Saturday, November 24, 2018

Kali Bhairavaat RadhaKunda

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#KaliAtRadhaKunda #KrishnaKaliDarsana #DurgaKrishna #VrajaLila #KrishnaBecomesKali #KaliBhairava #DeviKali

Vrajavasi’s tell this exciting Krishna lila, which, being eternal like all of Krishna’s lilas, will be told in present tense. One afternoon, Radha-Govindaare meeting secretlyand enjoying in an old Durga Mandira near Yavata. Somehow Radharani’s “so-called pati”, Abhimanyu, hears about it, and in mad frenzy comes running there whirling a big lathi (stick) over his head.

Vrnda-devi’s superfast parrot alights in the mandiraand alerts Sri Lila Yugala of the imminent danger. Radha is very anxious and afraid, so Krishna comforts Sriji saying, “Relax Radha and watch the fun We have now.”

Immediately Krishnaj stands in front of the Durgamurti and assumes the full form of Kali Bhairava, complete with chopper, dagger, sword, trisula, and a big red tongue protruding from His/Her beautiful lotus mouth.

Boom! Bang! Temple doors fly open in the tempest called Abhimanyu who bellows out, “Hey, what’s going on here! What are you doing here Devi?”
Coming to his senses, angry mean Abhimanyu sees Radha humbly and serenely worshiping Goddess Kali. Falling at Kali (Krishna’s) feet, Abhimanyu begs forgiveness from Maa Kali and Radha. Then he abruptly departs dragging his lathi along the ground.
Krishna Kali Bhairavalilaki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

I. Kali Darsana
In Radha-kunda, every year on the first day of Bhadra Masa our Mandira Thakuraji sportray various sweet lilas of Radha-Madhava. Tonight on the parikramamarga, the Sri Sri Radha Braja Bihari Mandira celebrate the above Krishna Kali lila. Sri Krishna, dressed exactly like Kali Bhairava, red tongue and all, stands alone in the middle of the altar, and Radha stands nearby offering lotus flowers and puja to Kali. Indeed, a most beautiful, rasika lila smaranadarsana!

II. Nauka Lila (Boatman)
In the Radha-kundaRadha-Gopinatha Mandira, Krishna is standing in a rickety,  hole-filled boat. Standing in the stern, Navika Nagara pushes the boat slowly along the gentle waves of Yamunaji. His most worshipable passenger, Sri Radha, sits on a royal asana in the middle of the boat while AnangaManjari fans Her elder sister. Gopinatha Nauka Bihari ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

III. Kanai BalaiDarsana
In the Radha-kundaRadha-Govindaji Mandira, Srimati Radharani dresses as Krishna’s barobhai, Balai Baladeva. Together they run away into the forest of Vraja to freely sport and play all day long amidst the gopas and surabhi cows of Vraja.

In Karttika, Govindaji’s Radhaji becomes Subala Sakha, and shows Syama (and all the thirsty-eyed Kundavasis), Her incredibly sweeter than sweet lotus feet. 

III. Vamsi Siksa Darsana
In the Radha-kunda Radha-Damodara Mandira near Lalita-kunda, Damodara stands on Radhika’s left side holding the tip of His vamsi on Sundari’s soft and radiant lotus lips. Radha stands proudly, front and center, looking much much bigger than Her flute teacher.

We all know that Srimati is Kalavati, the supreme master knower of all arts, music and dance. Yet for fun Radha “takes music lessons” from Kalanidhi Krishna in this wonderful VamsiSiksalila. Jai Damodara!
Jai Radha-Damodara Vamsi Siksa lila ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

IV. Nadiya Nagari Bhava Darsana
In the Radha-kunda Mahaprabhu Mandira at the Sangam, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai dress as two of the most beautiful and enchanting ramanis of Nadiya, Navadvipa. Indeed, a very intimate and esoteric lila, which all-merciful Gaura-Nitai will reveal in the heart of the qualified. Nadiya Nagaridarsana ki jai! SrimanMahaprabhuki jai! Sri SriGaura-Nitaiki jai!

V. Mayura Kunja Darsana
In the Radha-kundaRadha-Krishna Mandira on the gully from the parikramamarga to the Teen Kori Baba Temple, Thakuraji stands alone in the middle of a most tasteful, hariyali green kunja surrounded by loads of peacock feathers. From the side just outside Mayura Kunja, Radha is quickly approaching, and just about to enter the kunja for an ecstatic Madhava Milana.  
Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Mayura Kunjadarsana ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Sri Radha-kunda Dhama ki jai!

Please one and all… mark your calendar and be here next year. You absolutely must feast your eyes on the most beautiful sweet, divine transcendental forms Radha-Krishna in their most amazing and captivating liladarsanas at Radha-kunda. Jai Jai Sri Radhe!


Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...