bihari Goswami, not Jagannatha Das
babaji. (Gitamala (1893); Amrita PravahaBhasya (1895); SvalikhitaJivani (1896);
BhagavatArkaMarici Mala (1901). 10. Gaurakisora Das Babaji’sdiksha guru is
NandakisoraGosvami of Shantipura (Advaitaparivar), and his babaji guru is
Bhagavata Das Baba. (gaudiyavaisnavaabhidana).
Sri Guru Tattvaki
jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!
“Sri Gurutatva ki jai”
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Jai gurudeva!!!
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ReplyDeleteSri Guru Tattvaki Jai!. Jai Sri Gurudeva !