Friday, June 30, 2017

Japa Walk Thru: Lila Meditations Intro

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#JapaMeditations #HareKrishna #LilaSmarana #KrishnaPastimes #MahaMantra #VrajaLila

This audio series presents narrations of the occassional and eternal pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krishna.In Japa Walk Thru Lila Meditations, we mix japa chanting with meditation on Krishna’s pastimes. The result is a most wonderful, blissful, satisfying and enlightening experience of chanting Hare Krishna japa.

The practice of combining japa with lila meditation is a standard practice among most Gaudiya Vaisnavas. In fact, the founder-acharya of the world famous Hare Krishna Movement, Srila Prabhupada said, “You should know that it is not offensive to think of Krishna’s pastimes while chanting Hare Krishna japa. Rather IT IS REQUIRED!” (SP Letter Dec. 4, 1968)

The Japa Walk ThruLila Meditation Technique

1. Take your tulasi japa mala, and sit comfortably in a clean, sanctified place.

2. Play the desired lila audio tracks while listening through speakers, headphones or earplugs (or one ear plug).

3. Keep the audio player or the remote control within reach of your left hand, so you can occassionally pause or replay the audio track to deepen your contemplation on a particular scene, expression or loving exchange.

4. Start chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra japa either silently in the mind or by softly whispering.

5. Adjust the audio volume so that you simultaneously hear the lilaand attentively hear the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Experiment until you find the perfect sound level that affords maximum concentration on both the pastimes of Krishna and His sweet Holy Names.

6. While chanting japa with full-heart concentration, listen to the lila narration while mentally trying to vizualize the pastime, to be there, to feel the loving exchanges of Radha and Krishna, and to think what seva you would be offering Them at that moment.

7. Whenever you want to deeply meditate or reflect upon a particular lila, a part of a lila, or a special exchange or scene within a lila, you can simply pause the audio track while continuing your nama japa. For example, sometimes we adjust our audio player so it repeatedly plays the same lila such as “Radha’s Morning Bath”.

Then while listening to that pastime and continuing our maha-mantra japa, we submerge our minds and hearts in all the minute details and sweet dealings of Srimati Radharani and Her sakhi/manjaris at that tender time of morning.

8. The japa walk thru technique is easy and blissful. Instead of wrestling with our wandering minds during japa, we can fill our minds with Radha and Krishna’s beautiful forms, qualities and pastimes while chanting. By this practice our scattered, monkey-jumping minds become pacified, pointed, and absorbed in hearing Krishna’s sweet Holy Names, mentally seeing Krishna’s form and pastimes, and feeling the hearts of Krishna and His loving friends.

9. After sometime of chanting japa and listening to the japa walk thru series, you will no longer think you are just a listener or observer of the lila. If Sri Krishna is merciful to you, you will feel that you are personally there, directly walking with Radha and Krishna and serving Them in every possible way. This is the perfection of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra japa. And this audio series is presented to help everyone attain this perfection. Maha-mantra Radha-Krishna lila meditation ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!  

Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Maan Bhanga Lila

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RadhaKrishnaPastimes #Radharani #KrishnaLila #Vrindavana #BreakingMaan #SriRadha

What follows is a beautiful japa walk thru lila meditation. Sink your mind, heart and aspirations into this lila and rise in the land of bliss. Hare Krishna!

Once Madana-mohini displayed an intensely contrary mood (maan) that Vamshidhari could not remove by any means. The playful Dhira-lalita Shyama then devised a charming trick.Krishna strung a beautiful flower garland and draped it on Kishori’s neck. But Devi just threw it away in disgust. By chance that garland fell on Krishna. Hari immediately frowned, grimaced and sighed as if He had been badly injured.

Shyama then sat silently in a corner of the kunja looking very sad. Observing Krishna’s behavior, Srimati felt very anxious and worried. Then to solace Shyama, Manini Radha held Krishna’s shoulders. At this, Krishna laughed mischievously and enveloped Radha in a loving embrace!

Srimati Radharani ki jai! Maan Bhanga ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Panditji & Swamiji

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#GaudiyaVaisnavas #VaisnavaBiographies #Vrindavana #SrimadBhagavatam

One of the oldest and most famous Gaudiya Vaisnava scholars in Vraja today is 99 year old Pandita Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha.

Srila Prabhupada and Pandita Sri Krishna Dasji became friends in the 1960’s after meeting in Bon Maharaja’s college in Vrindavana. A few years ago, Pandita Baba recounted his memories of Prabhupada for a book titled, “Our Srila Prabhupada—A Friend to All”.

Here we share those memories, and invite our readers to relish the sweet and sometimes humorous exchanges between the liberated ones.  

Pandit Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji:

“I was a Sanskrit student and scholar in the early 1960’s, and I often visited Bon Maharaja’s Sanskrit college, which was across from where the ISKCON temple is now. At that time, Srila Swami Maharaja also was living in Sri Vrindavana Dhama. He was writing translations and purports to the beginning three volumes of his Srimad Bhagavatam series in the English language.

“At the college, there was an informal gathering of local Gaudiya and Vrajavasi scholars and writers who met regularly every few weeks or each month to share their work and ask for suggestions regarding the Sanskrit or whatever. I attended those writers’ meetings and so did Srila Swami Maharaja. That is how we began our acquaintance and friendship.

“I remember how delightful his countenance was. Swamiji was very charming, and full of realization, humor and affection. He was so kind upon me. I was a much younger man, junior in all ways. Yet Swamiji treated me just like a son or a very little brother.He always encouraged me, asked about my welfare, and shared hari-katha from his writings.

“He was a valuable friend during that time. Although his material circumstances were then so poor, he always seemed to me to be one of the richest devotees in spiritual blessings. He was a very learned and humble Vaisnava. He worked very diligently on his manuscripts, and often spoke about the order from his guru maharaja, His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta SarasvatiThakura Prabhupada.

“I have one special remembrance of something that occurred during our regular meetings at Bon Maharaja’s college. Swamiji had every intention to somehow spread this Krishna knowledge in the West, despite all obstacles.

“He would often speak of this task of service, and was always looking for opportunities to somehow arrange to travel there. Most of us at that time were quite doubtful that he could succeed to go. He was practically penniless then, without sponsors or connections. Many of us were not so favorable for any Indian to go to the mleccha [western] countries, so we did not encourage him. Nevertheless, he was undaunted.

“I recall how Swamiji came one day in great happiness and excitement. I think he had just completed his third volume of the Srimad Bhagavatam and he was carrying all three in his hands. He then explained to our group how he had finally printed the last texts and now the books were ready to go to the West.

“In a very sweet way, he formally asked if we would all please bless his books that they would be able to go across the ocean and be successful in spreading Krishna consciousness in the western countries. Of course, we were willing to do that. So he carefully passed around the stack of three, brick-red,cloth bound books, and asked each of us to touch them and give our blessings, which we did.

“Immediately after this he did something quite remarkable. Swamiji explained with deep seriousness how these Bhagavata books, now blessed, could not go across the ocean by themselves. Someone would have to take them to the west, popularize them, and distribute them properly to the public. So he then humbly requested, with folded palms, that our assembly would also bless him to accompany the books and preach on their behalf. In this way he took us all by surprise.

“We all then felt moved to finally give our full blessings to his mission. I thought at that time how remarkable a Vaisnava he was, to request such blessings and to arrange for receiving them so wonderfully. I remember when I gave my blessings to him, I felt a spiritual surcharge in my heart.

“Many years later, and now still it stands strongly in history how Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja [Srila Prabhupada] was successful in carrying our heritage and philosophy to the whole world. I feel honored to have been some very small part of that glorious success.”

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Pandit Sri Krishna Dasji Babaji Maharaja ki jai!

Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

The Real Radha Kunda Appearance Day

#RadhaKundaAppearance #Vrindavan #KrishnaLila #CaitraPurnimaFestivals #Radharani #RadhaKrishna

There is an amazing story behind this. The day before Caitra Purnima 2017, I met with 108 Pandit Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji Maharaja and had the following conversation:

M. Madan Gopal Das: “Gurudeva, since Sri Sanatana Goswami says in (SB 10.45.3) Vaisnava Toshani tika that today, Caitra Purnima midnight is the ACTUAL AND REAL APPEARANCE DAY OF RADHA KUNDA, should we bathe tonight to honor that wonderful, most merciful lila of Radha and Krishna?”

Gurudeva: (replied affirmatively while looking straight into my eyes from about one foot away), “Yes, you should!”

mmgd: “Should I tell all your disciples about this?

Gurudeva: “Yes, get a microphone, go around Radha-kunda and tell everyone.”

mmgd: “Really, Gurudeva, are you serious that I should do that?”

Gurudeva: “Yes, because the Karttika Bahulastami snana is NOT THE APPEARANCE DAY OF Radha-kunda. In Mathura Mahatmyam, Sri Rupa Gosvamipada says that devotees should BATHE ON THE KARTTIKA DAY OF BAHULASTAMI just to please Bhagavan Sri Hari. It says nothing about appearance day. According to our Gaudiya Vaisnava mahajana and supreme praman, Srimad Bhagavatam, today at midnight Caitra Purnima IS THE REAL APPEARANCE DAY OF SRI RADHA KUNDA!”

mmgd: (Since Gurudeva is 99 years old,  I never expected him to say yes, but nevertheless, I curiously asked him the next question):

“Gurudeva, would you like to join us and take Radha-kunda midnight snana tonight?”

Gurudeva: (Much to my surprise, Pandit Baba looked at me innocently like a child and said enthusiastically, “YES, I’LL WILL TAKE MIDNIGHT SNANA TOO!”

And that’s how our first annual Caitra Purnima Radha-kunda Appearance Festival started. On behalf of Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Gurudeva and all the faithful followers of the six Goswamis, we invite all the devotees to come bathe at midnight on every Caitra Purnima to celebrate the actual, real APPEARANCE DAY OF RADHA KUNDA.

Radha-kunda Annual Avirbhava Mahotsava ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

25 Essential Teachings for Gaudiya Vaisnavas

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das 

ArrayaudiyaVaisnava ArrayssentialTeachings Arrayhakti ArraypiritualKnowledge ArrayaudiyaSiddhanta ArrayambandhaAbhidheyaPrayojana ArraymportantVerses ArrayrishnaConsciousness Arrayhilosophy

Life is too short, memory is very weak and time is less. Thus we offer the following 25 verses to summarize all the essential principles, practices and actual goal of Gaudiya Vaisnava Dharma. We have arranged them in a logical sequence to facilitate clear understanding. Devotees will obtain tremendous spiritual benefit by reflecting deeply upon each one; learning them and following their guidance.

** MOST IMPORTANT VERSE: Krishna Consciousness Essence.

Ishtadevata, Gati (destination), Sadhana, Pramana (Basis), Prayojana (Necessity) and the Originator. At least this one verse all should memorize, meditate and realize.

ārādhyo bhagavān vrajeśa tanayas tad dhāma vṛndāvanaṁ

ramyā kācid upāsanā vrajavadhū vargeṇa yā kalpitā

śāstraṁ bhāgavatam pramāṇam amalaṁ prema pumārtho mahān

śrī caitanya mahāprabhor matam idaṁ tatrādaro naḥ para

“Our worshipable form of Bhagavan [upasya] is Sri Krishna, Nandanandana, the son of Vraja’s King Nanda whom we worship in Vrindavana [the divya dhama goal of life]. Our [the upasakas] way to attain perfection [upasana] is to follow the delightful method of worship done by the newlywed gopis of Vraja (vraja vadhu). 

“Our main scripture is the Srimad Bhagavatam, the spotless authority on Krishna-bhakti. The highest goal of human life is Krishna prema, pure love of God. These are the transcendental tenets of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and thus deserve our highest respect, love and care.”

(By Srinatha Cakravarti, disciple of Sri Advaita Prabhu; and guru of Kavi Karnapura)

KRISHNA: The Absolute Truth.

janmādy asya yato’nvayād itarataś cārtheṣv abhijṣaḥ svarāṭ

tene brahma hṛdā ya ādi-kavaye muhyanti yat sūrayaḥ

tejo-vāri-mṛdāṁ yathā vinimayo yatra tri-sargo’mṛṣā

dhāmnā svena sadā nirasta-kuhakaṁ satyaṁ paraṁ dhīmahi

 “We meditate on the Supreme Truth, from whom all this is born, Who is both present in everything and aloof from it, Who is omniscient and independent. It is He who revealed the Veda to Brahma, the first sage, within his heart. He deludes even the great gods, makes this threefold unreal world seem real, just as the sun’s rays are mistaken for water (in a mirage), water for earth or earth for water, but who is Himself forever free from illusion due to His divine energy (dhāmnā).” (SB 1.1.1)

KRISHNA: Best Definition of.

īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ saccidānanda vigraha

anādir ādir govinda sarva kārana kāranam

 Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Supreme God, and Sri Krishna’s transcendental body is sac cid ananda, full of awareness, reality and bliss. Sri Krishna is beginningless, the greatest of all, and the cause of all causes.” (Brahma Samhita 5.1)

KRISHNA: Beauty Meditation (as gopis see Krishna; revealed by Suka Muni) 

barhāpīḍaṁ naṭa-vara-vapuḥ karṇayoḥ karṇikāraṁ

bibhrad-vāsaḥ kanaka-kapiśaṁ vaijayantīṁ ca mālām 

randhrān veṇor adhara-sudhayā pūrayan gopa-vṛndair

vṛndāraṇyaṁ sva-pada-ramaṇaṁ prāviśad gīta-kīrtiḥ

“Krishna’s head is adorned with a peacock feather crown. He has a body is shaped like the best of dancers and Krishna wears Karṇikāra-flowers on His ears. While wearing a golden hued garment and a vaijayanti flower mala, Krishna fills the holes of His flute with the nectar of His lips, and the cowherd boys sing His glories as He enters the forest of Vrindavana, beautifying the earth with His lovely footprints.” (Venu Gita 10.21.5)

KRISHNA: Mahaprabhu is Krishna not Radha and Krishna. 

rādhā kṛṣṇa-praṇaya-vikṛtir hlādinī śaktir asmād

ekātmānāv api bhuvi purā deha-bhedaṁ gatau tau

caitanyākhyaṁ prakaṭam adhunā tad-dvayaṁ caikyam āptaṁ

rādhā-bhāva-dyuti-subalitaṁ naumi kṛṣṇa-svarūpam

&The transformations of love between Śrī Rādhā and Śrī Kṛṣṇa are manifestations of the hlādinī-śakti. These two, although one soul, have manifested in this world in separate forms since ancient times. He, who is known as Caitanya, has now manifest as the union of Radha-Krishna. Obeisances to Sri Chaitanya, who is Śrī Kṛṣṇa Himself, beautifully endowed with the feelings and lustre (bhava, kanti) of Śrī Rādhā!& 

SRI CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU: Main inner purpose entire Gaura lila.

anarpita carīṁ cirāt karuṇayā avatīrṇa kalau, samarpayitum unnatojjvala rasa sva bhakti śriyaṁ

hariḥ puraṭa sundara dyuti kadamba sandīpitaḥ, sadā hṛdaya kandare sphuratu vaḥ śacī-nandanaḥ

 “May the son of mother Śacī, who is Sri Hari Himself, appearing in a splendid beautiful golden form, and who has descended in the age of Kali to mercifully bestow the wealth of His own bhakti, which was never bestowed before, and which is endowed with the elevated amorous flavour [madhurya-rasa i.e. gopi-bhava], always be manifest within the cave of your heart.”

VRINDAVAN: Goloka realm is everywhere; not a planet. 

śanakair bhagaval-lokān nṛ-lokaṁ punar āgataḥ.

vimṛjya netre viduraṁ prītyāhoddhava utsmayan

&[after breaking his deep lila meditation] “Gradually, Uddhava [mentally] returned from Bhagavān's world to the external human world. Rubbing his eyes, Uddhava lovingly told Vidura in amazement...& (SB 3.2.6); Krishna Sandarbha 106). 

VRINDAVAN: Living in to get Radha’s mercy.

vṛndāni sarva mahatām apahāya dūrāt, vṛndāṭavīm anusara pranayena cetaḥ

sat tāranī kṛta subhāva sudhā rasaugham, rādhā bhidhānam iha divya nidhānam asti

O Mind! Stay aloof [apahaya durat] from all great things or persons like Vrajavasis [sarva mahatam], and live in Vrindavana with love. In Vraja, there is a divine jewel of wonderful moods and feelings named RADHA, Who redeems all the sincere souls sheltered in Vraja!” (Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 17)

SHUDDHA BHAKTI: Best & complete definition of pure devotion.

anyābhilāṣita śūnyaṁ jnāna-karmādy anāvṛtam

ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśilanaṁ bhaktir uttamā

Sri Rupa Gosvami said, “The topmost devotion [uttama bhakti] is devoid of all material desires, and not mixed with or covered by any practices of impersonal liberation (jnana) or fruitive activities [karma kanda, homas, yajnas etc]). Uttama bhakti is practiced deliberately and actively, solely for the pleasure of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.” (Bhakti Rasāmṛta Sindhu 1.1.11)

SADHANA: Diksha Reveals Siddha Deha.

dīkṣā-kāle bhakta kore ātma-samarpaṇa; sei-kāle kṛṣṇa tāre kore ātma-sama

sei deha kore tāra cid-ānanda-moya; aprākṛta-dehe tāṅra caraṇa bhajoya

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “At the time of diksha, the devotee surrenders the very self. And at that time, Sri Krishna makes the devotee equal to Himself by making the devotee’s body transcendental. In such a spiritual body one can serve Krishna.” (Cc. 3.4.192-193)

SADHANA: Gita’s top secret [told 2x 9.34]; four main bhakti practices.

man manā bhava mad bhakto mad yāji māṁ namaskuru

mām evaiṣyasi satyaṁ te pratijāne priyo’si me

“Think of Me and be My devotee. Worship Me and offer your respects unto Me. Thus you will truly and certainly come to Me. I promise you this because you are dear to Me.”

SADHANA: The main 24/7 rule of sadhana. 

smartavyaṁ satataṁ viṣṇor vismartavyo na jātūcit

sarva vidhi niṣedha syur etayor eva kinkarāḥ

“Always remember Krishna and never forget Him! All other rules and prohibitions are subservient to this.” Padma P. 6.71.100)

SADHANA: Summary all manah-shiksha; Ideal daily pranam mantra. 

gurau goṣṭhe goṣṭhālayiṣu sujane bhū-sura-gaṇe, sva-mantre śrī-nāmni vraja-nava-yuva-dvandva-śaraṇe

sadā dambhaṁ hitvā kuru ratim apūrvām atitarāṁ, aye svāntar bhrātaś caṭubhir abhiyāce dhṛta-padaḥ 

Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami said, “O brother mind! I clasp your feet and pray to you with flattering words: ‘Always give up hypocrisy and develop unprecedented love for Sri Guru, Vraja Dhama, the Vrajavasis, the saints, the brāhmaṇas, the diksha mantra, the Holy Names of Sri Krishna, and the shelter of the eternally youthful Couple of Vraja, Śrī-Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa!’” (Manaḥ Śikṣā 1)

SADHANA: 4 Points to Success in Bhakti & Nama Bhajan 

tṛṇād api sunīcena taror iva sahiṣṇunā;

amāninā mānadena kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ

“One should chant the Holy Name of Lord Hari in a humble state of mind, being more humble than a blade of grass, as tolerant as a tree, giving all respect unto others and not expecting any honor for oneself.& (Śrī Caitanya-śikṣāṣṭakam 3)

SADHANA: Krishna provides all—just do bhakti.  

ananyaś cintayanto māṁ,  ye janāḥ paryupāsate

teṣāṁ nityābhiyuktānāṁ, yoga kṣemaṁ vahāmyaham

 “Whoever constantly worships Me, exclusively meditating on Me, I will provide him with all his needs and will preserve what he has.” (Bhagavad-gītā 9.22)

SADHANA: Mind—only Krishna can control ours.

cancalaṁ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavad dṛḍham

tasyāhaṁ nigrahaṁ manye vāyor iva suduṣkaram

“O Kṛṣṇa! The mind is so restless, agitating, powerful and obstinate. It seems harder to check than even the wind.” (Bhagavad-gītā 6.34)

SHASTRA: Must live by. 

yaḥ śāstra-vidhiṁ utsṛjya vartate kāma kārataḥ

na sa siddhim avāpnoti na sukhaṁ na paraṁ gatiṁ

&He who rejects scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims, will not attain perfection, nor will he become happy or attain the Supreme Abode.& (Bhagavad Gītā 16.23)

SHASTRA: Focus on essence of i.e. pure bhakti. 

ananta-śāstraṁ bahulāśca vidyāḥ svalpaśca kālo bahu-vighnatā ca;

yat sāra-bhūtaṁ tad-upāsanīyaṁ  haṁso yathā kṣīram ivāmbu-madhyāt

&The scriptures are infinite and the branches of knowledge are many. Our time is limited and our lives are full of obstacles. Therefore we should worship the essence, just as the swan extracts only the milk from the water.& (Canakya-nīti-darpanam 15.10) 

SHASTRA: Power of Hearing Rasa Lila.

vikrīḍitaṁ vrajavadhūbhir idaṁ ca viṣṇoḥ, śraddhānvito’nuśṛṇuyed atha varṇayed yaḥ

bhaktiṁ paraṁ bhagavatiṁ pratilabhya kāmaṁ, hṛd-rogam āśvapahinotyacireṇa dhīraḥ

Suka Muni said [phala shruti for rasa-lila cp. 29-33] “Anyone who faithfully and continually hears and describes the pastimes of Krishna with the newlyweds of Vraja (gopīs) will attain the highest devotion to Bhagavān, swiftly become free from the heart’s disease of lust and become peaceful.”

SADHANA: Sri Chaitanya Orders Gopi Bhava

ataeva gopī-bhāva kari aṅgīkāra, rātri-dina cinte rādhā-kṛṣṇera vihāra

“Therefore one should accept the loving mood of the gopis [gopi-bhava], and day and night meditate on the pleasure pastimes of Radha and Krishna. (Cc. 2.8.228)

SADHANA (Must do two forms—Internal & External). [two verses]

bāhya antara ihāra dui to sādhana; bāhya sādhaka dehe kore śravaṇa kīrtana

mane nija siddha deha koriyā bhāvana; rātri dine kore vraje kṛṣṇera sevana 

Mahaprabhu said, “O Sri Sanatana Goswami!  &There are two kinds of devotion in practise: external and internal. In the external practitioner's body, one performs hearing and chanting of Krishna’s glories, and internally, in the mentally conceived spiritual body, one renders mental service to Krishna in Vraja day and night.& (Cc. 2.22.155-156)

SADHANA: Worship Shyama to get Sriji seva) 

dhyāyantaṁ śikhi-piccha-mauli-maniśaṁ tan nāma-sankīrtayan

nityaṁ tac caraṇāmbujaṁ paricaran tan-mantra-varyaṁ japan

śrī rādhā padāsyam eva paramābhīṣṭaṁ hṛdā dhārayan

karhi syāṁ tad anugraheṇa param ādbhutānurāg otsavaḥ 

“I always meditate on Krishna, wearing a crown of peacock feathers; I always sing Krishna’s name in saṅkīrtana; I always serve Krishna’s lotus feet (archa-murti) and repeat His best of mantras, all the while holding in my heart the desire for the supremely cherished service of Śrī Rādhā's lotus feet. When by Krishna’s grace will that grand festival of Radha’s amazing anuraga arise in my heart?” (Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi 259) 

SADHANA: The Desired Perfection of Manjari Bhava.

tavaivāsmi tavaivāsmi  na jīvāmi tvayā vinā, iti vijnaya devi tvaṁ naya māṁ caraṇāntikam

Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami prays, “O Devi Radha! I am Yours, I am Yours! I cannot live without You!  Knowing this, please take me to Your lotus feet!” (Vilapa Kusumanjali 96)

SADHANA: Highest perfection demands most practice and patience. 

krame krame pāya loka bhava-sindhu-kūla

Mahaprabhu said to Sri Raghunatha Dasa Goswami, “Slowly and gradually a person will cross the ocean of material existence [attain liberation].” (Cc. 2.16.237) 

(adapted madangopal.blogspot) Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe! 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Real Radha Kunda Appearance Day

#RadhaKundaAppearance #Vrindavan #KrishnaLila #CaitraPurnimaFestivals #Radharani #RadhaKrishna

There is an amazing story behind this. The day before Caitra Purnima 2017, I met with 108 Pandit Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji Maharaja and had the following conversation:

M. Madan Gopal Das: “Gurudeva, since Sri Sanatana Goswami says in (SB 10.45.3) Vaisnava Toshani tika that today, Caitra Purnima midnight is the ACTUAL AND REAL APPEARANCE DAY OF RADHA KUNDA, should we bathe tonight to honor that wonderful, most merciful lila of Radha and Krishna?”

Gurudeva: (replied affirmatively while looking straight into my eyes from about one foot away), “Yes, you should!”

mmgd: “Should I tell all your disciples about this?

Gurudeva: “Yes, get a microphone, go around Radha-kunda and tell everyone.”

mmgd: “Really, Gurudeva, are you serious that I should do that?”

Gurudeva: “Yes, because the Karttika Bahulastami snana is NOT THE APPEARANCE DAY OF Radha-kunda. In Mathura Mahatmyam, Sri Rupa Gosvamipada says that devotees should BATHE ON THE KARTTIKA DAY OF BAHULASTAMI just to please Bhagavan Sri Hari. It says nothing about appearance day. According to our Gaudiya Vaisnava mahajana and supreme praman, Srimad Bhagavatam, today at midnight Caitra Purnima IS THE REAL APPEARANCE DAY OF SRI RADHA KUNDA!”

mmgd: (Since Gurudeva is 99 years old,  I never expected him to say yes, but nevertheless, I curiously asked him the next question):

“Gurudeva, would you like to join us and take Radha-kunda midnight snana tonight?”

Gurudeva: (Much to my surprise, Pandit Baba looked at me innocently like a child and said enthusiastically, “YES, I’LL WILL TAKE MIDNIGHT SNANA TOO!”

And that’s how our first annual Caitra Purnima Radha-kunda Appearance Festival started. On behalf of Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Gurudeva and all the faithful followers of the six Goswamis, we invite all the devotees to come bathe at midnight on every Caitra Purnima to celebrate the actual, real APPEARANCE DAY OF RADHA KUNDA.

Radha-kunda Annual Avirbhava Mahotsava ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Love Your Guru

Mahanidhi Swami

#RealGuru #LoveGuru #BlessingsOfGuru

A human being is very, very fortunate if he has taken diksha or initiation from a genuine wisdom teacher or illuminator, commonly known as guru. Nowadays, however, when people hear the word “guru”, they immediately think, “O some cheater, charlatan or debauchee in the disguise of a “holy man”.

This negative attitude toward the “guru” is due the influence of Kali, and the many exposures of extremely debased and degraded characters claiming to be the Absolute or representatives of the same.

On his own, a seeker on the path of enlightenment will face many obstacles and challenges created by his karmic inheritance, the environment, and other living entities. The opposition to self-realization appears before one in many forms i.e. lust, anger, greed, illusion, envy, pride, fear, lamentation, desire, mental distraction, violence, sleep, and the three modes of nature (ignorance, passion and goodness).

Alone—how will one ever conquer all these seemingly invincible foes? The secret is the power and blessings of a real guru. And thankfully, the sincere can find a properly qualified guru with the help of the sacred scriptures. The definition, symptoms and qualities of the true guru, along with his powers and activities have been extensively described in the Vedas, Puranas and Upanisads. One must read these, and then choose the right guru based on intelligent discrimination according to the dictates of scriptures.

Regarding the obstacles, in the Srimad Bhagavatam (7.15.22-15), Sri Narada Muni suggests different means to conquer the problems we mentioned above, and here’s the list.

1. Lust: DETERMINATION not to enjoy, asankalpa jayet kamam.

2. Anger: RENOUNCE desire, krodham kama vivarjanat.

3. Greed: CONSIDERATION the trouble wealth brings, artha anartha ikshaya lobham.

4. Fear: TRUTH and be established in it, bhayam tattva avamarshana.

5. Lamentation & Illusion: METAPHYSICAL KNOWLEDGE, anvikshikya shoka moha.

6. Pride: SERVICE to great devotee, dambham mahad upasaya.

7. Mental Distraction: SILENCE, yoga antarayan maunena.

8. Violence: RENOUNCE desire to enjoy, himsam kama adi anihaya.

9. Suffering from others: COMPASSION express it to other living entities, krpaya bhutajam duhkham.

10. Suffering from environment: CONCENTRATION on God, daivam jahyat samadhina

11. Suffering from own body & mind: YOGA asana & pranayama, atmajam yoga viryena.

12. Sleep: GOODNESS, cultivate it along with light eating, nidram sattva nishevaya.

13. Passion & Ignorance: GOODNESS increased to prominence, rajas tamasa ca sattvena.

14. Goodness: TRANSCENDENCE of all modes by full detachment, sattvam ca pashamena.

Although Narada Muni mercifully mentions the means to overcome these different impediments, the means themselves are also very difficult to execute. However, to show even more mercy to us, Narada Muni mentions one way to immediately conquer every single obstacle.

He says, “All these obstacles are quickly and easily conquered by guru bhakti or devotion to the wisdom teacher, etat sarvam gurau bhaktya, purusho hy anjasa jayet!”

Just see the incredible power and blessings of the true Guru! All these supremely insurmountable problems can be “easily” defeated by love, bhakti.

They say that love conquers all. But in this case, it is love for Sri Guru (guru bhakti) which enables one to conquer and transcend all material difficulties and attain the spiritual realm. Guru bhakti means fondly remembering Sri Guru, imbibing his spiritual teachings and following them, serving him, and trying one’s best to be a perfect disciple and a perfect devotee of Sri Krishna.

So if one is fortunate to have a real guru in his life, he should always remain thankful and grateful, loyal, surrendered and above all always “Love Your Guru”!

Samasti Gurus ki jai! Sri Guru ki jai! Srila Prabhupada ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Humility Meditation


Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das 

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In Sri Gita (13.8-12), Sri Krishna says, “The objective of all philosophies is to know the Absolute Truth (Bhagavan Sri Krishna), tattva jnana artha darshana.”

Sri Krishna then explains how one can acquire this transcendental knowledge by cultivating 20 sattvic qualities beginning with humility, pridelessness, nonviolence, tolerance, and simplicity, amānitvam adambitvam, ahiṁsā kṣāntir arjavam. (BG 13.8)

Among all these methods and qualities, humility is the most important asset for attaining Krishna prema.  Humility invites bhakti into our hearts. Then by continual thoughts, feelings and expressions of divine humility, Bhakti-devi will luxuriantly grow more and more.

Humility is not just a posture or behavior; it’s a radiance from a heart duly purified by bhakti. In one sense, devotion means humility, for without it there is no devotion! By nature a true devotee is an abode of humility. 

Such a humble one will always feel anxiety and ever-increasing impatience to attain Radha Govinda; “I must see You, O Master and Mistress of my life. Please show Yourself to me!” 

Chinese philosophers say humility is the capacity to experience awe and wonder. Thus, a truly humble person will be attracted, amazed and appreciative of the beauty and grandeaur manifested by God, Nature, other devotees, fellow human beings, and other creatures as well. Whereas a proud person perceives the greatness of oneself alone and no others. 

Ego and humility go ill together. Ego present, humility gone. Humility present, ego gone—forever! Thus everywhere at all times, a sadhaka must remain humble in mind, feelings, words and dealings with all others. 

Sri Sanatana Goswami defines humility (dainya) thus: “Humility is a state in which, despite possessing all good qualities, one always thinks of oneself (buddhiḥ sadā ātmani) as being exceptionally unqualified, wretched and inferior. An intelligent person should carefully cultivate speech, behavior, and thinking that fixes one in utter humility, and avoid anything standing in the way of it. 

“Ordinary mundane humility can be developed by human effort. However, there is another type which is transcendental, and that humility comes by the mercy of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. And when humility is fully mature, Krishna prema develops without limit, paripākeṇa dainyasya, premājasraṁ vitanyate.” (Brhad Bh. 2.5.222-224) 

Our Gaudiya Vaisnava Namacharya Srila Haridasa Thakura is a most sterling example of humility. Throughout his life, Haridasa Thakura chanted his three lacs daily quota of Hare Krishna maha-mantra japa without fail. 

In addition, he vigorously preached Krishna consciousness to everyone he met, including brahmanas whom he taught the intricacies of nama-tattva and bhagavat-tattva. At the very end of his life, however, Sri Haridasa Thakura was so weak and frail that he was just lying on floor, fasting and chanting. 

Upon seeing his condition, Mahaprabhu said, “Since you are very old, Haridasa, you may now reduce your daily japa-sankhya because you have fully attained your siddha deha: prabhu kahe vṛddha hailā saṅkhyā alpa kara siddha-deha tumi.” (Cc. 3.11.24)

With the utmost realized humility, Srila Haridasa Thakura replied, “O Mahaprabhu! I was born without any caste, and my body is most offensive. I always engage in bad activities. Thus I am the lowest and most sinful, hīna-jāti janma mora nindya-kalevara, hīna-karme rata muñi adhama pāmara.

“Although I should not be seen or touched, Mahaprabhu You have saved me from hell and delivered me to Vaikuntha, dṛśya, aspṛśya more aṅgīkāra kailā, raurava ha-ite kāḍi’ more vaikuṇṭhe caḍāilā.” (Cc. 3.11.27-28)

In this pastime, Haridasa Thakura exhibits the perfection of humility to inspire all of us, children of the Kali age. By reading and reflecting upon such astonishingly humble words from the hearts of the realized and praying for their mercy, we the proud egotists, aspiring for love divine, will find the mercy and strength we need to finally drop all our falsities to live in the humble realm of the sweet lovers of Shyama. 

Jai Haridasa Thakura ki jai! Dainya bhava ki jai! Radha Govinda prema seva ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part six

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Vrnda-devi’s asta-kaliya-lila narration to Lord Shiva continued.

Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is, downloaded from Net.

Pradosh Lila 8:36-10:48 p.m.

Vrinda said, “O Muniji! There with his father, paternal uncles, their sons, and Baladeva, Krishna eats various kinds of foods like those that are chewed, those that are sucked etc. Even before Krishna entertains a desire, Radhika, through her friends, would send dressed foods to his house.

Hari, praising them, and eating them with his father etc. would, with the bards, go to the assembly hall. The friends (of Radha), that had come there having brought with them many foods, take (from his house) many kinds (of food) given by Yasoda there and also whatever is left over by Krishna.

Having brought all that, they inform Radhika of it. Radha too, along with her group of friends, having eaten it in order and being decorated by her friends, would be (ready) to meet by appointment (her lover i.e. Krishna).

‘From here on there some friend is sent away by me’. Met by her, Radhika, surrounded by her friends, and having put on a dress proper for white (i.e. bright) or black (i.e. dark) night goes to the chamber having divine jewels, near Yamuna.

Krishna also, seeing their curious things, then having heard delightful music from Katyayani, and having properly pleased them with (gifts of) wealth and grains, and propitiated by people, goes with his mother to His sleeping quarters.

Nisha Lila 10:48 p.m. to 3:36 a.m.

When Krishna’s mother departs, Krishna, having eaten, comes here—to the rendezvous—unnoticed and with his beloved. Both Radha-Madhava meet here and play in the groves of trees, with many sports, with Krishna’s dance with the cowherdess, accom-panied with singing and instrumental music and laughter.

Thus having spent two watches and a half of the night in sporting, the two desiring to sleep, enter, unnoticed by female birds, the bower. There, in the solitary place, the two sleep on a charming bed made of flowers and for sport, and are served by their female friends. Thus I have told you the full daily life of Hari. O Narada, even sinners who hear this narration are immediately liberated.” (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.91-105) Radha Govinda Yugala’s blissful lilas ki jai! Vrnda-Narada manjari sadhana shiksha ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part five

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Vrnda-devi’s asta-kaliya-lila narration to Lord Shiva continued.

Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is, downloaded from Net.

Aparahna Lila 3:36-6 p.m.

Vrinda-devi said, “O Naradaji! Then having heard the mutual wordy fight among the särikäs and the parrots, Radha-Madhava, desiring to go home, move out from that place. Having allowed his beloved (to go), Krishna would go to the cows.

Radha, accompanied by the circle of gopis goes to the Sun’s abode (temple). Having gone a little away from there, Hari, again, returning, after having put on the dress of a Brähmaëa, goes to the Sun’s abode. Requested by her friends, Sri Krishna would worship the Sun there, with Vedas (hymns), containing jokes and composed then only. Then the clever ones, having recognised their lover who makes himself known, merge in the ocean of joy, and do not know themselves or other (persons).

Sayana Lila 6-8:36 p.m.

Having thus passed two watches and a half in various sports, Radhe-Shyama go home, and Krishna would go (to the place) of the cows. O sage, Krishna, joining his friends, and taking the cows from all sides, comes playing upon the flute joyfully to Vraja.

Then, all like Nanda and others, so also women and children, hearing the sound of Hari’s flute, and also seeing the sky full of dust (raised) by the cows, give up all their jobs, and being eager to see Krishna go towards him.

Krishna also, joining all the residents of Vraja, on the royal path, at Vraja-gate—wherever they are—(honours all) as before in due order— by means of seeing them, touching them, speaking to them, looking them with a smile, saluting with words and physically the old cowherds, and saluting his parents and Rohini also (in such a way that) the eight parts (of the body touch the ground).

O Narada, so also Krishna’s beloved Radhaji with a modest side glance. Thus very much and properly respected by the residents of Vraja, having sent the cows to the cowstall, Govinda goes, after being request-ed by his parents to his abode with his brother.

Having bathed there, having drunk (milk), having eaten a little, and being allowed by his mother, Krishna, with a desire to milk the cows, again goes to the cowstall. Having milked them, and got them milked, having made some of them drink (water), be, being followed by hundreds of venerable men, Krishna goes home with his father. (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.76-90) More part six. Sri Krishna asta-kaliya-lila ki jai! Radha Govinda Yugala ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part four

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Vrnda-devi’s asta-kaliya-lila narration to Lord Shiva continued. Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is, downloaded from Net.

Madhyahna Lila 10:48 a.m. to 3:36 p.m.

Vrinda-devi said, “O Narada, please hear attentively. Having entered the forest and having played there with his friends for a while, Sri Krishna then gladly sports there, in the forest by means of various pastimes. Then, having deceived all, and surrounded by two or three friends, Sri Krishna, being eager to see his beloved, would gladly go to the rendezvous.

Radha too, who had come home, on seeing Krishna , goes, after deceiving her elders, under the pretext of Sun-worship etc. or for collecting flowers, to the forest with a desire to meet her lover. Thus Radha-Govinda, having, after many efforts, met in the forest, gladly sport there for the (whole) day with various pastimes.

Sometimes Radha-Govinda get upon a swing and are rocked to and fro by their friends. Sometimes, Hari, deceived by the bevies of his beloveds, is seen, searching his flute dropped from his hand, and hidden by his beloved. Sri Krishna, made to laugh by them by means of merriment, remains there.

At times Radha Govinda Yugala the forest endowed with vernal breezes, and sprinkle each other with water (mixed with) sandal, or with water (mixed with) saffron etc., released from syringes, or smear each other with mud. In the same way, the friends also sprinkle them (with water etc.) and Radha-Govinda also sprinkle them.

Then Radha-Govinda, O Narada, being tired due to many pastimes proper for the time in the groves endowed with vernal breezes on all sides, resort, with their attendants, to the root of a tree, and sitting on a divine seat, drink liquor.

O best sage. Then Radha-Govinda, intoxicated due to the liquor, with their eyes closed due to sleep, holding each other’s hands, being under the influence of Cupid’s arrows, and desiring to sport, enter, with their words and mind stumbling on the path. There Radha-Madhava sport like a female elephant and (the male elephant,) the lord of the herd.

All the friends also, intoxicated by wine, and with their eyes troubled by sleep (i.e. drowsy) sleep all around in the charming bowers. Again and again incited by his beloved, Krishna , the lord, would go near all, with a separate body (for each) and simultaneously.

Having satisfied all of them as a lord of elephants satisfies the female elephants, Sri Krishna would, along with his beloved Radharani and with them, go to the lake to sport.

Then Radha-Govinda, with their attendants, sport bet-ween themselves by sprinkling water (on each other). They are adorned with garments, garlands, sandal (-pastes), and also with divine ornaments. O sage, I have there, in a chamber full of divine gems, on the bank of the lake, already arranged fruits and roots.

Hari, having eaten first, and being clasped by his beloved, and being served by two or three (maids) would go to a bed made of flowers. There, being served (by them) with tämbulas, fans and shampooing of his feet, Sri Krishna laughing with them, and remembering his beloved rejoices.

Radhika too, when Hari is asleep, extremely delighted along with her attendants,. having put her heart into him, eats what is left over (by him). Having but eaten a little there, Radha would go to the bed-chamber to see her lover’s face as the female cakora bird sees the moon. The maids there have told (her) about his having chewed the tämbula. Kishori also chews tämbulas and distributes them among her dear friends.

Krishna too, desiring to hear their free mutual talk, though sleepless, covers himself with a piece of cloth,. appearing as if he is asleep. Those too, looking at one another in jest, and getting the hint from somewhere, biting their ton-gues with their teeth, look at one another’s face.

Merged as it were into the ocean of bashfulness, the sakhis do not say anything for a moment. Just after a moment, having removed the piece of cloth from his body, and saying ‘You were really asleep’ they laugh and make Krishna laugh too.

Thus sporting with the sakhis by means (of jokes etc. causing) laughter, and having, for a moment, experienced the pleasure of sleep, Shyama sits upon the seat gladly spread by the manjaris, and Radha-Govinda having mutually staked necklaces, kisses, embraces and garments, play with dice preceded by jocular talk.

Though defeated by his beloved Krishna, saying, ‘I have won’, pro-ceeds to seize Radha’s necklace etc. and is beaten by her. Thus beaten by Radha on his lotus-like face with her hand Krishna, being dejected in his mind, thinks of going. “If, O honourable lady, I am defeated, then accept what is staked (viz.) kisses etc. offered by me.”

On his saying so Kishori would act like that to see the crookedness of his eyebrows and to hear his words of reproach. (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.44-75) More part five. Radha-kunda nitya-lila ki jai! Radha Govinda Yugala seva ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part three

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

This is part of our Padma Purana raganuga sadhana article series. The ancient Vedic pramana titled Padma Purana tells how Narada once came to Vrindavana, and asked Vrinda-devi to tell him about Lord Hari’s daily eight-fold pastimes in Vrindavana, the asta-kaliya-lila.

Since this is a long discussion, we will present it in parts. By reading this, one learns that the Padma Purana is the source book for famous asta-kaliya-lila granthas written by various Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas in the 15th and 16th century. The famous Krishnaika Kaumudi, Govinda Lilamrta, and Krishna Bhavanamrta base their material on this Puranic authority.

Note: The following entries are unedited, presented as it is downloaded from Net.

Srimati Vrinda-devi said, “O Naradaji, now I will describe Radha-Krishna’s asta-kaliya-lila beginning with nishanta-lila.

Nishanta Lila 3:36-6 am.

O Narada, I shall also tell you the secret since you are a devotee of Krishna. In Vrindavana which is charming and adorned with fifty bowers, in a chamber with divine gems, in an arbour of the desire-yielding tree, Radha Govinda Yugala embracing each other remain (in a) sleeping (position), though later Radha-Govinda are awakened by birds obeying my orders.

Radha-Govinda have obtained great joy due to a close embrace and are afraid of its being disturbed. Radha-Govinda do not at all desire to get up from the bed. Then Radha-Govinda have to get up from their bed when awakened with various notes made on all sides and repeatedly by groups of sarikas and parrots etc.

Seeing Radha-Madhava seated gladly on the bed, the friends enter (the bower) and offer Lila Yugala services appropriate for that time. Then Radha-Madhava, having got up from the bed by the notes of sarikas, overcome with eagerness go to their respective houses.

Pratah Lila 6-8:36 a.m.

In the morning, Krishna, awakened by his mother, quickly gets up, and having with Baladeva brushed his teeth and being allowed by his mother, goes, being surrounded by his friends, to the cowstall.

O brahmana, Radha too, awakened by her friends, gets up from her bed, and having brushed her teeth would then smear her body with unctuous substances. Then Radharani goes to the quandrangular for bath. There Kishori is bathed by her friends.

(Then) Radha goes to the chamber for decoration, and there her friends decorate her with ornaments and various divine fragrant flowers and unguents. Then when, with effort, her friends request her mother-in-law and then Radhika is invited along with her friends by Yasoda to cook good food.

Narada said, “O Vrnda, how is it, O goddess, that Radha is invited by Yasoda to cook food, when there are foremost cooks like Rohini mata?”

Vrnda replied, “I have formerly heard from the mouth of Katyayani that in olden days she was granted a boon by Durvasa. And O great sage the boon was: ‘O respectable lady (Sri Radha), the food which is cooked by you, would be, as a result of my favour, sweet and vying with nectar, and would in the same way promote long life of the eater (of it).’

“Thus Narada, Yasoda, loving her son, every-day calls Radha to her home to cook Krishna’s breakfast. Yashoda is thinking, ‘my son, due to longing for sweet (food), would, (after eating it) live a long life.’

Allowed by her mother-in-law Jatila, Radha, being delighted, would go to the house of Nanda. Going there with the multitude of her friends she cooks there also. Krishna also, having milked the cows and having some others got milked by (other) men, comes home surrounded by his friends at the words (i.e. order) of his father.

Having smear-ed his body with unctuous substances and having had shampoo-ing and after being gladly bathed by servants, Shyama puts on washed garments, a garland, and has his body smeared with sandal.

With his neck and forehead shining due to the hair on his head separated and tied at two places, with the hair redden-ed by the dot on the forehead resembling the moon, and shining, with his hands delightfully glittering with jewelled bracelets, armlets, and bracelets worn on the upper arm, with his chest shining due to a pearl necklace, having put on ear-rings resembl-ing crocodiles.

Sri Krishna, holding the hand of his friend, and being followed by Baladeva, would enter the dining hall, after being again and again called by his mother. Then, surrounded by his friends and brother, making them laugh by means of (anecdotes etc. causing) laughter, and himself laughing with them, Gopala eats various kinds of food.

Having thus eaten (food), having sipped (water), having rested on a cot for a while, and distributing and chewing the tämbüla given by the servants.

Purvahna Lila 8:36-10:48 a.m.

Krishna, having put on the dress of a cowherd, with the flock of cows going ahead of him, followed on the path by all the residents of Vraja with love, having saluted his father and mother, and having sent back properly the host (following him) with a glance, would go to the forest. (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.18-44) more in part four. Radha-Krishna asta-kaliya-lila ki jai! Sri Vrnda-devi ki jai! Narada Muni ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part two

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

Lord Shivaji said, “O Narada, to perform raganuga bhakti sadhana one must meditate as follows:

“The sadhaka should meditate upon his eternal spiritual body as being a charming, beautiful young woman. This sakhi (manjari) knows many crafts and arts. Although the manjari is fit for Shyama’s enjoyment, she will refuse if solicited by Krishna.

“The manjari is a follower of Radhika, and she is completely devoted to serving Sri Radha. The manjari loves Radhika even more than Krishna. Throughout the day, the manjari serves to unite the Divine Couple, Radha Govinda. The manjari tastes the topmost bliss in serving Radha and Krishna.

&Thus meditating upon one’s eternal identity in this way, the raganuga sadhaka should meditate and serve Radha-Krishna from the earliest part of the day til late night. “ (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 83.1-11) Manjari svarupa dhyana ki jai! Tasting bliss in serving Radha ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Truth of Manjari Sadhana part one

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#RaganugaBhakti #GopiBhava #SadhanaBhakti #Radha #RadhaKrishna #Prema #ManjariBhava #Shiva #ManjariSvarupa

It is a most ancient and scripturally authorized sadhana practice. Manjari svarupa meditation and asta-kaliya-lila smarana are not “concoctions” “newly invented practices” or the kalpana of some Radha-kunda babajis.  

Unfortunately, although it is the rare gift from the preaching treasurehouse of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, some think that manjari bhava upasana, or the meditation upon one’s siddha deha and seva in Radha Govinda Yugala’s daily Vraja pastimes i.e. asta-kaliya lila, is just imagination without basis.

The truth is that for qualified bhaktas, the daily meditation upon one’s desired spiritual body i.e. siddha-deha or siddha svarupa is a most powerful and beneficial daily practice of sadhana originating in the ancient Puranas, and stressed in the Gaudiya Vaisnava granthas of the Goswamis like Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, Chaitanya Caritamrita, Raga Varma Candrika and Stavavali by  Sripad Dasa Goswamipada.

The Padma Purana, one of India’s oldest and most authentic scriptures, contains Lord Shiva’s answer to Narada Muni’s inquiry about how to practice raganuga sadhana bhakti.

“Shivaji said, ‘O Naradaji, once I met Sri Krishna in Vrindavana and Bhagavan taught me about Radha and how to attain Her eternal seva. At that time, Sri Krishna said, “’O Rudra, one who takes shelter of us (Radha-Krishna) or only My beloved Radhika and serves Radharani with unswerving devotion, he/she WILL COME TO ME!”’

Then Krishnaji said, “O Shiva, you should clearly know that My beloved Radhika is a great ista-devata, surrounded by hundreds and thousands of Her dearest girlfriends, the sakhis. My cows, gopas, gopis and this Vrindavana exist eternally. My Vrindavana is the place of unlimited bliss, so it is called “Ananda-kanda”. If one merely enters Vrajabhumi, they will never take rebirth again. Like Me,  Shivaji, you should always live in My Vraja!”

Narada replied, “O glorious Mahadeva, I am glad to hear this. Now please tell me how to practice raganuga sadhana.” (Padma Purana, patalakhanda cp. 82.73-88) More in part two.  Ananda kanda Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai! Ananda Vrindavana ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Shivaji Discovers Radha Kunda

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

ArrayhivaAndRadha ArrayadhaKunda ArrayrindavanaLilas Arrayadharani ArrayremaSarovara

One day during the wave of a kalpa rising and falling in the endless ocean of time, Shankara Mahadeva visited Vraja Mandala and came to Govardhana Hill.

Astonished, amazed, overwhelmed and plunged into the ocean of Krishna prema, he gazed at Radha-kunda. Entering a deep state of prema samadhi, then and there Shivaji saw the beautiful divine forms of Radha and Krishna, realized Their sweet all-attractive qualities, and became tantalized with enchantment upon seeing Their nitya lilas, going on right before his prema-filled eyes.

Mahadeva clearly saw and realized the oneness of Radha-kunda—Shyama-kunda with sakshat Mahabhava Prema-svarupini Radha and Rasikashekara Srngara Rasaraja Sri Krishna. To glorify the power, mercy and sweet beauty of Sri Radha-kunda, Shivaji, trembling in divine bliss, spontaneously uttered a beautiful prayer which he called “the king of all prayers”.

Concluding his stotram, Shivaji gave a benediction (shruti-phala) combining his prayer and the endless mercy Sri Radha-kunda. Shivaji said, “Any sādhaka who recites this stava 100 times (Pandas say 108) while standing inside Sri Radha-kunda up to the thighs, navel, chest or neck will attain complete perfection in (dharma, artha, kāma, mokṣa) and ATTAIN KRISHNA PREMA!

“Everything that sadhaka says will come true and he/she will obtain Sri Radhika’s darshana, seeing Her even with his present eyes! Being supremely pleased with that sadhaka, Sri Radha will also grant darshana of Her dearly beloved Syamasundara.

“Then Vrajadhipa Syama, the Master of Vraja-dhama, will grant one entrance into His eternal pastimes (asta-kaliya-lila). Other than this, nothing more is ever hankered for by sincere devotees.” (Urdhvāmnāya-tantra v. 16-19) [Just see the kindness! Can there be any other lila-sthali in Vraja Mandala more merciful and beautiful than Sri Radha-kunda.]

This wonderful, divinely empowered stotram, the king of all prayers, forever plays in the minds and hearts of all the Radha-kunda Vrajavasis. It regularly dances upon their lips as they gaze upon Srimati Radharani, and heart fully express their love, gratitude and appreciation to Swamini for the blessing of  their birth in Radha-kunda, the daily darshana of Her most compassionate and accessible divine form, and the most rarely attained golden opportunity of being able live in and serve Sri Radha Kunda.

All the brahmana children and others in Radha-kunda learn this prayer by the time they are five-years-old! And it is our constant prayer that birth after birth we will take birth in Sri Radha Kunda Dhama till that one merciful day when Lila Yugala grant me Their loving darshana and take me into Their eternal asta-kaliya-lilas…. ki jai!

For the pleasure of Radha Giridhari Shyama, Radha Ramana, Gopeshvara Mahadeva, Sri Advaita Prabhu, the Vrajavasis, Sri Gurudeva and all the devotees, we herein present Sri Shankara’s amazing prayer.

Śrī Rādhā-Kṛpā-Kaṭākṣa-Stava-Rāja

Spoken by Sri Shivaji to Sri Gaurī in Urdhvāmnāya-tantra

munīndra-vṛnda-vandite tri-loka-śoka-hāriṇī

prasanna-vaktra-paṅkaje nikuñja-bhū-vilāsini

vrajendra-bhānu-nandini vrajendra-sūnu-saṅgate

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (1)

1. Lord Siva said, Adored by all the best of sages, Radha removes all the miseries of the three worlds. Radha’s joyful face blooms like a lotus flower. In Vraja’s secret groves Radha delights in pastimes of love. Bhanunandini Radha is the charming daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and Radha always associates intimately with Sri Nandanandana. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?



varābhaya-sphurat-kare prabhūta-sampadālaye

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (2)

2. Radhika rests upon a flower throne beneath a canopy of creepers and boughs of Asoka. Kisori’s soft lotus feet radiate a pinkish glow like the rising sun or coral-colored freshly sprouted leaf buds. Rasesvari’s upraised hand bestows the benediction of fearlessness upon Her devotees. Radha is the abode of abundant opulences.  

Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?


savibhramaṁ sasambhramaṁ dṛganta-bāṇa-pātanaiḥ

nirantaraṁ vaśī-kṛta-pratīti-nanda-nandane

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (3)

3. Radha’s eyebrow brows, curving like bows, suddenly unleash the invincible arrows of Her sidelong glances, which pierce Nandanandana with amorous delusion and bring Syama into reverential submission. In this way, Kṛṣṇa eternally comes under Radha’s complete control. This is further enhanced by Srimati’s crookedly-bending eyebrows that dance with the most auspicious sportive interest of the god of love! Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?




kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (4)

4. Radhika’s form has a fair complexion brilliantly more effulgent than a combination of pure gold, lightning, and campaka flowers. The splendor of Candramukhi’s face defeats the glory of a million Autumn moons. Priyaji’s restless eyes, moving to and fro like young cakora birds, display astonishingly new and wonderful expressions at every moment. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?

madonmadāti-yauvane pramoda-māna-maṇḍite

priyānurāga-rañjite kalā-vilāsa-paṇḍite


kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (5)

5. Srimati Radhika is madly intoxicated with the beauty of Her own youth. Manini Radha is always adorned with Her pre-eminent ornament, that delightful sulking mood known as māna. Radha is colored by the delight of Her darling’s love for Her. Vilasini Radha is supremely expert in the art of loving affairs. In the incomparable realm of wonderful kuñjas, Kunjesvari is the most learned in all of love’s novelties. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?


prabhūta-śāta-kumbha-kumbha-kumbhi kumbha-sustani


kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (6)

6. Srimati Radhika is adorned with profound loving sentiments for Kṛṣṇa (e.g. anurāga, dhirādhira, kilakincita) that manifest as amorous gestures, ecstatic moods and gentle manners, which shine on Her person like a diamond necklace. Radha’s lovely breasts are plump like a pair of golden water pots or the cranial globes of a baby elephant. Radha resembles a swelling ocean of happiness full of (not water, but) the soft pollen of Her most glorious mild sweet smile. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?

mṛṇāla-vāla-vallarī taraṅga-raṅga-dor-late


lalal-lulan-milan-manojña mugdha-mohanāśrite

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (7)

7. Radhika’s soft arms are like fresh, delicate lotus stems playfully swaying in the waves of a river. The restless roving glances of Radha’s deep blue eyes dance seductively like vine-tips in the breeze. Radha’s playful and alluring movements entice lovely meetings, and fascinate Mohana Himself to take refuge in Her charms. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?  




kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (8)

8. Srimati Radhika wears a pure golden necklace on Her neck which is as graceful as a lovely conch enhanced with three lines. Sobhangi is decorated with small jasmine garlands, and ornaments made with glistening jewels of three colors (diamond, emerald and pearl) that swing from Radha’s trisūtra (three auspicious cords tied around the neck of a new bride). Sundari Radha’s luxuriant black tresses, artfully woven with clusters of colorful flowers, sway to and fro. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?




kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (9)

9. Radha’s rounded hips are decorated by a belt of dangling flowers. Tiny tinkling jewel-bells hang from the flower belt on Radhika’s charmingly slender waist. Vrndavanesvari’s most beautiful thighs taper gracefully like the sloping trunk of the king of the elephants. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?




kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (10)

10. Radharani’s captivating golden ankle bells, sweetly resounding with a host of Vedic mantras as She walks, resemble the warbling of a flock of royal swans. The elegant beauty of Gaurangi’s limbs as She walks along, mocks the grace of undulating golden creepers. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?




kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam? (11)

11. Srimati Radhika is humbly bowed to by all the Lord Brahmas in the countless millions of universes created by Lord Visnu. Rasapriya Radha is worshiped by Śrī Lakṣmī, the goddess of unlimited millions of Vaikuṇṭha planets, Śrī Pārvatī, Sarasvati, and Indrāṇī (Indra’s wife and daughter of Puloma) to attain benedictions from Her. Meditation on even one of Gandharvika’s radiant toenails grants an infinite variety of mystic perfections and opulent prosperities. Radha, O when will You shower upon me Your sidelong glance of mercy?

makheśvari! kriyeśvari svadheśvari sureśvari

triveda-bhāratīśvari pramāṇa-śāsaneśvari

rameśvari! kṣameśvari pramoda-kānaneśvari

vrajeśvari vrajādhipe śrī rādhike namo ’stu te (12)

12. O Makheśvari Radha, Queen of Vedic sacrifices (especially of the topmost yugala milana-yajña);

O Kriyeśvari Radha, Queen of all pious activities (Who are the root of all potencies, mūla-śakti);

O Svadheśvari Radha, Queen of all that is natural and spontaneous;

O Sureśvari Radha, Queen of all the demigods and goddesses;

O Triveda-bhāratīśvari Radha, Queen of all the knowledge of the three Vedas;

O Pramāṇa-śāsaneśvari Radha, Queen of the enforcement of all scriptural principles;

O Rameśvari Radha, Queen of all the goddesses of fortune (Ramā-devī, the goddess of fortune);

O Kṣameśvari Radha, Queen of forgiveness;

O Pramoda-kānaneśvari, Queen of the most pleasurable forest of Vrndavana;

O Vrajeśvari Radha, Queen of the entire realm of Vraja (especially of the delightful keli-kuñjas in Vṛndāvana);

O Vrajādhipe Radha, the owner, maintainer, and the one and only authority of Vraja;

O Sri Radhika! I perpetually forever offer my most respectful obeisances unto You! [O Radha, when will You mercifully make me Your dāsī and grant me the qualification to render service in Your amorous pastimes with the prince of Vraja?]


itīmam adbhutaṁ-stavaṁ niśamya bhānu-nandinī

karotu santataṁ janaṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam

bhavet tadaiva sañcita-tri-rūpa-karma-nāśanaṁ

bhavet tadā vrajendra-sūnu-maṇḍala-praveśanam (13)

13. O Vṛṣabhānu-nandinī! Upon hearing this most astonishing prayer, please make me the perpetual object of Your merciful glance. O Srimati Radhika! By the influence of Your causeless mercy, may all the reactions to my karma be destroyed and, realizing my internal identity as a mañjarī, may I enter the circle of Your confidential sakhīs to participate in Śrī Vrajendra-sūnu’s eternal pastimes in Sridhama Vrndavana.

rākāyāṁ ca sitāṣṭamyāṁ daśamyāṁ ca viśuddha-dhiḥ

ekādaśyāṁ trayodaśyāṁ yaḥ paṭhet sādhakaḥ su-dhiḥ

yaṁ yaṁ kāmayate kāmaṁ taṁ taṁ prapnoti sādhakaḥ

rādhā-kṛpā-kaṭākṣeṇa bhaktiḥ syāt prema-lakṣaṇā (14-15)

14-15. If a sādhaka with purified intelligence recites this prayer with a fixed mind on the lunar days known as the full-moon day, the bright (shukla) aṣṭamī, daśmī, ekādaśī and trayodaśī, then each and every one of his desires will be fulfilled.

“And by the merciful sidelong glance of Śrī Rādhā, he will obtain devotional service that has the special symptom of being imbued with pure, ecstatic love of God (prema).

16-19. Any sādhaka who recites this stava 100 times (Pandas say 108) while standing inside Sri Radha-kunda up to the thighs, navel, chest or neck will attain complete perfection in (dharma, artha, kāma, mokṣa) and ATTAIN KRISHNA PREMA! [If old,weak, ill or both], just sit in water up to waist]

“Everything that sadhaka says will come true and he/she will obtain Sri Radhika’s darshana, seeing Radharani with his present eyes! Being supremely pleased with that sadhaka, Sri Radha will also grant darshana of Her dearly beloved Syamasundara.

“Then Vrajadhipa Syama, the Master of Vraja-dhama, will grant one entrance into His own eternal pastimes of ecstatic daily sports (asta-kaliya-lila). Other than this, nothing more is ever hankered for by the sincere devotees.” (Urdhvāmnāya-tantra v. 16-19)

Shankara Bhagavan Mahadeva Gopeshvara ki jai! Radha-kunda ki jai! Shyama-kunda ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...