Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Astronomical and Sweet Numbers

By Mahanidhi Swami

Some numbers given in the Srimad Bhagavatam seem too high to believe. For example, (10.12.2): “In the morning when Sri Krishna went to the pasturing grounds, He was accompanied by hundreds and thousands of cowherd boys (prthukaah sahasrashah), and hundreds and thousands of groups of calves (sahasra-upari-sankhyayaa anvitaan).”
What to make of these astronomical numbers? In his tika to Srimad Bhagavatam (10.12.3): Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada says, “One should not argue that such a large number of cows could not possibly fit into the thirty-two square mile area of Vrindavana, because the holy dhama is unlimited by the inconceivable energy, achintya-shakti of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Even a small portion of the Vraja Dhama can accommodate billions of universes each measuring fifty million miles in diameter. Krishna showed this fact to Brahmaji in 10.13.
The Srimad Bhagavatam (10.33.38) states Krishna danced with the gopis for a night of Lord Brahma, brahma-ratra upaavrtte, which means several millions and MILLIONS OF YEARS!
In his Sarartha Darshini tika, Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada compares this inconceivable expansion of time to the fact that many universes fit within the forty-mile range of earthly Vrindavana. In this regard, Srila Rupa Goswamipada says, “In Gokula, nothing is impossible for Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the devotees, the abode, and everything in the abode of Vrindavana, by the power of the Sri Krishna’s inconceivable energy.” (Laghu Bh. 1.5.51)
Scriptures state that when Sri Krishna leaves Nandgrama to go the Rasa Mandala, He arrives there in a few seconds? How can one walk 50 kilometers in a few seconds? Our acharyas state that Krishna’s eternal lila-sthalis, pastime places, are like a lotus flower which opens and closes. To facilitate the movement of Radha-Krishna and Their associates over the vast distances of Vraja Mandala, the lotus closes to shrink the distance between two points. Or it opens to create large distances between places to prevent unwanted persons from approaching and interrupting Their pastimes. Only by the blessings of yogamaya can one understand these transcendental topics.
 However, for worshipers of the sweetness within Sri Krishna appearing as His beautiful sweet form, flute playing, loving dealings and pastimes, astronomical numbers reduce the intimate, madhurya conception they hold so dear. Devotees of Radha-Krishna in Vraja only deal in reasonable, sweet numbers which perfectly relate to our human experience, and that of a lovable, cute teenage boy frolicking in the forest with His adorable friends. Here is a list of some sweet numbers and their meanings gleaned from Gaudiya granthas for us to consider:

1. Vrajendranandana Sri Krishna.
2. Radha-Krishna.
3. Ages of Krishna: kaumara, pauganda, kaishora.
Krishna’s: in Vraja, in Mathura and Dvaraka.
Types of prema: sadharani, samanjasa, samartha.
Indulekha-sakhi is 3 days younger than Radha.
4. Features of amorous Krishna hero: dhira…lalita; prasanta; oddhata, odatta.
5. Sthayi-ratis: permanent loving mellow with Krishna.
6. Features of Krishna’s love affairs: love journey, sitting together, support, picking a quarrel, peacemaking, and separation (abhisara, asana, ashraya, kalaha, sandhi, dvaidha)
8. Radhaji’s celebrated ashta-sakhis: Lalita, Vishakha, Citra, Champakalata, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Ranga, Sudevi.
Krishna’s sakha’s kunjas at Shyama-kunda: Arjuna, Gandharva, Kokila, Madhumangala, Sananda, Subala, Vidagdha.
Daily pastime periods: (ashta-kaliya-lila).
Krishna Janmastami: bhadra krishna-astami.
Radha Avirbhava: bhadra sukla-astami.
Heroine gopis: abhisarika, vasaka-sajja, utkanthita, khandita, svadhina-bhartrka, kalahantarita, vipralabdha, proshita-bhartrka.
Sattvika-bhavas: experienced in relation to Radha-Krishna.
10. Age of 10.7 months Krishna left Vrindavana.
11. Age of Vasanta-sakha.11.4 months Kokila-sakha.
12. Main forests of Vraja Mandala.
Age of Gandharva-sakha; 12.6 months, Subala.
Body ornaments of Radhaji.
13. Age Rupa-manjari 13.6 months.
14. Age of Vishakha and Sri Radhika (14.2 months15 days).
Older than Radha by 2 days Champakalata; Lalita 27 days; Younger by 3 days Indulekha; 5 days Tungavidya; 10 days Sudevi & Ranga; 26 days Citra;
Ujjvala, Vidagdha and Sananda-sakhas 14 years.
15. Age of Krishna (15.9 months 7 1/2days).
Groups of Krishna’s gopi lovers.
16. Age of Balarama and Sridhama.
Kunjas around Shyama and Radha-kunda.
Varieties Radha’s body and flower ornaments.
17. Sevas of sakhis and manjaris for Radha-Krishna joy.
19. Symbols on bottoms lotus feet of Radha-Krishna.
25. Qualities of Sri Radha; Rooms in Radha’s Varsana palace.
30. Rooms in Radha’s Yavata home.
33. Sanchari-bhavas experienced in Radha-Krishna prema.
50. Rooms in Nanda Baba’s palace, the home of Krishna.
60. Dandas: 24 minute pastime periods in Radha-Krishna’s blissful day.
64. Qualities of Sri Krishna.
Arts; perfectly and completely seen in Radha-Krishna.
Main sakhis and 64 main manjaris serving under Radha’s ashta-sakhis.
96. Total amorous features of hero Sri Krishna.
360. Varieties of gopi heroine lovers of Krishna.

Jai Jai Sri Radhe !!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Srimati Radharani


By Mahanidhi Swami

  “Sakhi, look! As Yugala-kishora swing they look like a blue sapphire set in gold.” Relishing the beauty of Their faces, Lalita and Vishakha happily push the swing.

 As playful Rai’s sakhis surround the flower decorated swing, thick rainclouds rumble overhead. The sakhis drown in ecstasy as they swing the Divine Couple.

While clapping, some sakhis tell lovely-faced Radha, “Hold Your Pranavallabha tightly!” As Radha-Shyama swing faster and faster, Their hair loosens and beads of perspiration glide from their moon-like faces like drops of nectar.

The sakhis wave chamaras to relieve Radha-Shyama’s fatigue. While watching from the tree branches, the bees and cuckoos call out, “Jaya Jaya Radha-Krishna! Jaya Radha-Krishna!” Jagannatha dasa says, “O when will I behold Yugala-kishora’s beautiful jhulana-lila in the groves of Vrindavana?”

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Gaudiya Vaishnav Samadhis in Vrindavana by Mahanidhi Swami

In prarthana Thakura Mahasaya Narottama Dasa expresses the desperation a devotee feels in separation from Lord Gauranga's eternal associates:

Kaha mora svarupa rupa kaha sanatana
Kaha dasa raghunatha patita-pavan
Kaha Mora bhatta-juga kaha kaviraja
Eka-kale kotha gela gora nata-raj
Se-Saba sangira sange je koilo bilas
Se-sanga na paiya kande narottama das

" where are my Swarupa Damodara and Sri Rupa Goswami? Where is Sanatana ? Where is Dasa Raghunatha Bhatta and Gopala Bhatta ? And where is Krishna Dasa Kaviraja ? Where did Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the king of dancers suddenly go ? Being separated from their loving association and the blissful pastimes of Mahaprabhu, Narottama Dasa can only cry"

Indeed , separation from Lord and his Devotees creates such intense feelings in pure devotees like Narottama Dasa Thakura. But fortunately for us by the transcendental arrangements of Lord Chaitanya we can obtain their mercy.

Friday, December 25, 2015

A Manjarī Glorifies Rādhikā


By Mahanidhi Swami

Soon a shower of the most incredibly sweet nectar will descend from the skies of mercy to inundate the desert of your heart. Just read on with enthusiastic eyes and minds full of anticipation as you marvel at this astounding glorification of Swamini Śrī Rādhā by Her dearest sweet manjarī named Kastūrī.

  One day, deeply absorbed in a mood of loving gratitude and appreciation, Kasturi-manjari glorified Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī thus: “Śrī Rādhā Ṭhākurāṇī is the svarūpa of mahābhāva, and a deep jewel mine of all extraordinary qualities. Bhanunandini is the crest jewel among all Śrī Krishna’s artful lovers.
The senses, mind and body of Raseshvari are steeped in love for Shyāma. Mādhurī Rādhā is Krishna’s personal energy nourishing all His pastimes. Rādhā is the source of Krishna’s bliss potency and Her divine form is imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa. “The Vaikuṇṭha Lakṣmīs, the Dvārakā Queens and the Vraja-gopīs all expand from Rādhikā alone. Unlike the other two, Rādhārāṇī expands the gopīs from Her own divine form so that Shyāma can taste all the sweetness of the rāsa dance and other pastimes.

“Being the foremost gopī, Śrīmatī Rādhikā surpasses all the gopīs in beauty, in good qualities, in good fortune and, above all, in love.

 Rādhā is the dearest beloved of Shyāma and the very wealth of His life. Śrī Krishna cannot derive any pleasure from the gopīs without the presence of Rādhā.” Becoming completely submerged in the ambrosial ocean of Radha-katha, Kasturi-manjari became very excited and started ecstatically chanting Rādhā Nāma-kīrtana.

She sang, “O Govindānandinī Rādhā! O Govinda-mohinī! O Govinda-sarvasva! O Sarva-kāntā-śiromaṇi!” Rādhā pleases and mystifies Govinda. Rādhā is Govinda’s everything! And Rādhā is the crest-jewel of all Krishna’s lovers. “O Devī! O Krishna-mayi! O Rādhikā Para-Devatā! O Sarva Lakshmi-mayi!” Priyaji is the most resplendent and beautiful celestial, and the lovely abode of the worship and love sports of Shyamasundara.

Krishna is within and without Rādhā. Wherever Rādhā casts Her glance She sees Shyāma. Parameshvari Rādhā is the supreme energy of Krishna, and the embodiment of all the mellows of love. Śrīmatī’s worship [ārādhana] is fulfilling Krishna’s desires, and that is why only She is called Rādhikā. Rādhā is the supreme goddess, and the original source of all the Queens of fortune; Rādhā fully represents the six opulences of Kṛṣṇa. “O Sarva-pūjyā! O Sarva-pālikā! O Sarva jagatera-mātā! O Sarva-saundarya-kānti! O Sarva-lakṣmī-gaṇera-śobhā!” Everyone in the universe worships Rādhā. Rādhikā is the maintainer of everyone, and the mother of the entire universe.

The transcendental body of Sarvanga-sundari Rādhā is the resting place for all beauty and luster. Kalyāṇi Rādhā’s radiant beautiful form is the origin of the splendor of all the goddesses of fortune.

Kunjavilasini Rādhā alone fulfill all of Krishna’s desires. “O Jagat-mohana-mohinī! O Parā Thākurāṇī! O Pūrṇa-śakti!” As the supreme enchantress, Rādhā captivates Krishna. Therefore, Ṭhākurāṇī Rādhā is the supreme goddess over all.

 Rādhā holds all the power of Bhagavān Śrī Krishna. (Cc. Adi 4)

Jai Srila Prabhupad

A Look at Radha’s Purva Raga

By Mahanidhi Swami

The sweet madhurojjvala lila-rasa of Radha Govinda Yugala is divided into two categories: vipralambha (divine love in separation) and sambhoga (divine love in union or meeting). Vipralamba is subdivided into four: 1) Purva-raga, love prior to meeting; 2) Maana, pouting huff, love sulk; 3) Prema-vaicittya, feeling separation even in the beloved’s presence; 4) pravasa, separation when the beloved is far away.

Purva-raga is very beginning stage of love, the falling in love period before lovers first meet. It is a very absorbing, exciting time full of hope, anticipation and doubts.

Acharyas describe eight ways that kindle or ignite Radha’s loving attraction to Shyamasundara:
Hearing the sound of Shyama’s murali.
Hearing from a girlfriend.
Hearing from messenger.
Hearing a song.
Hearing from professional reciters.
Seeing a painting.
A vision in a dream.
Direct vision.
Watch for more articles about Radha’s pure love.

Purva-ragini Radha ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Krishna's Devine Love

Radha Madhav ki jai

Krishna’s seventeen Unique Qualities

By Mahanidhi  Swami

Scriptures state that Bhagavan Sri Krishna has 64 transcendental qualities exhibited in their
highest degree.

 Sri Krishna’s  good qualities are also inexhaustible, unlimited in quality and
eternally existing.

Exalted personalities like Brahma and Shiva can possess 55 of these qualities,
and living entities like ourselves can have 50 of these qualities in a minute quantity for a brief

In Priti Sandarbha, Sri Jiva Goswamipada lists seventeen unique qualities possessed only by
Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

 While chanting nama-japa, one can remember these divine qualities of
Our Sweet Lord Shyama, and thus mentally worship Krishna’s most wonderful and variegated
1.Power to attain ANYTHING Simply by desiring it.
2.Complete control over a host of achintya-shaktis.
3.Sole resting place of perfect goodness.
4.Protector of all the worlds.
5.Grants Vaikuntha residence to demons He kills.
6.Attractive to all liberated souls.
7.Served by Brahma, Shiva, all demigods and sages.
8.Krishna’s spiritual form contains inconceivable transcendental potencies.
9.Krishna’s beauty and other virtues are limitless, eternally new and fresh.
10.In His purusha-avatara forms, Sri Krishna controls the world of Maya.
11.Krishana is God- the generator, operator and destroyer of the material worlds.
12.Krishna is the source of all avataras.
13.Unlimited material universes reside in the pores of His transcendental form.
14.Within His form as the original Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan Sri Krishna has all the
inconceivable potencies and transcendental qualities of Vishnu, Narayana, Vasudeva and all other divine expansions.
15.Sri Krishna gives liberation and devotional service to the demons He kills.
16.Sri Krishna’s divine form and features display a wonderful, incomparable sweetness.
17.Association with Krishna brings a perfect bliss- far, far beyond anything the material mind
and senses can ever know.
Ananda Khanda Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhey !!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

16 Japa Tips for Beginners


By Mahanidhi Swami

1. Dawn and dusk are best for japa because the air is pure and the density of distracting vibrations is less.
2. Bathe or just wash hands, feet, face, and mouth before sitting for japa.
3. Observe silence (besides japa) and avoid all distractions, both internal and external.
4. Sit in the same place at the same time daily. Facing east or north enhances concentration.
5. Resolve to complete a certain minimum number of repetitions. (rounds or malas)
6. Recite prayers before the recitation.
7. Repeat the mantra aloud for a few minutes, and then recite silently. If the mind wanders, recite loudly again or whisper for some time. Return to mental japa as soon as possible.
8. Focus your attention exclusively on the mantra sound.
9. Close your eyes, and mentally recite the mantra slowly with devotion and one-pointedness (ekagrata). As the mind becomes still and concentrated, mental japa speed will automatically increase.
10. When you repeat the mantra, visualize that Bhagavan Sri Krishna is sitting in your heart, sending purity into your mind. The mantra is elevating you to the spiritual dimension of seeing your eternal identity. The mantra is liberating you from all your negative karmas, worldly desires and cravings for unnecessary things.
11. Do not perform japa in a hurried manner.
12. Be vigilant and alert during japa. Open your eyes or stand if dullness overcomes you.
13. Be regular in the number of daily rounds (malas or recitations of the Holy Name).
14. Maintain your japa practice with tenacity and perseverance.
15. Recite japa during any free time, especially at the daily junctures (morning, noon, and evening) and before sleep.
16. Upon completing japa, sit a few minutes meditating on God and your relationship with Him. Think how you can be a better person by trying to live moment to moment for the pleasure of God and the happiness of everyone around you.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Jai Jai Sri Radhe

Sunday, December 20, 2015


By Mahanidhi Swami

Every year in Vraja Dhama in spring time (Mar-Apr), cool sandal- scented southern breezes arrive to excite the hearts  of Syama and His beloved cowherd damsels. Kamadeva, the invincible God of Eros, starts dancing in the minds of Krsna and gopis.

The full moon  rises majestically and illuminates the Rasa Mandala with royal crimson hues. In Gita  Govinda, Sri Jayadeva Gosvami wonderfully describes this Vasanta Rasalila.

Feeling anxious and lonely, Radhika searches for Her Priyatama Syama in each and every forest bower along the Yamuna. Suddenly, Radha discovers that Syama is nearby dancing and revelling in amorous sports amidst a group of playful gopis. Feeling indignant at being neglected, Radha runs away in a huff to hide inside a shady bower resounding with buzzing bees.

Realizing  His mistake, Syama abandons the gopis, goes to a lonely bower, and enters a deep state of depression and remorse in separation from His Priyaji Radhika.

Sakhi messengers then run back and forth between the separated lovers, conveying news of each other’s feelings and changing attitudes.
Eventually Priyatama Syama pacified Priyaji’s wounded heart. Then the Divine Couple unite again in blissful embraces followed by spins and whirls, Bends and bows, glances and prances as they dance the night away in the joy of Rasalila.

Nikunjesvari Radharani ki jai!
Rasabihari Syama ki jai


Vrajavasi lovers of Radha Govinda often visit the 5 KARUNA KRPA SIVA LINGAS of VRAJA MANDALA.

In 5 directions, Lord Siva, in his merciful Linga Form, protects, purifies and promotes Sri Krsna's devotees doing Vraja bhajana.

While taking darsana, either physically, mentally or visually (by looking at book pictures or downloads), please do the following Siva puja!

1. Dandavats, chant, e.g. "Bhutesvara Mahadeva ki Jai!"
2. Bathe Linga with milk and Ganga water.
3. Offer bael leaves (upside down) to Linga.
4. Offer flower
. 5. Offer sweets.
6. Offer aratika (incense and ghee lamp).
7. Dandavats
. 8. Ardha parikrama.
9. Chant Sri Caitanya Sivastakam. (See the previous entry)


1. Bhutesvara (Mathura), Eternal south area protector
2. Caklesvara (Govardhana), Centre
3. Kamesvara (Kamyavana), West
4. Nandisvara (Nandagaon), North
5. Gopisvara (Vrndavana)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

On the occasion of Gita Jayanti

One should worship Bhagavad Gita book as follows:

1. Perform acamana
2. Offer Tulasi manjaris with sandalwood paste
3. Offer fragrant flower garland
4. Offer milk sweet with Tulasi leaf
5. Offer arotika (incense, ghee lamp, conch water)
6. Do parikrama of Gita book
7. Glorify Gita with prayers
8. Chant each Gita sloka
9. Conclusion of 18 chapters, offer dandavats to Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krsna, Arjuna, Sanjaya & Sri Gurudeva, begging them to accept your Gita jayanti puja.

Please note: Prayers for point 7 are as follows:

1 gita adhyaana-shilasya pranayama-paraasya cha naiva santi he paapani purva janme kritani cha If one reads Bhagavad-gita very sincerely and with all seriousness, then by the grace of Krsna, the reactions of his past misdeeds will not act upon him.

2 mala nirmochanam pumsam jala snanam dine dine sakrid gitambhaasi snanam samsara mala nashanam One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita, for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished.

3 gita sugita kartavya kim anyaih shastra vistaraih ya svyam padama nabhaayasa mukha padmad vinih srita Because Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other Vedic literature. One need only attentively and regularly hear and read Bhagavad-gita

4 bharat amrita sarvasam vishnor vaktrad vini sritam gita gangodakam pitva punar janma na vidyate One who drinks the Ganges water attains salvation, so what to speak of one who drinks the nectar of Bhagavad-gita? Gita is the essential nectar of Mahabharata and is spoken by Krsna Himself, the original Visnu.

5 sarvo panishado gavo dogdha gopala nandanah partho vatsah sudhir bhokta dugdham gita amritam mahat This Gitopanishad is just like a cow and Krsna is a famous cowherd boy, who is milking this cow. Arjuna is just like a calf and learned scholars and pure devotees are to drink the nectarean milk of Bhagavad-gita.

6 ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam eko devo devaki-putra eva eko mantras tasya namani yani karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva Let there be one common scripture for the whole world - Bhagavad-Gita.

Let there be one God only - Sri Krsna, one prayer only - chanting the Hare Krsna mahamantra, and let there be one work only - His pure devotional service

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


By Mahanidhi Swami

While travelling from Vaikuntha to Ayodhya, Gopa kumara chanted, “O Sitapate! O Sri Raghunatha! O Laksmana Jyestha! O Prabhu! O Hanumat Priyesvara!”

Upon entering Ayodhya dhama, Gopa kumara met some monkeys jumping here and there shouting, “Rama! Rama!” and tried to snatch his flute. Then Hanuman took Gopa kumara to meet Rama who was happily sitting on a royal throne. Sita- devi stood beside Rama happily offering Him betel nut. Gopa kumara bowed down before Lord Rama and repeatedly said, “Jai! Jai!” With gentle speech full of nectar, Lord Rama said, “O my dear son of a Vrajavasi cowherd, very good. Now just relax, for you are my very dear friend.” Gopa kumara stayed for a while in Ayodhya dhama observing Sri Rama, the Lion King of the Raghus, perform His royal dharmic lila.

 However despite experiencing the bliss of serving Rama in Ayodhya, Gopa kumara’s heart again hankered for the sweet life of Vrajabhumi, wherein he would embrace his friend and Lord, Madana Gopala.

 The all-compassionate Lord Rama understood Gopa kumara’s mood, so He sent him forward in his spiritual sojourn to Sri Dhama Vrndavana.

(Brhad Bhag.)

Jai Sita Rama! Jai Radhe Syama! Jai Vraja

Monday, December 14, 2015

Damodara and Radha-Damodara

By Mahanidhi Swami

 The Fall season in Vrindavana (Oct-Nov), Karttika, is surcharged with both sensual beauty and spiritual shakti. The peacocks freely advertise their rainbow colors, and tall trees scent the breeze with sweet aromas from their flowers. With the loving arms of her soothing waves, the Yamuna River offers crystal clear water for tasting and cooling currents for bathing.

Every day at the Radha-Damodara temple, thousands of Vaisnava pilgrims go around the temple, participate in the many kirtanas, and hear the enlightening Bhagavata discourses by different panditas speaking in turn. This spiritual atmosphere, swelling with sounds, scents and sentiments, saturates any sincere soul with ecstatic love for Sri Krishna.

All the months of India are named after different forms of Narayana like Madhava, Govinda, Keshava and so on as in Vaisnava tilaka. Similarly, the month of Karttika is called “Damodara” which also refers to a Vishnu form. This fact is confirmed in sanatana-siksha (Cc. 2.20.201), wherein Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said:
äçvine padmanäbha, kärtike dämodara, rädhädämodara anya vrajendra-koìara
“In the month of Äçvina, the predominating Deity is Padmanäbha, and in Kärttika it is Dämodara. This Dämodara [which the month is named after] is different from RädhäDämodara, the son of Nanda Mahäräja in Våndävana

Nevertheless, most Vaisnavas understand that the “Damodara month” refers to that naughty boy, Krishna, who Mother Yasoda bound around the waist with a rope, which took place on Dipavali day in Karttika. During this Damodara month, if one manages to capture Krishna with the ropes of pure devotion, he will be released from the bondage of repeated birth and death.

Gauòéya Vaiñëavas consider Radharani to be the presiding Deity for the month of because Sri Srila Rupa Goswamipada(Utkalika-vallari) refers to Radharani as Karttika-devi, the goddess of Karttika. Unlike others who call it the “Damodara” month, Gaudiyas, using the following scriptural evidence, refer to Karttika as the “Radha-Damodara” month.

“One day in Karttika, Shyama arrived late for His rendezvous with Priyaji in Her kunja. In loving anger, Manini Radha glanced at Shyama with frowning eyebrows. Using some golden vines, Kunjeshvari then tied a rope around Shyama’s belly to punish Him for not showing up as promised. Madhava pleaded that He was late because Maa Yashoda had kept Him home for a festival. Seeing Her mistake, Radha quickly untied Her beloved Damodara.” (Bhaviñya Puräëa, Uttara-khaëòa) Rädhäräëé’s desire to bind Krishna with Her love is fulfilled in this pastime. Thus Vrajavasis adore this Damodara, bound by Devi’s love.

The Garga-samhita tells another wonderful lila of Radha-Damodara: “One day as children Radha and Gopala were walking together in Bhandiravana along the shimmering blue waters of Kalindi. The lovely couple rested for a time under the cooling shade of a Banyan tree. In an instant, Yogamaya manifested their robust, youthful forms. Suddenly from nowhere, Lord Brahma arrived. Then acting as the officiating priest, Brahmaji performed a mock marriage with all the demigods in attendance. During the wedding ceremony the sari and dhoti of Radha and Krishna were tied together as is the custom in Vedic weddings. After the ceremony the guests left, and Radha-Govinda again assumed their childhood forms and walked home.”Since the Divine Couple were tied together at this time, some Vaiñëavas consider this pastime a lila of Radha-Damodara ki jai

Perfection at Your Fingertips

By Mahanidhi Swami

Each and every Holy Name of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is all powerful, all beautiful, all merciful and all beneficial.

Tremendous blessings and benefits will come to anyone who chants, regardless of time, place, method or condition. However, the benefits and degree of mantra perfection will vary according to one’s endeavor.

Developing the following six qualities will help the chanter quickly attain mantra-siddhi and experience all the sublime treasures (japa sampatti hetavah) of the Holy Name.

Srila Sanatana Goswamipada explains in Hari-bhakti vilasa (17.128):
manah samharanam shaucam, maunam mantrartha chintanam
avyagratvam anirvedo, japa sampatti hetavah

1) One-pointed mind (samharanam) means withdrawing it from all sense objects, especially during japa.
2) Cleanliness (shaucam) of body, clothes, asana and mind.
3) Meditation on meaning of mantra (mantra artha chintanam).
4) Undisturbed mind (avyagratvam) Sit peacefully and chant without mental restlessness.
5) Patience (anirvedo). Even though the promised results and treasures are not manifesting, one should continue chanting without feeling despondent or disappointed (nirveda).

Sri Harinama Japa ki jai!   Hare Krishna Maha Mantra ki jai!
Sri Harinama Acharya Haridasa Thakura ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! 

Importance of Sri Radha and Karttika

By Mahanidhi Swami

Why do Gaudiya Vaisnavas observe Karttika Vrata?

Gaudiyas especially observe Karttika Vrata for the purpose of worshiping and pleasing Srimati Radharani. Because Radha is most famous as Karunamayi Radha, we very strictly follow all the rules and regulations of the Kartika Vrata, NIYAMA SEVA, so that Srimati showers us with Her divine compassion.

The goal of this month, our lives and every moment is simply to gain a glance of mercy and favor from our beloved Swamini Radha.

May Sri Radha, all Her merciful sakhis and manjaris, Sri Krishna, Nitai-Gauranga, and all the Gurus in our parampara bless us with gopi-bhava and Srimati Radhika’s eternal loving service in the groves of Sridhama Vrndavana.

For Gaudiya Vaisnavas, Karttika Vrata is more important than any other vrata in the year. Other vratas observed for the satisfaction of Syamasundara and His expansions last for one day at most, but Sri Radha’s pleasure vow of Karttika LASTS FOR ONE MONTH.

In Stavamala, Sri Rupa Gosvamipada describes Sri Radha in one verse as Kartiki-devi Srimati Radharani. In Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu, he describes Karttika Vrata as the Urja-vrata.

Urja means power, strength and empowerment.  And who is the source of this urja, power and spiritual strength? Urjeshvari Radha and only Radha.  Kishori Radha is the Goddess or the Queen and one and only worshipable Deity of the month of Kartika.
Kartikidevi Srimati Radharani ki jai!   Urjeshvari Radhika ki jai!

All Vaisnavas, including Gaudiyas, observe many other vows, vratas, and fasting days to honor Bhagavan or His various expansions on days such as Janmastami, Ramnavami, Nrsimha Chaturdashi, Vamana Mahadvadasi etc.

It is interesting to note that these shaktiman Purusha Bhagavan Vratas only extend for one day or half a day at most. But in case of the shakti, sarva-sakti-mayi powerhouse source, Radharani, the vrata extends for one month. It is not one day long or fasting till midnight like Janmastami or fasting half a day. It is one entire month called niyama seva month.

And yes, like all other Vaisnavas, we will sing about and full-heartedly glorify Lord Damodara of Gokula throughout this month and devotedly worship Bhagavan Sri Krishna in this most mischievous and beautiful form. But this most auspicious and wonderful month of Karttika, we Gaudiya Vaisnavas especially focus on worshiping and performing special observances for the pleasure of our most worshipful Aradhya-devi Srimati Radharani.

Niyama means doing extra and special sevas simply to please Radharani; more Nama-japa and kirtana, extra prayers, extra puja, extra reading, extra preaching, extra Hari, Guru, Vaisnava seva and more—all for happiness of Srimati Radharani. This is the goal of our sadhana. Our prayojana is Radharani’s pleasure! We observe Karttika Vrata only for the purpose of bringing more joy to Radhika.

And if Swamini so desires, She will be compassionate to us, purify us,  and make us eligible to attain Her eternal divine service in the groves of Vrindavana.

 Other vratas like Harivasara Ekadasi and Bhagavan Janmotsavas are of course important, but for Gaudiya Vaisnavas, Kartika Vrata is by far the most powerful, extensive and necessary vow of austerities, penances, pujas and devotional practices. To repeat, our ishta-devi is Srimati Radharani and Karttika is THE MONTH TO SPECIFICALLY WORSHIP Srimati Radharani.
And there are so many benefits of the Kartika Vrata described in Hari Bhakti Vilasa which will be described in our upcoming articles. When the days get longer and longer, and your vrata seems to become more and more difficult, simply remember:

(Rai is a sweet name for Radha)
Karttika Niyama Seva Vratosava ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Our View of Vrinda- Devi

                                                                               By Mahanidhi Swami

The Brahma Vaivarta Purana and other Puranas contain stories about Vrinda-devi and other transcendental associates of Sri Krishna being cursed and descending to the material world. Gaudiya Vaisnavas do not reject these stories because they are in the shastras. However, we do not follow them because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Gosvamis did not present these ideas. The six Gosvamis distilled all the shastras and presented  the essential truth for all the Gaudiya Vaisnavas to understand and follow. According to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Rupa Gosvami and Raghunatha Das Gosvami, Vrinda-devi is a nitya sakhi of Shrimati Radharani for the eternal loving service of Radha and Krishna in the spiritual world and in the material world when the Divine Couple descend, Vrinda devi exhibits two forms; one as a sakhi named Vrinda-devi and another form as a beautiful bush named Tulasi devi replete with beautiful leaves and fragrant flowers called manjaris. Any other conception about Vrinda-devi is not endorsed by Gaudiya Vaisnavas.
Shrimati Vrinda devi ki jai!
Shrimati Tulasi Maharani ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...