Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Gaudiya Paribhasa Sutras 0109019

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das
#ParibhasSutra #ImportantVerses #GaudiyaSiddhanta #BhagavatSar #Gita
What is a paribhasa sutra? It is often seen that one of the first few verses of a spiritual book or chapter presents its very essence. If it does, then this verse is called the paribhasa-sutra. Although usually appearing only once in a whole book or chapter, it is the regulator, the king ruling over all the other verses.

In other words, the paribhasa-sutra presents the sole purpose, conclusion and final message of the book ruling over and taking precedence over all the other ideas or teachings appearing in that book or chapter.

In Krishna Sandarbha (29), Sri Jiva Goswami says, “A paribhasa-sutra explains the proper method for understanding a book. It is the key shloka to understand the actual purport of a book or chapter, and a series of apparently unrelated facts and arguments that may follow.

“There may be millions of statements or verses in a book, but they are all regulated and subordinate to this one “the strongest” verse or superior statement, “the final word”, the paribhasa sutra, which is what the book is really about and the message it wants to convey.”

According to tattva-vichar (transcendent truth), Sri Jiva Goswami and other Gaudiya Vaisnava acharyas say the paribhasa-sutra of Bhagavatam is (1.3.28), krishnas –tu –bhagavan –svayam, which establishes Bhagavan Sri Krishna as the supreme and topmost personal form among all the Vishnu forms.

However, according to rasa-vichar, the consideration of rasa, divine love and bliss, the first verse of the Srimad Bhagavatam is the paribhasa-sutra, because it presents the adi-rasa, or madhurya-rasa of Radha and Krishna in Vrndavana, the ultimate conclusion and purpose of Srimad Bhagavatam.

Acharyas say that the paribhasa-sutra of Caitanya Caritamrta is (Cc. 1.1.4) because it describes the internal reason for Mahaprabhu’s advent i.e. giving the gift of Sri Radha’s mahabhava madhurya prema, and the beautiful service of Sri Radha as Her confidential maidservant, gopi/manjari.

Thus the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta follows the lead of its source, the Srimad Bhagavatam, by presenting and focusing mostly on the adi-rasa, the intimate loving pastimes of Rasaraja Sri Krishna and Mahabhavati Sri Radha in Sridham Vrndavana, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s ecstatic experience of Them.

samarpayitum–unnatojjvala –rasam,-sva-bhakti-sriyam
harih-purata-sundara, dyuti-kadamba-sandipitah

“May Shachinandan Sri Chaitanya, who is Sri Hari Himself appearing in a splendidly beautiful golden form in Kali-yuga to mercifully give the never before given special treasure of bhakti i.e. the brilliant and supreme, mahabhavamadhurya-prema of Sri Radha (unnatojjvala- rasam) and the beauty of Radha’s service as Her manjari (sva-bhakti-sriyam), always be manifest within the core of your heart.” Cc. 1.1.4)

Srila Prabhupada tika: “Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave madhurya-rasa, gopi-bhava, and the method of worship done by the gopis. Therefore, the six Goswamis of Vrndavana also followed the gopis. Gaudiya Vaisnavas especially worship Krishna in the madhurya-rasa while aspiring to become assistants of the gopis.” (BBT Folio: 740210BG.VRN)

“In Radha-Krishna lila, the gopis are simply helping Radha and Krishna combine together in the kunjas of Vrndavana, “jaya radha madhava kunja bihari”. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s contribution is Radha-Krishna lila, so we Gaudiyas worship Radha and Krishna.

“The idea of this verse (Cc. 1.1.4) is that if one becomes attracted to the loving affairs of Radha-Krishna, then one will forget the so-called amorous enjoyment in this material world.” (BBT Folio: Installation C-116 0108)

mmgd: Although many tattvas, rasas and truths are revealed in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, however, since (Cc. 1.1.4) IS THE PARIBHASA SUTRA, everyone must accept that its essential teaching, real meaning and ultimate message is Radha-Krishna madhuyra-lila, gopi-bhava and the eternal loving service of SrimatiRadharan i in Vrndavana.

One may quote Sri Caitanya Caritamrta to argue so many personal prejudices or viewpoints, but in truth, the actual meaning and purpose of Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja’s wonderful book is perfectly clear.

Summarizing all the shrutis and smrtis, Sri Rupa Goswamipada gives the most perfect definition of shuddha-bhakti or pure devotion. It is the paribhasa-sutra of his most excellent Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.1.11), and it appears in the mangalacaran, auspicious prayers beginning the book. Since we are practicing bhakti-yoga, the way of pure divine love, every genuine Gaudiya should perfectly know this verse. Srila Prabhupada quoted it 394 times in his books and classes!

anyabhilashita–shunyam, gyana –karmad -yanavritam,
anukulyenakrishnanu, shilanambhaktiruttama
“Pure bhakti means maintaining a positive, spiritually-charged and favourable attitude, and enthusiastically engaging all the activities of one’s body, mind and words in the joyful service of Bhagavan Sri Krishna solely for the happiness and pleasure of Sri Krishna.

“Such uttama-bhakti is completely devoid of all ulterior, selfish motives; totally free from aparadhas (vaishnav, nam, seva and jiva); and it is not mixed with GYAN (mundane views and philosophies), KARMA (selfish reward gaining pujas, yagnas, homas, etc.); YOGA, astrology or anything else.”

This verse establishes the purpose and essential teaching of the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu which is the topmost pure devotion.Sri Rupa Goswamipada shows in the book that Srimati Radharani and the Vraj agopis are the supreme and topmost pure devotees of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Although the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, like the SrimadBhagavatam and Sri Caitanya Caritamrta describes other tattvas and rasas , its ultimate conclusi on is madhurya-rati, Radhika and the damsels of Vraja because they exemplify the topmost standard of pure devotion, uttama-bhakti.

Acharyas say the paribhasa-sutra of Sri Bhagavad-gita is (10.8):
aham -sarvasya-prabhavo, mattah -sarvampravartate
iti-matva-bhajante–mam, buddha–bhava-samanvivitah
Bhagavan Sri Krishna says, “I manifest everything both material and spiritual,and [as Paramatma] make everything work and move. Knowing this well, the intelligent worship Me with all their hearts.”

mmgd: To underscore its significance, Srila Prabhupada quoted this verse 277 times in his books and classes! Krishna says I manifest everything, so “everything” must also include Srimati Radharani, the gopi/manjaris, bhava, mahabhava and Vrajadham. Sri Krishna says budha–bhava-samanvitah, intelligent persons worship Me with bhava. Since SrimatiRadharani worships Krishna with the topmost bhava, MAHABHAVA, Sri Radha is certainly by far the most intelligent of all.

The word “samanvitah” means decorated, accompanied, following or with a relationship. Thus Krishna’s words bhava –samanvitah means in a relationship with bhava or the mahabhava of Srimati Radharani. So for the devotees and bhava-bhaktas, this means cherishing gopi-bhava in relationship with Radhika as Her intimate serving maid following the path of raganuga-bhakti.

Thus, according to tattva-vichar, the paribhasa-sutra of Bhagavad-gita is (10.8), which establishes that Sri Krishna, the source of everything, is best worshiped by bhava-bhaktas, and especially by the MAHABHAVA of Srimati Radharani and Her gopi/manjaris.

However, according to rasa-vichar, the paribhasa-sutra of Gita is (18.65), which Sri Krishna Himself says is the sarva –guhyatamam, the topmost secret of all secret spiritual teachings in Gita; it’s very core and essence.

man -manah -bhava -mad -bhakto,
mad -yaji -mam –namaskuru
mam –evaishyasi –satyam –te
pratijane –priyo –si -me
Sri Krishna says, “Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer obeisances unto Me. Then certainly you will come to Me. I promise you this because you are My very dear friend.” (Bg. 18.65)

mmgd: Here Sri Krishna mentions bhava, surrender and becoming His priya-jana, dear one. Srimati Radharani is the fullest embodiment of this verse because Sri Radha constantly thinks only of Krishna and Radha is the topmost of all Krishna devotees.

And because Kishori worships Krishna with Her every breath, thought, word, deed and dream, Radha is always with Krishna. For Krishna, Sri Radha is His one and only best sweet heart and dearly beloved PRIYAJI. And for Radha, Krishna is Her PRIYATAM! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Thus in closing, we see that just like all the other essential books of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, i.e. Bhagavatam, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu and Caitanya Caritamrta, the Bhagavad-gita also describes different tattvas and rasas. However, if one closely examines Gita, one will see that its ultimate conclusion is madhurya-rati, Radhika and the damsels of Vraja.

This is why acharyas say the Gaudiya Sampradaya is a raganuga-sampradaya teaching Vraja bhakti and the eternal loving service of Sri SriRadha-Govinda Yugala in gopi-bhava, following the moods and feelings of Srimati Radharani and the cowherd damsels of Vrajabhumi. Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
Paribhasa-sutra ki jai! Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya ki jai! Sri Guru ki jai! 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Seeing Radha Through Krishna’s Eyes 0409019

mahanidhimadangopal das
#Radhastami #RadhaKrishna #SeeingRadha #KrishnaGlorifies #Radharani

One day in Goloka Vrindavana, Shyama sat alone under the shade of a beautiful flowering kadamba tree that was filling the entire forest with a sweet fragrance reminiscent of Radharani. Becoming absorbed in vivid memories of His sweet beloved, Krishna spontaneously began glorifying Radha with the choicest words full of love.

Brilliant green parrots gathered in the branches, curious innocent deer collected nearby, and swans floated in the peaceful waters of the Yamuna. All were stunned in bliss and spellbound in amazement to hear what Shyam was saying.

Contemplating within Himself, –vichar –antare 238,
Krishna said:
cin-maya –purna -tattva, radhika –prem –unmatta
“I am full of spiritual truth, but Radhika’s love makes me mad. 122
na –jani –radha –prema –bal, kare -sarvada -vihval
What is that power of Radha’s love by which Radha always overwhelms Me? 123

Everywhere, everyone says I am the adi-guru, jagat-guru, spiritual master of the universe. But now I know the real truth is this:

radhika –prem –guru, ami –shishya –nat
ama –nana –nrtye, nachaya -udbhat
 “Radhika’s prem is the Guru. I am Her dancing disciple. Radha’s sweet love always makes Me dance in wonderful ways 124.

radha –prem –vibhu, 
kshane –kshane –baday –sadai
“Although Radha’s love is all-pervading, it increases at every second.” 128

While Shyam was praising His beloved Priya, He suddenly remembered Her divine form and how Radhika’s rupa, gandha, shabdha, rasa, sparsha and vritti completely attract and captivate all His senses of seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, touching and thinking.

Krishna continues speaking: “Ten million Cupids are conquered by My matchless, unsurpassed sweet beauty. But My eyes find the greatest happiness in seeing Radha. 242-3

vamshi –gitakarshay –tri -bhuvan
radha –vacane –hare -shravan
My flute song attracts the three worlds. But Radha’s voice fully enchants My ears. 244

amara –gandha –jagat –sugandha.
chitta –prana –hara, radha –anga –gandha
The fragrance of My body fills the universe with sweet aromas. But the naturally sweet scent of Sriji’s limbs fully enthralls My mind and heart. 245

amara –rasa -jagat -sarasa
radhara –adhara –ras –kar –vasha
Although My rasas fill the world with sweetness, I am totally controlled and subjugated by the sweet taste of Radha’s lips. 246

amara –sparsha –kotindu -shital
radhika –sparsha –amasushital
Although My touch is cooler than ten million moons, I am completely refreshed by the cooling caress of Kishori. 247

jagat -sukha –hetu, radha – rupa -jivatu
Although I am the cause of happiness in the world, Radhika’s sweet beauty is My life and sou. 248

anya –sanga –yata –sukha –pai, radha -sukha –shata -adhikai
I get a hundred times more happiness from meeting Radha than from anyone else.” 258

Somehow by divine arrangement, that very Queen of Shyam’s heart suddenly appeared at that lonely spot beside the Yamuna. Seizing the opportunity to flatter the cherished treasure of His heart, Gopinatha said:

“O Devi! Your divinely attractive body is the source of all beauty.
O Sulochana, Your radiant cherry-red lips are softer than the sense of immortal sweetness.
O Pranapriya! The effulgent orb of Your perfectly shaped face bears the aroma of a lotus.

O Radha! Your heart-touching, honey sweet words silence the soothing warbling of the cuckoo.
O Sriji! Your shapely golden limbs are cooler than sandalwood.

Actually, O Shyamaa! Each and every one of My senses floods with bliss whenever I am with You, who are the abode of the most attractive and sensational qualities.”
Jai Jai Sri Radheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Verses numbered above are from “Sri CaitanyaCaritamrta” adi-lila, chapter four.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Radharani’s Three Day Party 0509019

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

#Radhastami #AppearanceRadha #Varsana #Janmotsava #KrishnaJayani

To celebrate Sri Krishna’s Janmotsava every year, King Vrshabhanu, Rani Kirtida, Radharani and their whole family stay four days in Nanda Baba’s palace (Bhadra Krishna 7-10th).

Two weeks later, Nanda Maharaj, Yashoda Maa, Krishna and family come to Varshana and stay three days in King Vrshabhanu’s palace to celebrate Srimati Radhika’s birthday. From the first to the 8th day of thebright half of Bhadra month, King Vrshabhanu elaborately decorates all the homes and streets in Varsana in preparation for Radha’s appearance. Musicians and drummers purify the atmosphere with a continuous flow of auspicious songs and ragas.

Two days before Radhashtami, Vrshabhanu Maharaj sends Sridham to invite Nanda Baba and family to come honor Sri Radha’s birthday. On the 7th morning, Nanda Baba, Sri Krishna and Their family come to Varshana in bullock carts, palanquins and by walking. Kirtidarani and Vrshabhanu Maharaj warmly greet them, arrange their rooms and feed them nicely.

Sri Radha, Lalita-sakhi, Vishakha-sakhi and other gopiyutheshvaris cook rice, puris, sabjis and kheer, which is offered to Bhagavan Narayana and then served out to all the guests.  Sri Radhika and the gopis lovingly quarrel over serving first. Yashoda pacifies everyone by making different lines with a different sakhi serving each one. After eating, everyone rests in their guestrooms.

As per the usual asta-kaliyalilaschedule, Sri Radha cooks something for Krishna. Then carrying these items, Srimati and all go to Radha-kunda, meet Krishna, and enjoy Their midday pastimes.

In the morning of Radhashtami, everyone watches Radhika’s grand abhisheka performed by Gargi, daughter of the kula-guru Garga Rishi. Musicians play vinas,dolaks, mrdangas, dundubhisand pakhowajas. Paurnamasi blesses Radha with different mantras. After bathing Radhawith herbal water, panchaamrit and gavya, a hundred pots of water, and a huge conch showering water through the 1,000 jalpatra, Sri Radha is anointed with fragrant oils, musk, sandal and camphor and dressed.

The manjaris offer a beautiful arati to Radharani. Yashoda Maa offers blessings and wonderful gifts of costly clothes and ornaments to both Sri Radha and Her yutheshvaris. Vrshabhanu Maharaj and Radharani donate ornamented cows and calves. Then Radhika and Her sakhis take some prasada and then start cooking a feast.
In jest, Yashoda Maa says to Kirtida, “Sakhi, you are so hard hearted that you make tender Radha cook so much!” Kirtida replies, “Because our Radhika got a unique boon to cook nectar-filled health foods, my Prabhu Vrshabhanu wants you and Nanda Maharaja to savor Radha’s delicious preparations today. After Radha and the sakhis finish cooking, Yashodarani blesses them all and has some manjaris fan Radha to remove Her fatigue. 

The Yogurt Game
Later everyone proceeds to the bank of Bhanukhor, King Vrishabhanu’s bathing tank on the east side of Varshana hill. Then like Janmashtami, everyone starts playing Dadhikada, a game of throwing yogurt, butter and milk on each other. Afterwards, according to age and gender, everyone bathes in different corners of Bhanukhor, eats and takes rest.

Later Sri Radha goes to Radha-kunda and enjoys all Her usual pastimes with Krishna. The only exception to Their daily asta-kaliyalila flow is that for these three days, Sri Krishna is staying with Radha in Her own palace in Varshana!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Naumi Lilas

The next morning in Varshana, Radha-Krishna and the gopis bathe, eat and go out to perform Their usual morning pastimes. At noontime, Radha-Krishna and the gopis go to Mor Kutir in Varshana and Krishna entertains the gopikas by dancing like a peacock. Then Radha and Krishna throw laddus to all the sakhis. Later in the midday, Radha and Krishna dance the Rasa in a secret place in Gehvara, Radha’s personal garden/forest just near Her father’s palace.

In the late afternooneveryone returns to the palace.At that time, Sri Krishna, Nanda Baba and his family take leave from King Vrshabhanu and return home to Nandagram in the topmost bliss.
Sri Radha’s three day janmotsava ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Radharani’s Manjaris: Tattva & Lilas 003

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das #Manjaris #RaganugaBhakti #Gopis #Radharani #RadhasSeva #VrajaPrema This series of posts will present facts...